Cork College of FET Morrison's Island Campus


Cork College of FET Morrison's Island Campus


Cork College of FET Morrison's Island Campus


Progressions Search (QQI Degree Links)

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Morrison's Island Campus Course:
                                   CAO Course:
  Confirmed for 2024   Unconfirmed for 2024
QQI Course NameCAO CodeCAO Course NameEntry YearMinimum Grade RequiredSpecial SchemesComment
 Accounting TechnicianMT941Business Studies L8 (Kerry)Year 2Full AwardAdvanced Progression AgreementYear 2
 Accounting TechnicianMT942Accounting L8 (Cork)Year 2 Full AwardPlaces subject to availability
 Accounting TechnicianMTUAccounting L8 (Cork)Year 3Full AwardBridging modules required (6 modules over an academic year)/Part time programme
 Accounting TechnicianSE408Accounting L8 (Waterford)Year 2Full AwardSETU linked course
 Accounting TechnicianSE408BA in AccountingYear 2Full Award
 Accounting TechnicianUS960Accounting L8 (Online)Year 2Full AwardDirect application to TUS applications office (exempt from Law in Year 2) - 2025 entry
 Accounts AdministratorCK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Accounts AdministratorCK104Arts with Music L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass Music Entrance Test & 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Accounts AdministratorCK105Film & Screen Media L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Accounts AdministratorCK108Arts (International) L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Accounts AdministratorCK109English L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Accounts AdministratorCK110World Languages Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes, Leaving Cert H3 in a language other than English
 Accounts AdministratorCK112Theatre & Performative Practices L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass in the Theatre & Performative Practices Test, 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Accounts AdministratorCK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Accounts AdministratorCK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Accounts AdministratorCK122Government & Political Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Accounts AdministratorCK201Commerce L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Accounts AdministratorCK203Business Information Systems L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833/5N18396 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Accounts AdministratorCK212Applied Economics L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Accounts AdministratorCK213Food Marketing & Entrepreneurship L8Year 15 D + 3 PAt least a Pass in Maths 5N1833 or 5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066 or Business Admin 5N1610. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Accounts AdministratorCK214International Development L8Year 15 D + 3 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Accounts AdministratorCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Accounts AdministratorCK302Law & French L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC French or distinction in French 5N1623. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Accounts AdministratorCK304Law & Irish L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC Irish or distinction in Irish 5N1631. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Accounts AdministratorCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Accounts AdministratorDK710Business & Management L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 M
 Accounts AdministratorDK711Business & Technology L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 M
 Accounts AdministratorMH403Accounting and FinanceYear 15 D + 3 P O4/H7 in LCE Maths or Distinction in QQI Maths 5N1833 OR 5N2066
 Accounts AdministratorMH407Businesss and AccountingYear 15 D + 3 PO4/H7 in LCE Maths or Distinction in QQI Maths 5N1833 OR 5N2066
 Accounts AdministratorMI016Education, Business Studies and AccountingYear 15 D + 3P O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833/5N2066
 Accounts AdministratorMI017Education, Business Studies and Religious StudiesYear 15 D + 3PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths)
 Accounts AdministratorMI019Education, Gaeilge and Business StudiesYear 1 5 D + 3 PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths) and H5 in LC Irish
 Accounts AdministratorMI022Education, Home Economics & Business StudiesYear 15 D + 3 PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths)
 Accounts AdministratorMT541Business (Specalism in Accounting/Marketing or MGT) L7 (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 Accounts AdministratorMT550Business L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Accounts AdministratorMT551Business Technology & Communication L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Accounts AdministratorMT941Business (Common Entry) L8 (Kerry)Year 13 D +5P
 Accounts AdministratorMT942Accounting L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSDistinction in Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066
 Accounts AdministratorMT943Marketing L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Accounts AdministratorMT944Business Information Systems L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 1 M + 4 PCCPSAt least a Merit in Maths 5N1833 or 5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066 OR LCE O3/H7
 Accounts AdministratorSE200Arts L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Accounts AdministratorSE400Business L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Accounts AdministratorSE404Law L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Accounts AdministratorSE406Criminal Justice Studies L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Accounts AdministratorSE408Accounting L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Accounts AdministratorSE412International Business L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Accounts AdministratorSE413Business Information Systems L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Accounts AdministratorSE415Business L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full awardSETU linked course
 Accounts AdministratorSE420Higher Certificate in Business L6Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Accounts AdministratorSE422Legal Studies L6 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Accounts AdministratorSE933Recreation & Sport Management L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Accounts AdministratorUS840Business L8 (Athlone)Year 1 3 D + 5 P
 Accounts AdministratorUS846Accounting with Finance L8 (Athlone)Year 1 3 D + 5 P
 Accounts AdministratorUS848Business and Law L8 (Athlone)Year 1 3 D + 5 P
 Advanced Business & AdministrationCK201Commerce L8Year 25 D + 3PDistictions required in Business Management 6N4310 and Communications 6N1950 AND three Distinctions from Applied Economics 6N4091, Business Law 6N4045, Finance 6N4165, HRM 6N3750, Marketing Management 6N4188 or Spreadsheets 6N4089
 Advanced Business & AdministrationCK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business & AdministrationCK104Arts with Music L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass Music test &6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business & AdministrationCK105Film & Screen Media L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business & AdministrationCK108Arts (International) L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business & AdministrationCK109English L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business & AdministrationCK110World LanguagesYear 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes. H3 in LC language other than English OR Distinction in Level 5 French, German, Irish, Italian, Polish, Russian, Slovak or Spanish
 Advanced Business & AdministrationCK112Theatre & Performative Practices L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass in the Theatre & Performative Practices Test, 6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business & AdministrationCK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business & AdministrationCK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business & AdministrationCK122Government & Political Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business & AdministrationCK201Commerce L8Year 15 D + 3 PAt least a pass in Business Management 6N4310 or Maths 6N3395. 6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business & AdministrationCK201Commerce L8Year 25 D + 3PDistictions required in Business Management 6N4310 and Communications 6N1950 AND three Distinctions from Applied Economics 6N4091, Business Law 6N4045, Finance 6N4165, HRM 6N3750, Marketing Management 6N4188 or Spreadsheets 6N4089
 Advanced Business & AdministrationCK203Business Information Systems L8Year 15 D + 3 PAt least a pass in Business Management 6N4310 or Maths 6N3395. 6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as on of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business & AdministrationCK212Applied Economics L8Year 15 D + 3 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes. Pass in 6N4310 Business Management
 Advanced Business & AdministrationCK213Food Marketing & Entrepreneurship L8Year 15 D + 3 PAt least a pass in Business Management 6N4310 or Maths 6N3395. 6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business & AdministrationCK214International Development L8Year 15 D + 3 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business & AdministrationCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business & AdministrationCK302Law & French L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC French or Distinction in 6N2399 French. 6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business & AdministrationCK304Law & Irish L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC Irish or Distinction in 6N2398 Irish. 6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business & AdministrationCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business & AdministrationMI016Education, Business Studies and AccountingYear 1 4 D + 4 PLC Maths (O6/H7)or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066
 Advanced Business & AdministrationMI017Education, Business Studies and Religious StudiesYear 14 D + 4 PLC Maths (O6/H7)or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066
 Advanced Business & AdministrationMT541Business (Specalism in Accounting/Marketing or MGT) L7 (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 Advanced Business & AdministrationMT541Business (Specalism in Accounting/Marketing or MGT) L7 (Kerry)Year 2Full AwardAdvanced Progression Agreement3 Distinctions and 5 Passes achieved in Level 5 5M2102/5M2468
