English Language & IT Skills
for International Students
(business studies)
Take the first step!
Do you need to improve your skills in English Language and at the same time gain IT skills, Customer Service Skills and qualifications? Then this course is designed specially for you. Completion of the course will allow you to get employment or study at a higher level. The college has state of the art digital language laboratories. Fluency in English is the main focus of this course.
This course provides a high level of class contact time. Students enjoy the benefits of a very strong teacher-directed, student focused course. It is designed to build confidence in students’ ability to work and socialise comfortably in the English language.
Applicants will be required to take an assessment to determine their level of competency in the English language. This enables the college to place students in appropriate classes. An offer of a place on this course is contingent on the applicant meeting the entry requirements set out here and satisfactory presentation at interview.
September to May.
See fees & payment for details.
- QQI Level 5 Business Studies 5M2102
- QQI Component Maths 5N1833 (available as an option in the evening for learners requiring Maths for progression).
Communications - 5N0690
Acquire the writing skills needed for the workplace, learn to speak fluently and coherently in a professional setting, develop interpersonal skills and have an understanding of the impact of ICT on society.
Digital Presentations - 5N0653
Design, create and deliver a presentation to include Clip art, video clips, hyperlinks, animation effects and apply transitions and timings for slides. Evaluate the implications of the choice of venue to include lighting, room size, power points, audience size etc.
Customer Service - 5N0972
Apply the personal skills, qualities and attitudes required to perform effectively when dealing with customers. Handle a range of challenging situations, demonstrate team or group work in providing customer care. Look at practical examples of organisations with good customer care and their success.
English as a second Language - 5N1632
Improve your use of the English language and learn a wide range of language skills, both oral and written for a variety of situations such as social and work environments.
Spreadsheet Methods - 5N1977
Produce a spreadsheet that meets a simple design specification and is fit for purpose. Learn a range of spreadsheet features such as data and cell formatting techniques, conditional IF statements, financial, date and time functions. Generate a variety of types of graphs from spreadsheet data. Automate routine multi-step tasks through the creation, execution and management of simple macros.
Business Administration Skills - 5N1610
Examine a range of recruitment options for selecting and appointing staff and current employment rights legislation. Maintain a range of documents pertaining to HR management and employees including employment contracts, attendance records etc. Explore sources of finance for a business including cash-flow. Examine different types of meetings held and complete a range of documentation necessary for the effective function of a meeting. Explain the role of quality systems.
Work Experience - 5N1356
Planning, preparation and reflection on work placement. Job finding strategies, CV and personal statement preparation, interview skills. Practise employability skills with a view to future planning.
Marketing Practice - 5N1400
Conduct a SWOT analysis. Develop a marketing plan for a specific product or service. Examine the life cycle of a range of products including new product development. Explain the elements of the marketing mix. Carry out market research applying appropriate techniques and research methodologies.
State of the Art VR Training (Body Swaps) – We offer students the unique opportunity to enhance their soft skills using an advanced AI-powered learning platform. This cutting-edge technology allows learners to engage in realistic, immersive simulations helping to build essential skills like communication skills, customer service and diversity and inclusion. Get personal feedback and be prepared for real-world challenges.
- Students participate in a number of small trips locally to enhance learning of Irish culture.
When does the course start?
The course starts in early September. The course finishes at the end of May.
Do you have to do all 8 modules?
Yes, in order to get a QQI Level 5 qualification.
Do you have classes every day?
Subjects can be timetabled between 9 and 5 Monday to Thursday and 9.00 to 2.00 on Fridays.
Do you need to do an English language test?
Yes, so we can place you in the correct class for your level of English.
How do I find out about the test?
Once you have applied for the course you will get information on this test.
How do I apply for the course?
- Via the website: morrisonsislandcampus.ie if you have a PPS number: Just click on the Apply Now link.
General Information
A full-time course in Further Education QQI level 5.
You are required, to complete 8 modules (subjects) to pass the course and get a QQI level 5 qualification.
English as a second language is an important part of the course and receives more teaching hours than any of the other subjects (extra tutorials in English also available). All subjects are taught through English however it is not an ‘English language only’ course.
- English
- Communications
- Customer Service
- Marketing Practice
- Digital Presentations
- Business Administration Skills
- Work Experience
- Spreadsheet Methods
In order to get information on a PPS number click HERE. You will only get a PPS number if you are resident in Ireland.
Students undertake a block work placement of 2 weeks in a business/industry environment. Work placement is a highly valued component of the student experience here at the college. An excellent opportunity for you to gain insight into the world of work. Students are encouraged to source their own Work Placement but you will be supported by the Work Placement team should you need assistance to do this.
Some of our popular progression opportunities include:
- Morrison’s Island Campus: Progress to one of the Morrison’s Island Campus Advanced Business Specialisms, subject to entry requirements being met.
- MTU Cork: Business (MT550).
- UCC: Commerce (CK201) (QQI Maths required which is available as an extra component in the evenings).
Excellent progression opportunities to other Higher Education colleges. Special arrangements in place with MTU Cork (CCPS), MTU Kerry and SETU (Waterford & Carlow) for preferential entry for students of Morrison’s Island locations. Go to our progressions database for exact requirements on progressions for this course.
Customer service, contact/call centres, receptionists, and administration positions requiring bi-/multilingual skilled individuals with an awareness of good customer service and excellent telephone technique.
Email: englishandit@morrisonsislandcampus.ie
Tel: (021) 4223 838