 Advanced Business & AdministrationMT550Business Studies L7 (Cork)Year 1Full awardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Advanced Business & AdministrationMT550Business Studies L7 (Cork)Year 25 M + 3 PCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Advanced Business & AdministrationMT941Business (Specialism in Accounting, Mktg or Mgt) L8 (Kerry)Year 2Full AwardAdvanced Progression Agreement3 Distinctions and 5 Passes achieved in Level 5 5M2102/5M2468
 Advanced Business & AdministrationMT941Business (Specialism in Accounting, Mktg or Mgt) L8 (Kerry)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Advanced Business & AdministrationMT942Accounting L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSDistinction in Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066
 Advanced Business & AdministrationMT943Marketing L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Advanced Business & AdministrationMT944Business Information Systems L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 1 M + 4 PCCPSLC Maths (O3/H7) or Merit in QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Advanced Business & AdministrationSE200Arts L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Advanced Business & AdministrationSE404Law L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Advanced Business & AdministrationSE406Criminal Justice Studies L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Advanced Business & AdministrationSE408Accounting L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Advanced Business & AdministrationSE410Marketing & Digital Media L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Advanced Business & AdministrationSE413Business Information Systems L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Advanced Business & AdministrationSE415Business L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Advanced Business & AdministrationSE415Business L7 (Waterford)Year 2Full AwardSETU linked course
 Advanced Business & AdministrationSE419Retail Management L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Advanced Business & AdministrationSE420Business L6 (Waterford, Carlow or Wexford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Advanced Business & AdministrationSE420Business L6 (Waterford, Carlow or Wexford)Year 2Full AwardSETU linked course
 Advanced Business & AdministrationSE422Legal Studies (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Advanced Business & AdministrationSE422Legal Studies (Waterford)Year 23 M + 5 PSETU linked courseMerits required in 2 Law modules
 Advanced Business & AdministrationSE933Recreation & Sport Management L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Advanced Business - Legal SpecialismCK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business - Legal SpecialismCK201Commerce L8Year 15 D + 3 PAt least a pass in Business Management 6N4310 or Maths 6N3395. 6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business - Legal SpecialismCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business - Legal SpecialismCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business - Legal SpecialismMI016Education, Business Studies and AccountingYear 1 4 D + 4 PLC Maths (O6/H7)or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066
 Advanced Business - Legal SpecialismMI017Education, Business Studies and Religious StudiesYear 14 D + 4 PLC Maths (O6/H7)or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066
 Advanced Business - Legal SpecialismMT550Business Studies L7 (Cork)Year 1Full awardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Advanced Business - Legal SpecialismMT550Business Studies L7 (Cork)Year 25 M + 3 PCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Advanced Business - Legal SpecialismMT941Business (Specialism in Accounting, Mktg or Mgt) L8 (Kerry)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Advanced Business - Legal SpecialismSE404Law L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Advanced Business - Marketing SpecialismA7222BBs in Business Studies (Marketing & Management) L7 (Limerick)Year 3Full AwardTUS (Limerick)Direct application to faculty/Acceptance on a case by case basis
 Advanced Business - Marketing SpecialismCK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business - Marketing SpecialismCK104Arts with Music L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass Music test & 6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business - Marketing SpecialismCK105Film & Screen Media L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business - Marketing SpecialismCK108Arts (International) L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business - Marketing SpecialismCK109English L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business - Marketing SpecialismCK110World LanguagesYear 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes. H3 in LC language other than English OR Distinction in Level 5 French, German, Irish, Italian, Polish, Russian, Slovak or Spanish
 Advanced Business - Marketing SpecialismCK112Theatre & Performative Practices L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass in the Theatre & Performative Practices Test, 6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business - Marketing SpecialismCK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business - Marketing SpecialismCK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business - Marketing SpecialismCK122Government & Political Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business - Marketing SpecialismCK201Commerce L8Year 15 D + 3 PAt least a pass in Business Management 6N4310 or Maths 6N3395. 6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business - Marketing SpecialismCK203Business Information Systems L8Year 15 D + 3 PAt least a pass in Business Management 6N4310 or Maths 6N3395. 6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as on of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business - Marketing SpecialismCK212Applied Economics L8Year 15 D + 3 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes. Pass in 6N4310 Business Management
 Advanced Business - Marketing SpecialismCK213Food Marketing & Entrepreneurship L8Year 15 D + 3 PAt least a pass in Business Management 6N4310 or Maths 6N3395. 6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business - Marketing SpecialismCK214International Development L8Year 15 D + 3 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business - Marketing SpecialismCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business - Marketing SpecialismCK302Law & French L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC French or Distinction in 6N2399 French. 6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business - Marketing SpecialismCK304Law & Irish L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC Irish or Distinction in 6N2398 Irish. 6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business - Marketing SpecialismCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business - Marketing SpecialismMT541Business (Specalism in Accounting/Marketing or MGT) L7 (Kerry)Year 2Full AwardAdvanced Progression Agreement3 Distinctions and 5 Passes achieved in Level 5 5M2102/5M2069
 Advanced Business - Marketing SpecialismMT550Business Studies L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Advanced Business - Marketing SpecialismMT551Business Technology & Communications L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Advanced Business - Marketing SpecialismMT941Business (Specialism in Accounting, Mktg or Mgt) L8 (Kerry)Year 2Full AwardAdvanced Progression Agreement3 Distinctions and 5 Passes achieved in Level 5 5M2102/5M2468
 Advanced Business - Marketing SpecialismMT943Marketing L8 (Cork)Year 25 M + 3 PCCPSRequires MTU Maths or QQI Maths or QQI Statistics /Mandatory electives on entry/Must have completed 5M2069
 Advanced Business - Marketing SpecialismMT944Business Information Systems L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 1 M + 4 PCCPSLC Maths (O3/H7) or Merit in QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Advanced Business - Marketing SpecialismSE410Marketing & Digital Media L8 (Waterford)Year 23 M + 5 PSETU linked courseMust have completed 6N4370, 6N3613 and 5N1910
 Advanced Business with English Language SupportCK201Commerce L8Year 15 D + 3 PAt least a pass in Business Management 6N4310 or Maths 6N3395. 6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business with English Language SupportCK203Business Information Systems L8Year 15 D + 3 PAt least a pass in Business Management 6N4310 or Maths 6N3395. 6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as on of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Business with English Language SupportCK212Applied Economics L8Year 15 D + 3 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes. Pass in 6N4310 Business Management
 Advanced Business with English Language SupportMI016Education, Business Studies and AccountingYear 1 4 D + 4 PLC Maths (O6/H7)or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066
 Advanced Business with English Language SupportMI017Education, Business Studies and Religious StudiesYear 14 D + 4 PLC Maths (O6/H7)or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066
 Advanced Business with English Language SupportMT550Business Studies L7 (Cork)Year 1Full awardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Advanced Business with English Language SupportMT550Business Studies L7 (Cork)Year 25 M + 3 PCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Advanced Business with English Language SupportSE404Law L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Advanced Business with English Language SupportSE408Accounting L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Advanced Business with English Language SupportSE933Recreation & Sport Management L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Advanced Health & Social CareCK102Social Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Health & Social CareMT573Social Care L7Year 1Full AwardCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Advanced Health & Social CareSE928BA in Applied Health Care L7Year 23 M + 5 PSETU linked courseOne day Bridging course required
 Advanced Health & Social Care with English Language SupportCK102Social Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Health & Social Care with English Language SupportMT573Social Care L7Year 1Full AwardCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Advanced Health & Social Care with English Language SupportSE928BA in Applied Health Care L7Year 23 M + 5 PSETU linked courseOne day Bridging course required
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingCK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingCK102Social Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingCK104Arts with Music L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass Music test & 6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingCK105Film & Screen Media L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingCK108Arts (International) L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingCK109English L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingCK110World LanguagesYear 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes. H3 in LC language other than English OR Distinction in Level 5 French, German, Irish, Italian, Polish, Russian, Slovak or Spanish
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingCK112Theatre & Performative Practices L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass in the Theatre & Performative Practices Test, 6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as on of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingCK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingCK114Social Science (Youth & Comm Work) L8Year 14 D + 4 PApplicants must have one years experience in youth/community or voluntary sector (paid or unpaid). Statement of Interest/Personl Statement required and an interview. 6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingCK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingCK120Applied Psychology L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes. Distinctions must include 5N0690 or 6N1950 AND 5N1833 or 5N2066 0r 6N2226
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingCK121Psychology & ComputingYear 14D + 4P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes. Distinctions required in 5N0690 or 6N1950 AND 5N1833 or 5N2066 or 6N2226
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingCK122Government & Political Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingCK302Law & French L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC French or Distinction in 6N2399 French. 6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingCK304Law & Irish L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC Irish or Distinction in 6N2398 Irish. 6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingCM020Early Childhood Education L8Year 15 D +3P
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingDL825Applied Psychology L8Year 13 D + 5 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833, 5N2066 or LCE Maths
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingMH116Community and Youth Work (Full-Time) L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass test/Interview
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingMT573Social Care L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingMT574Social Care L7 (Kerry)Year 1Full award
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingMT925Counselling with Addiction MATURE APPLICANTS ONLY (Kerry)Year 13 D + 5 PMature students only
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingMT974Social Care L8 (Kerry)Year 13D +5P
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingPC410Arts & Humanities (with Teaching Council requirements)Year 1Full Award
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingPC414Psychology L8Year 1Full Award
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingSE200Arts L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingSE406Criminal Justice Studies L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingSE911Early Childhood Care & Education L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingSE918Professional Social Care L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingSE919Social Care Practice L8 (Waterford)Year 13M + 5PSETU linked course
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingSE920Social Science L8 (Waterford)Year 13M + 5PSETU linked course
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingSE926Professional Social Care Practice L7 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingSE927Applied Social Care L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Advanced Psychosocial Awareness & TrainingSE928Applied Health Care L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full awardSETU linked course
 Advanced Software DevelopmentCK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Software DevelopmentCK104Arts with Music L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass Music test & 6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Software DevelopmentCK105Film & Screen Media L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Software DevelopmentCK108Arts (International) L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Software DevelopmentCK109English L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Software DevelopmentCK110World LanguagesYear 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes. H3 in LC language other than English OR Distinction in Level 5 French, German, Irish, Italian, Polish, Russian, Slovak or Spanish
 Advanced Software DevelopmentCK112Theatre & Performative Practices L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass in the Theatre & Performative Practices Test, 6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Software DevelopmentCK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Software DevelopmentCK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Software DevelopmentCK122Government & Political Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Software DevelopmentCK203Business Information Systems L8Year 15 D + 3 PAt least a pass in 6N2108 Object Oriented Programming. 6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as on of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Software DevelopmentCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Software DevelopmentCK302Law & French L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC French or Distinction in 6N2399 French. 6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Software DevelopmentCK304Law & Irish L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC Irish or Distinction in 6N2398 Irish. 6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Software DevelopmentCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Software DevelopmentCK401Computer Science L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 6N2108 Object Oriented Programming and a Distinction in Maths for Information Technology 6N3395. 6N1946 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Advanced Software DevelopmentMH601Computer Science through ArtsYear 15 D +3 PDistinction in QQI Maths 5N1833 or 5N2066 or LC Maths O3/H7
 Advanced Software DevelopmentMT700Software Development L7 (Cork)Year 25 M + 3 PCCPS (Merit in Programming & Relational Database)Maths LC/L5, Merits in 6N4785 and 6N2108
 Advanced Software DevelopmentMT705Information Technology L7 (Cork)Year 25 M + 3 PCCPS (Merit in Programming & Relational Database)Maths LC/L5, Merits in 6N4785 and 6N2108
 Advanced Software DevelopmentMT706BSC Computing System and Networks (Kerry)Year 2Full AwardAdvanced Progression AgreementMust have achieved a minimum of 3 Distinctions and 5 passes in Level 5 Award 5M0536/Interview
 Advanced Software DevelopmentMT800Software Development L8 (Cork)Year 22 D +3 M + 3 PCCPS (Merit in Programming & Relational Database)Maths LC/L5 good result required
 Advanced Software DevelopmentMT800Software Development L8 (Cork)Year 12 D +3 M + 3 PCCPS (Merit in Programming & Relational Database)Maths LC/L5 good result required
 Advanced Software DevelopmentMT802Computer Systems L8 (Cork)Year 12 D + 3M + 3 PCCPS (Merit in Programming & Relational Database)Maths LC O3/H7/QQI L5 Merit in Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Advanced Software DevelopmentMT802Computer Systems L8 (Cork)Year 22 D +3 M + 3 PCCPS (Merit in Programming & Relational Database)Maths LC O3/H7/QQI L5 Merit in Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2067
 Advanced Software DevelopmentMT803Computing (Degree Award Options) L 8 (Kerry)Year 2Full AwardAdvanced Progression AgreementMust have achieved a minimum of 3 Distinctions and 5 passes in Level 5 Award 5M0529/Subjects taken will be reviewed before entry
 Advanced Software DevelopmentMT805IT Management L8 (Cork)Year 22 D +3 M + 3 PCCPS (Merit in Programming & Relational Database)Maths LC O3/H7/QQI L5 Merit in Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2067
 Advanced Software DevelopmentMT944Business Information Systems L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 1 M + 4 PCCPSLC Maths (O3/H7) or Merit in QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Advanced Software DevelopmentSE413Business Information Systems L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Advanced Software DevelopmentSE602Computer Forensics & Security L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Advanced Software DevelopmentSE610Software Systems Development L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Advanced Software DevelopmentSE610Software Systems Development L7 (Waterford)Year 2Overall Merit GradeSETU linked course
 Advanced Software DevelopmentSE611Multimedia Applications Development L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full awardSETU linked course
 Advanced Software DevelopmentSE613Information Technology L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full awardSETU linked course
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyAU593Applied Social Care L7 (Castlebar)Year 1Full Award
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyAU696Applied Social Care L8 (Castlebar)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyAU917English and Psychology (Sligo)Year 13 D + 5P
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyAU918Social Care Practice L8 (Sligo)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyAU990Home Economics (Sligo, St Angelas)Year 15 D + 3 P
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyCK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyCK102Social Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyCK104Arts with Music L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass Music Entrance Test & 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyCK105Film & Screen Media L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyCK108Arts (International) L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyCK109English L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyCK110World Languages Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes, Leaving Cert H3 in a language other than English
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyCK112Theatre & Performative Practices L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass in the Theatre & Performative Practices Test, 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyCK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyCK114Social Science (Youth & Comm Work) L8Year 14 D + 4 PApplicants must have one years experience in youth/community or voluntary sector (paid or unpaid). Statement of Interest/Personl Statement required and an interview. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyCK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyCK120Applied Psychology L8Year 14 D + 4 PDistinctions in 5N0690 Communications AND 5N2066 Statistics or 5N1833 Maths (Maths available by night for those on Applied Social Studies with Psychology course) 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyCK121Psychology & ComputingYear 14D + 4PDistinctions in 5N0690 Communications AND 5N2066 Statistics or 5N1833 Maths (Maths available by night for those on Applied Social Studies with Psychology course) 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyCK122Government & Political Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyCK302Law & French L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC French or distinction in French 5N1623. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyCK304Law & Irish L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC Irish or distinction in Irish 5N1631. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyCM010Education StudiesYear 15 D + 3P
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyCM020Early Childhood Education L8Year 15D + 3 P
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyDK767Community Youth Work L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 MInterview
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyDK862Social Care L8Year 13 D + 5 P
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyDL825Applied Psychology L8Year 13 D + 5 PMaths Leaving Certificate or Pass in 5N1833 Mathematic or 5N2066 Statistics
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyDN700Social SciencesYear 15 D + 3 P
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyDN720PsychologyYear 15D + 3P
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyDN750Social Policy and SociologyYear 15 D + 3 P
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyGY101Arts (Joint Honours) L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyGY104BSc(Psychology)Year 15 D + 3PDistinction required in 5N0754 (Psychology)
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyGY123BSc Social Science L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyGY251Law (BCL) L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyGY261Busines Studies in International Hotel Management L8 (Shannon)Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths/Interview required
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyLM002Bachelor of Arts L8Year 15 D + 3 PLanguage subjects require a Distinction in L5 language or LC H4
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyLM038Psychology & Sociology L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N1279 Human Growth & Development (module on Applied Psychology Course), 5N1370 Social Studies, 5N0754 Psychology
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyLM102Psychology L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N1279 Human Growth & Development (module on Applied Psychology Course), 5N1370 Social Studies, 5N0754 Psychology
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyMH107Social Science L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyMH116Community and Youth Work (Full-Time) L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass Test/Interview
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyMI003Psychology L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyMT571Early Chiildhood Care and Education L7 (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyMT573Social Care Work L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyMT574Social Care L7 (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyMT575Community Development L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPS
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyMT925Counselling with Addiction MATURE APPLICANTS ONLY (Kerry)Year 13 D+ 5P Mature applicants only
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyMT971Early Childhood Care and Education L8 (Kerry)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyMT972Early Childhood Education & Care L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPS
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyMT974Social Care L8 (Kerry)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyPC410Arts & Humanities L8Year 1Full AwardFee Paying (Approx. €4,900 per year)
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyPC414Psychology L8Year 1Full AwardFee Paying (Approx. €4,900 per year)
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologySE200Arts L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologySE205Psychology L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked courseMerit in Psychology (5N0754) or Human Growth & Development (5N1279) as a MINIMUM entry requirement
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologySE406Criminal Justice Studies L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologySE911Early Childhood Care & Education L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologySE917Applied Social Studies in Professional Social Care L8 (Wexford) Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked course240 CAO points
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologySE918Professional Social Care Practice L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked course240 CAO points
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologySE919Social Care Practice L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologySE920Social Science L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologySE926Professional Social Care Practice L7 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologySE927BA in Applied Social Care L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologySE928Applied Health Care L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyTU996Social Care L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyUCAS EDEdinbourgh Napier University BA in PsychologyYear 13D, 2M, 3PDistinction needed in Psychology, Statistics and Communications Applications will be looked at in their entirety...and there is no guarantee of an offer
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyUCAS NEWNewman University - Forensic Psychology BSc (Hons)Year 1Full AwardO4 minimum in LC English & Maths
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyUCAS NEWMNewman University - Psychology & Childhood Studies BSc (Hons)Year 1Full AwardO4 minimum in LC English & Maths
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyUCAS NENewman University - Psychology & Counselling Studies BSc (Hons)Year 1Full AwardO4 minimum in LC English & Maths
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyUCAS NNewman University - Psychology BSc (Hons)Year 1Full AwardO4 minimum in LC English & Maths
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyUCAS NEW1Newman University - Psychology with Criminology BSc (Hons)Year 1Full AwardO4 minimum in LC English & Maths
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyUCAS QUEQueen Margaret University Year 1Full awardStudents will need a strong academic profile in order to be competitive.
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyUCAS STIRUniversity of Stirling BA in PsychologyYear 15 D +3PApplications will be looked at in their entirety...and there is no guarantee of an offer
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyUCAS SUNUniversity of Sunderland - BSc (Hons) Clinical PsychologyYear 1Full AwardQQI Maths or O4 in LC Maths
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyUCAS SUUniversity of Sunderland - BSc (Hons) Forensic PsychologyYear 1Full AwardQQI Maths or O4 in LC Maths
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyUCAS SUNDUniversity of Sunderland - BSc (Hons) PsychologyYear 1Full AwardQQI Maths or O4 in LC Maths
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyUCAS SUniversity of Sunderland - BSc (Hons) Psychology with CounsellingYear 1Full AwardQQI Maths or O4 in LC Maths
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyUS782Applied Social Studies in Social Care L7 (Athlone)Year 1Full AwardMust include the following:- 5N1370 (Social Studies)
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyUS920Social Care Work L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyUS921Social Care Practice L8 (Athlone)Year 13 D + 5 PMust pass 5N1370 (Social Studies)
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyUS922Social Care Work L8 (Thurles)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Applied Psychology/Applied Social Studies with PsychologyUS925Applied Psychology L8 (Athlone)Year 13 D +5 PLeaving Certificate Maths or QQI 5N1833 maths required
 Art (West Cork Campus)AD101Art and Design (Common Entry) L8Year 15 D + 3 PPortfolio
 Art (West Cork Campus)AD102Graphic Design & Moving Image DesignYear 15D +3 PPortfolio
 Art (West Cork Campus)AD103Textile & Surface Design and Jewellery & ObjectsYear 15 D +3 PPortfolio
 Art (West Cork Campus)AD202Education & Art or Design (2nd level Teaching) L8Year 15 D + 3 PPortfolio
 Art (West Cork Campus)AD211Fashion Design Year 15 D +3 PPortfolio
 Art (West Cork Campus)AD212Product Design L8Year 15 D + 3 PPortfolio and pass in 5N1833 or 5N2066 or O6/H7 in LC maths
 Art (West Cork Campus)AU518 Art L7 (Galway)Year 1Full AwardPortfolio
 Art (West Cork Campus)AU618Art L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 PPortfolio
 Art (West Cork Campus)MT760Interior Architecture L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833
 Art (West Cork Campus)MT820Contemporary Applied Art L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSPortfolio
 Art (West Cork Campus)MT820Contemporary Applied Art L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSPortfolio
 Art (West Cork Campus)MT821Fine Art L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSPortfolio
 Art (West Cork Campus)MT821Fine Art L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSPortfolio
 Art (West Cork Campus)MT823Visual Communications L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSPortfolio
 Art (West Cork Campus)SE201Design (Visual Communication) L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Art (West Cork Campus)SE203Visual Art L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Art (West Cork Campus)SE204Visual Communications & Design L8 (Wexford)Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked course240 CAO points
 Art (West Cork Campus)SE207Art L8 (Wexford) Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked coursePortfolio/240 CAO points
 Art (West Cork Campus)SE210Visual Communications & Design L7 (Wexford) Year 14 M + 4 PSETU linked coursePortfolio/200 CAO points
 Art (West Cork Campus)SE211Art L7 (Wexford) Year 14 M + 4 PSETU linked coursePortfolio/200 CAO points
 Art (West Cork Campus)TU973Design - Visual Communication L8Year 15 D + 3 PPortfolio
 Art (West Cork Campus)TU974Fine Art L8Year 15 D + 3 PPortfolio
 Art (West Cork Campus)TU975Interior Design L8Year 15 D + 3 PPortfolio
 Art (West Cork Campus)US800Art and Design L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 PPortfolio
 Auctioneering & Property Services ApprenticeshipATU SligoCertificate in Auctioneering & Estate Agency Practice L7Online Part time. Online application
 Auctioneering ApprenticeshipTU731BSc (Ord) Auctioneering, Valuation & Estate Agency L7Year 2Full Award
 Auctioneering ApprenticeshipTU836BSc (Hons) Property Economics (Valuation Surveying) L8Year 2Full Award
 Auctioneering ApprenticeshipCertiifcate in Auctioneering & Estate Agency Practice L7Full AwardPart time 1 year online course with ATU Sligo
 Beauty & Body TherapyAU662Sport & Exercise Science L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Beauty & Body TherapyMT510Recreation & Leisure Management L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Beauty & Body TherapyMT550Business L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Beauty & Body TherapyMT551Business Technology & Communication L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Beauty & Body TherapyMT772Pharmaceutical Science L7 (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 Beauty & Body TherapyMT911Health, Sport & Exercise Sciences L8 (Kerry)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Beauty & Body TherapyMT912Health & Exercise Sciences with Massage Therapy L8 (Kerry)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Beauty & Body TherapySE937Pharmacy Technician Studies L6 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 Beauty & Body TherapyUS660Pharmacy Technician L6 (Athlone)Year 1Full AwardQQI Maths 5N1833 or LC Maths AND LC Science subject
 Beauty & Body TherapyUS946Business Studies with Beauty & Spa Management L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 BusinessAU427Business in Event Operations with PR L6 (Galway)Year 1Full Award
 BusinessAU502Business Information Systems L7 (Galway)Year 1Full Award
 BusinessAU601Business L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 BusinessAU601Business L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 BusinessAU604Finance & Economics L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 BusinessAU900Business L8 (Sligo)Year 13 D + 5 P
 BusinessCK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 BusinessCK104Arts with Music L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass Music Entrance Test & 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 BusinessCK105Film & Screen Media L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 BusinessCK108Arts (International) L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 BusinessCK109English L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 BusinessCK110World LanguagesYear 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes, Leaving Cert H3 in a language other than English
 BusinessCK112Theatre & Performative Practices L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass in the Theatre & Performative Practices Test, 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 BusinessCK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 BusinessCK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 BusinessCK122Government & Political Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 BusinessCK201Commerce L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 BusinessCK203Business Information Systems L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833/5N18396 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 BusinessCK212Applied Economics L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 BusinessCK213Food Marketing & Entrepreneurship L8Year 15 D + 3 PAt least a Pass in Maths 5N1833 or 5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066 or Business Admin 5N1610. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 BusinessCK214International Development L8Year 15 D + 3 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 BusinessCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 BusinessCK302Law & French L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC French or distinction in French 5N1623. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 BusinessCK304Law & Irish L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC Irish or distinction in Irish 5N1631. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 BusinessCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 BusinessDC111Business Studies L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 in LC Maths
 BusinessDC116Global Business (USA) L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833
 BusinessDC117Aviation Management / with Pilot Studies L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or Maths LC O4/H6
 BusinessDC119Global Business (Canada) L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833
 BusinessDC230Economics, Politics and Law L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 LC Maths
 BusinessDC230Economics, Politics and Law L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 LC Maths
 BusinessDC240Marketing, Innovation & Technology L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 LC Maths
 BusinessDC240Marketing, Innovation & Technology L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 LC Maths
 BusinessDK710Business & Management L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 M
 BusinessDK711Business & Technology L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 M
 BusinessDK816Business Studies L8Year 13 D + 5 P
 BusinessDL701Business - Applied Entrepreneurship L7Year 1Full Award
 BusinessDN650CommerceYear 1 5 D + 3 PO2/H6 required in LC Maths or Distinction in 5N1833 Maths
 BusinessGY101Arts (Joint Honours) L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 BusinessGY201Commerce L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths
 BusinessGY206Business Information Systems L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths
 BusinessGY209Commerce (Global Experience) L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths
 BusinessGY261Busines Studies in International Hotel Management L8 (Shannon)Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths/Interview required
 BusinessLM050Business Studies L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in one of the following: - 5N2066 OR LC Maths 04/H7 OR 5N1833 Maths (Distinction)
 BusinessLM050Business Studies L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in one of the following: - 5N2066 OR LC Maths 04/H7 OR 5N1833 Maths (Distinction)
 BusinessMI016Education, Business Studies and AccountingYear 15 D + 3PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths)
 BusinessMI017Education, Business Studies and Religious StudiesYear 15 D + 3PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths)
 BusinessMI019Education, Gaeilge and Business StudiesYear 1 5 D + 3 PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths) and H5 in LC Irish
 BusinessMI022Education, Home Economics & Business StudiesYear 15 D + 3 PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths)
 BusinessMT541Business (Specalism in Accounting/Marketing or MGT) L7 (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 BusinessMT550Business L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 BusinessMT551Business Technology & Communication L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 BusinessMT705Information Technology L7 (Cork)Year 13 M + 5 PCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 BusinessMT941Business (Common Entry) L8 (Kerry)Year 13 D + 5 P
 BusinessMT942Accounting L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSDistinction in Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066
 BusinessMT943Marketing L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 BusinessMT944Business Information Systems L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 1 M + 4 PCCPSAt least a Merit in Maths 5N1833 or 5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066 OR LCE O3/H7
 BusinessSE200Arts L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 BusinessSE400Business L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 BusinessSE402Business L8 (Wexford) Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked course240 CAO points
 BusinessSE406Criminal Justice Studies L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 BusinessSE407Accounting L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked course240 CAO points
 BusinessSE408Accounting L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 BusinessSE410Marketing & Digital Media L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 BusinessSE412International Business L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 BusinessSE413Business Information Systems L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 BusinessSE414Businees L7 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 BusinessSE414Businees L7 (Carlow)Year 14 M + 4 PSETU linked course200 CAO points
 BusinessSE414Businees L7 (Carlow)Year 14 M + 4 PSETU linked course200 CAO points
 BusinessSE415Business L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full awardSETU linked course
 BusinessSE419Fashion Buying & Retail Management L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 BusinessSE420Higher Certificate in Business L6Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 BusinessSE933Recreation & Sport Management L7 (Waterford)Year 1 Full AwardSETU linked course
 BusinessTU654Pharmacy Technician L6Year 1Full Award
 BusinessTU731Auctioneering, Valuation & Estate Agency L7Year 1Full Award
 BusinessTU836Property Economics (Valuation Surveying) L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 BusinessTU903Business & Management L8Year 15 D + 3 P Disticntion in 5N1833 or 5N2066 or LCE maths 04/H7
 BusinessTU904Business and Law L8Year 15 D + 3 PDisticntion in 5N1833 or 5N2066 or LCE maths 04/H7
 BusinessTU905Economics & Finance L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N1350 or 5N1348 AND Disticntion in 5N1833 or 5N2066 or LCE maths 04/H7
 BusinessTU906Human Resource Management L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N1350 or 5N1348 AND Disticntion in 5N1833 or 5N2066 or LCE maths 04/H7
 BusinessTU907Logistics & Supply Chain Management Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in QQI Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066 or LC Maths 06/H7
 BusinessTU910Accounting L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N1350 or 5N1348 AND Disticntion in 5N1833 or 5N2066 or LCE maths 04/H7
 BusinessTU918Law (LLB) L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 BusinessTU922Marketing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N1350 or 5N1348 AND LCE Maths O4/H7 or QQI Maths 5N1833 or QQI Statistics 5N2066
 BusinessTU952International Hospitality Management L8Year 14 D + 4 P
 BusinessTU952International Hospitality Management L8Year 14 D + 4 P
 BusinessTU953Tourism & Digital Marketing L8Year 1 4 D + 4 P
 BusinessTU954Event Management L8Year 1 4 D + 4 P
 BusinessUS840Business L8 (Athlone)Year 1 3 D + 5 P
 BusinessUS845Accounting & Finance L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 BusinessUS846Accounting with Finance L8 (Athlone)Year 1 3 D + 5 P
 BusinessUS848Business and Law L8 (Athlone)Year 1 3 D + 5 P
 BusinessUS849Law & Taxation L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 BusinessUS851Business Studies (Marketing & Management) L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 BusinessUS852Business Studies (Enterprise & Innovation) L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 BusinessWindesheim UniversityBBA Global Project & Change Management (Sustainable Business & Innovation) (Holland)Year 1Full awardPass in QQI Maths or LC Maths (within previous 2 years) - otherwise a mandatory refresher Summer course required
 BusinessWindesheim UniversityBBA International Business (Holland)Year 1Full Award
 Business with AccountingAU427Business in Event Operations with PR L6 (Galway)Year 1Full Award
 Business with AccountingAU502Business Information Systems L7 (Galway)Year 1Full Award
 Business with AccountingAU601Business L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with AccountingAU601Business L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with AccountingAU604Finance & Economics L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with AccountingAU900Business L8 (Sligo)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with AccountingCK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with AccountingCK104Arts with Music L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass Music Entrance Test & 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with AccountingCK105Film & Screen Media L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with AccountingCK108Arts (International) L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with AccountingCK109English L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Business with AccountingCK110World LanguagesYear 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes, Leaving Cert H3 in a language other than English
 Business with AccountingCK112Theatre & Performative Practices L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass in the Theatre & Performative Practices Test, 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with AccountingCK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with AccountingCK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with AccountingCK122Government & Political Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with AccountingCK201Commerce L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with AccountingCK203Business Information Systems L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833/5N18396 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with AccountingCK212Applied Economics L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with AccountingCK213Food Marketing & Entrepreneurship L8Year 15 D + 3 PAt least a Pass in Maths 5N1833 or 5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066 or Business Admin 5N1610. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with AccountingCK214International Development L8Year 15 D + 3 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with AccountingCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with AccountingCK302Law & French L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC French or distinction in French 5N1623. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with AccountingCK304Law & Irish L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC Irish or distinction in Irish 5N1631. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with AccountingCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with AccountingDC111Business Studies L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 in LC Maths
 Business with AccountingDC116Global Business (USA) L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833
 Business with AccountingDC117Aviation Management / with Pilot Studies L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or Maths LC O4/H6
 Business with AccountingDC119Global Business (Canada) L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833
 Business with AccountingDC230Economics, Politics and Law L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 LC Maths
 Business with AccountingDC230Economics, Politics and Law L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 LC Maths
 Business with AccountingDC240Marketing, Innovation & Technology L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 LC Maths
 Business with AccountingDC240Marketing, Innovation & Technology L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 LC Maths
 Business with AccountingDK710Business & Management L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 M
 Business with AccountingDK711Business & Technology L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 M
 Business with AccountingDK816Business Studies L8Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with AccountingDL701Business - Applied Entrepreneurship L7Year 1Full Award
 Business with AccountingDN650CommerceYear 1 5 D + 3 PO2/H6 required in LC Maths or Distinction in 5N1833 Maths
 Business with AccountingGY101Arts (Joint Honours) L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Business with AccountingGY201Commerce L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths
 Business with AccountingGY206Business Information Systems L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths
 Business with AccountingGY209Commerce (Global Experience) L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths
 Business with AccountingGY261Busines Studies in International Hotel Management L8 (Shannon)Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths/Interview required
 Business with AccountingLM050Business Studies L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in one of the following: - 5N2066 OR LC Maths 04/H7 OR 5N1833 Maths (Distinction)
 Business with AccountingLM050Business Studies L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in one of the following: - 5N2066 OR LC Maths 04/H7 OR 5N1833 Maths (Distinction)
 Business with AccountingMI016Education, Business Studies and AccountingYear 15 D + 3PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths)
 Business with AccountingMI017Education, Business Studies and Religious StudiesYear 15 D + 3PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths)
 Business with AccountingMI019Education, Gaeilge and Business StudiesYear 1 5 D + 3 PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths) and H5 in LC Irish
 Business with AccountingMI022Education, Home Economics & Business StudiesYear 15 D + 3 PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths)
 Business with AccountingMT541Business (Specalism in Accounting/Marketing or MGT) L7 (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 Business with AccountingMT550Business L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Business with AccountingMT551Business Technology & Communication L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Business with AccountingMT705Information Technology L7 (Cork)Year 13 M + 5 PCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Business with AccountingMT941Business (Common Entry) L8 (Kerry)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with AccountingMT942Accounting L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSDistinction in Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066
 Business with AccountingMT943Marketing L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Business with AccountingMT944Business Information Systems L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 1 M + 4 PCCPSAt least a Merit in Maths 5N1833 or 5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066 OR LCE O3/H7
 Business with AccountingMT945International Business with LanguageYear 13 D + 5 PCCPSDistinction in QQI Spanish 5N1630 or LC French/Spanish/German H4/O1 AND QQI Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066 or LC Maths O3/H7
 Business with AccountingSE200Arts L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with AccountingSE400Business L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with AccountingSE402Business L8 (Wexford) Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked course240 CAO points
 Business with AccountingSE406Criminal Justice Studies L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with AccountingSE407Accounting L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked course240 CAO points
 Business with AccountingSE408Accounting L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with AccountingSE410Marketing & Digital Media L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with AccountingSE412International Business L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with AccountingSE413Business Information Systems L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with AccountingSE414Businees L7 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 Business with AccountingSE414Businees L7 (Carlow)Year 14 M + 4 PSETU linked course200 CAO points
 Business with AccountingSE414Businees L7 (Carlow)Year 14 M + 4 PSETU linked course200 CAO points
 Business with AccountingSE415Business L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full awardSETU linked course
 Business with AccountingSE419Fashion Buying & Retail Management L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Business with AccountingSE420Higher Certificate in Business L6Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Business with AccountingSE933Recreation & Sport Management L7 (Waterford)Year 1 Full AwardSETU linked course
 Business with AccountingTU654Pharmacy Technician L6Year 1Full Award
 Business with AccountingTU731Auctioneering, Valuation & Estate Agency L7Year 1Full Award
 Business with AccountingTU836Property Economics (Valuation Surveying) L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Business with AccountingTU903Business & Management L8Year 15 D + 3 P Disticntion in 5N1833 or 5N2066 or LCE maths 04/H7
 Business with AccountingTU904Business and Law L8Year 15 D + 3 PDisticntion in 5N1833 or 5N2066 or LCE maths 04/H7
 Business with AccountingTU905Economics & Finance L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N1350 or 5N1348 AND Disticntion in 5N1833 or 5N2066 or LCE maths 04/H7
 Business with AccountingTU906Human Resource Management L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N1350 or 5N1348 AND Disticntion in 5N1833 or 5N2066 or LCE maths 04/H7
 Business with AccountingTU907Logistics & Supply Chain Management Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in QQI Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066 or LC Maths 06/H7
 Business with AccountingTU910Accounting L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N1350 or 5N1348 AND Disticntion in 5N1833 or 5N2066 or LCE maths 04/H7
 Business with AccountingTU918Law (LLB) L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Business with AccountingTU922Marketing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N1350 or 5N1348 AND LCE Maths O4/H7 or QQI Maths 5N1833 or QQI Statistics 5N2066
 Business with AccountingTU952International Hospitality Management L8Year 14 D + 4 P
 Business with AccountingTU952International Hospitality Management L8Year 14 D + 4 P
 Business with AccountingTU953Tourism & Digital Marketing L8Year 1 4 D + 4 P
 Business with AccountingTU954Event Management L8Year 1 4 D + 4 P
 Business with AccountingUS840Business L8 (Athlone)Year 1 3 D + 5 P
 Business with AccountingUS845Accounting & Finance L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with AccountingUS846Accounting with Finance L8 (Athlone)Year 1 3 D + 5 P
 Business with AccountingUS848Business and Law L8 (Athlone)Year 1 3 D + 5 P
 Business with AccountingUS849Law & Taxation L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with AccountingUS851Business Studies (Marketing & Management) L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with AccountingUS852Business Studies (Enterprise & Innovation) L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with AccountingWindesheim UniversityBBA Global Project & Change Management (Sustainable Business & Innovation) (Holland)Year 1Full awardPass in QQI Maths or LC Maths (within previous 2 years) - otherwise a mandatory refresher Summer course required
 Business with AccountingWindesheim UniversityBBA International Business (Holland)Year 1Full Award
 Business with EntrepreneurshipAU427Business in Event Operations with PR L6 (Galway)Year 1Full Award
 Business with EntrepreneurshipAU502Business Information Systems L7 (Galway)Year 1Full Award
 Business with EntrepreneurshipAU601Business L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with EntrepreneurshipAU601Business L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with EntrepreneurshipAU604Finance & Economics L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with EntrepreneurshipAU900Business L8 (Sligo)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with EntrepreneurshipCK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with EntrepreneurshipCK104Arts with Music L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass Music Entrance Test & 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with EntrepreneurshipCK105Film & Screen Media L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with EntrepreneurshipCK108Arts (International) L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with EntrepreneurshipCK109English L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Business with EntrepreneurshipCK110World LanguagesYear 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes, Leaving Cert H3 in a language other than English
 Business with EntrepreneurshipCK112Theatre & Performative Practices L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass in the Theatre & Performative Practices Test, 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with EntrepreneurshipCK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with EntrepreneurshipCK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with EntrepreneurshipCK122Government & Political Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with EntrepreneurshipCK201Commerce L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with EntrepreneurshipCK203Business Information Systems L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833/5N18396 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with EntrepreneurshipCK212Applied Economics L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with EntrepreneurshipCK213Food Marketing & Entrepreneurship L8Year 15 D + 3 PAt least a Pass in Maths 5N1833 or 5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066 or Business Admin 5N1610. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with EntrepreneurshipCK214International Development L8Year 15 D + 3 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with EntrepreneurshipCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with EntrepreneurshipCK302Law & French L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC French or distinction in French 5N1623. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with EntrepreneurshipCK304Law & Irish L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC Irish or distinction in Irish 5N1631. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with EntrepreneurshipCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with EntrepreneurshipDC111Business Studies L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 in LC Maths
 Business with EntrepreneurshipDC116Global Business (USA) L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833
 Business with EntrepreneurshipDC117Aviation Management / with Pilot Studies L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or Maths LC O4/H6
 Business with EntrepreneurshipDC119Global Business (Canada) L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833
 Business with EntrepreneurshipDC230Economics, Politics and Law L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 LC Maths
 Business with EntrepreneurshipDC230Economics, Politics and Law L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 LC Maths
 Business with EntrepreneurshipDC240Marketing, Innovation & Technology L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 LC Maths
 Business with EntrepreneurshipDC240Marketing, Innovation & Technology L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 LC Maths
 Business with EntrepreneurshipDK710Business & Management L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 M
 Business with EntrepreneurshipDK711Business & Technology L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 M
 Business with EntrepreneurshipDK816Business Studies L8Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with EntrepreneurshipDL701Business - Applied Entrepreneurship L7Year 1Full Award
 Business with EntrepreneurshipDN650CommerceYear 1 5 D + 3 PO2/H6 required in LC Maths or Distinction in 5N1833 Maths
 Business with EntrepreneurshipGY101Arts (Joint Honours) L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Business with EntrepreneurshipGY201Commerce L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths
 Business with EntrepreneurshipGY206Business Information Systems L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths
 Business with EntrepreneurshipGY209Commerce (Global Experience) L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths
 Business with EntrepreneurshipGY261Busines Studies in International Hotel Management L8 (Shannon)Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths/Interview required
 Business with EntrepreneurshipLM050Business Studies L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in one of the following: - 5N2066 OR LC Maths 04/H7 OR 5N1833 Maths (Distinction)
 Business with EntrepreneurshipLM050Business Studies L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in one of the following: - 5N2066 OR LC Maths 04/H7 OR 5N1833 Maths (Distinction)
 Business with EntrepreneurshipMI016Education, Business Studies and AccountingYear 15 D + 3PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths)
 Business with EntrepreneurshipMI017Education, Business Studies and Religious StudiesYear 15 D + 3PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths)
 Business with EntrepreneurshipMI019Education, Gaeilge and Business StudiesYear 1 5 D + 3 PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths) and H5 in LC Irish
 Business with EntrepreneurshipMI022Education, Home Economics & Business StudiesYear 15 D + 3 PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths)
 Business with EntrepreneurshipMT541Business (Specalism in Accounting/Marketing or MGT) L7 (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 Business with EntrepreneurshipMT550Business L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Business with EntrepreneurshipMT551Business Technology & Communication L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Business with EntrepreneurshipMT705Information Technology L7 (Cork)Year 13 M + 5 PCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Business with EntrepreneurshipMT941Business (Common Entry) L8 (Kerry)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with EntrepreneurshipMT942Accounting L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSDistinction in Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066
 Business with EntrepreneurshipMT943Marketing L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Business with EntrepreneurshipMT944Business Information Systems L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 1 M + 4 PCCPSAt least a Merit in Maths 5N1833 or 5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066 OR LCE O3/H7
 Business with EntrepreneurshipSE200Arts L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with EntrepreneurshipSE400Business L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with EntrepreneurshipSE402Business L8 (Wexford) Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked course240 CAO points
 Business with EntrepreneurshipSE406Criminal Justice Studies L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with EntrepreneurshipSE407Accounting L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked course240 CAO points
 Business with EntrepreneurshipSE408Accounting L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with EntrepreneurshipSE410Marketing & Digital Media L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with EntrepreneurshipSE412International Business L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with EntrepreneurshipSE413Business Information Systems L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with EntrepreneurshipSE414Businees L7 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 Business with EntrepreneurshipSE414Businees L7 (Carlow)Year 14 M + 4 PSETU linked course200 CAO points
 Business with EntrepreneurshipSE414Businees L7 (Carlow)Year 14 M + 4 PSETU linked course200 CAO points
 Business with EntrepreneurshipSE415Business L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full awardSETU linked course
 Business with EntrepreneurshipSE419Fashion Buying & Retail Management L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Business with EntrepreneurshipSE420Higher Certificate in Business L6Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Business with EntrepreneurshipSE933Recreation & Sport Management L7 (Waterford)Year 1 Full AwardSETU linked course
 Business with EntrepreneurshipUS840Business L8 (Athlone)Year 1 3 D + 5 P
 Business with EntrepreneurshipUS845Accounting & Finance L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with EntrepreneurshipUS846Accounting with Finance L8 (Athlone)Year 1 3 D + 5 P
 Business with EntrepreneurshipUS848Business and Law L8 (Athlone)Year 1 3 D + 5 P
 Business with EntrepreneurshipUS849Law & Taxation L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with EntrepreneurshipUS851Business Studies (Marketing & Management) L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with EntrepreneurshipUS852Business Studies (Enterprise & Innovation) L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with EntrepreneurshipWindesheim UniversityBBA Global Project & Change Management (Sustainable Business & Innovation) (Holland)Year 1Full awardPass in QQI Maths or LC Maths (within previous 2 years) - otherwise a mandatory refresher Summer course required
 Business with EntrepreneurshipWindesheim UniversityBBA International Business (Holland)Year 1Full Award
 Business with Human ResourcesAU427Business in Event Operations with PR L6 (Galway)Year 1Full Award
 Business with Human ResourcesAU502Business Information Systems L7 (Galway)Year 1Full Award
 Business with Human ResourcesAU601Business L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with Human ResourcesAU601Business L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with Human ResourcesAU604Finance & Economics L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with Human ResourcesAU900Business L8 (Sligo)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with Human ResourcesCK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with Human ResourcesCK104Arts with Music L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass Music Entrance Test & 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with Human ResourcesCK105Film & Screen Media L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with Human ResourcesCK108Arts (International) L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with Human ResourcesCK109English L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Business with Human ResourcesCK110World LanguagesYear 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes, Leaving Cert H3 in a language other than English
 Business with Human ResourcesCK112Theatre & Performative Practices L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass in the Theatre & Performative Practices Test, 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with Human ResourcesCK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with Human ResourcesCK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with Human ResourcesCK122Government & Political Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with Human ResourcesCK201Commerce L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with Human ResourcesCK203Business Information Systems L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833/5N18396 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with Human ResourcesCK212Applied Economics L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with Human ResourcesCK213Food Marketing & Entrepreneurship L8Year 15 D + 3 PAt least a Pass in Maths 5N1833 or 5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066 or Business Admin 5N1610. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with Human ResourcesCK214International Development L8Year 15 D + 3 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with Human ResourcesCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with Human ResourcesCK302Law & French L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC French or distinction in French 5N1623. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with Human ResourcesCK304Law & Irish L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC Irish or distinction in Irish 5N1631. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with Human ResourcesCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with Human ResourcesDC111Business Studies L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 in LC Maths
 Business with Human ResourcesDC116Global Business (USA) L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833
 Business with Human ResourcesDC117Aviation Management / with Pilot Studies L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or Maths LC O4/H6
 Business with Human ResourcesDC119Global Business (Canada) L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833
 Business with Human ResourcesDC230Economics, Politics and Law L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 LC Maths
 Business with Human ResourcesDC230Economics, Politics and Law L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 LC Maths
 Business with Human ResourcesDC240Marketing, Innovation & Technology L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 LC Maths
 Business with Human ResourcesDC240Marketing, Innovation & Technology L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 LC Maths
 Business with Human ResourcesDK710Business & Management L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 M
 Business with Human ResourcesDK711Business & Technology L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 M
 Business with Human ResourcesDK816Business Studies L8Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with Human ResourcesDL701Business - Applied Entrepreneurship L7Year 1Full Award
 Business with Human ResourcesDN650CommerceYear 1 5 D + 3 PO2/H6 required in LC Maths or Distinction in 5N1833 Maths
 Business with Human ResourcesGY101Arts (Joint Honours) L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Business with Human ResourcesGY201Commerce L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths
 Business with Human ResourcesGY206Business Information Systems L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths
 Business with Human ResourcesGY209Commerce (Global Experience) L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths
 Business with Human ResourcesGY261Busines Studies in International Hotel Management L8 (Shannon)Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths/Interview required
 Business with Human ResourcesLM050Business Studies L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in one of the following: - 5N2066 OR LC Maths 04/H7 OR 5N1833 Maths (Distinction)
 Business with Human ResourcesLM050Business Studies L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in one of the following: - 5N2066 OR LC Maths 04/H7 OR 5N1833 Maths (Distinction)
 Business with Human ResourcesMI016Education, Business Studies and AccountingYear 15 D + 3PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths)
 Business with Human ResourcesMI017Education, Business Studies and Religious StudiesYear 15 D + 3PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths)
 Business with Human ResourcesMI019Education, Gaeilge and Business StudiesYear 1 5 D + 3 PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths) and H5 in LC Irish
 Business with Human ResourcesMI022Education, Home Economics & Business StudiesYear 15 D + 3 PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths)
 Business with Human ResourcesMT541Business (Specalism in Accounting/Marketing or MGT) L7 (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 Business with Human ResourcesMT550Business L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Business with Human ResourcesMT551Business Technology & Communication L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Business with Human ResourcesMT705Information Technology L7 (Cork)Year 13 M + 5 PCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Business with Human ResourcesMT941Business (Common Entry) L8 (Kerry)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with Human ResourcesMT942Accounting L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSDistinction in Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066
 Business with Human ResourcesMT943Marketing L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Business with Human ResourcesMT944Business Information Systems L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 1 M + 4 PCCPSAt least a Merit in Maths 5N1833 or 5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066 OR LCE O3/H7
 Business with Human ResourcesMT945International Business with LanguageYear 13 D + 5 PCCPSDistinction in QQI Spanish 5N1630 or LC French/Spanish/German H4/O1 AND QQI Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066 or LC Maths O3/H7
 Business with Human ResourcesSE200Arts L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with Human ResourcesSE400Business L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with Human ResourcesSE402Business L8 (Wexford) Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked course240 CAO points
 Business with Human ResourcesSE406Criminal Justice Studies L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with Human ResourcesSE407Accounting L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked course240 CAO points
 Business with Human ResourcesSE408Accounting L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with Human ResourcesSE410Marketing & Digital Media L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with Human ResourcesSE412International Business L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with Human ResourcesSE413Business Information Systems L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with Human ResourcesSE414Businees L7 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 Business with Human ResourcesSE414Businees L7 (Carlow)Year 14 M + 4 PSETU linked course200 CAO points
 Business with Human ResourcesSE414Businees L7 (Carlow)Year 14 M + 4 PSETU linked course200 CAO points
 Business with Human ResourcesSE415Business L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full awardSETU linked course
 Business with Human ResourcesSE419Fashion Buying & Retail Management L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Business with Human ResourcesSE420Higher Certificate in Business L6Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Business with Human ResourcesSE933Recreation & Sport Management L7 (Waterford)Year 1 Full AwardSETU linked course
 Business with Human ResourcesTU654Pharmacy Technician L6Year 1Full Award
 Business with Human ResourcesTU731Auctioneering, Valuation & Estate Agency L7Year 1Full Award
 Business with Human ResourcesTU836Property Economics (Valuation Surveying) L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Business with Human ResourcesTU903Business & Management L8Year 15 D + 3 P Disticntion in 5N1833 or 5N2066 or LCE maths 04/H7
 Business with Human ResourcesTU904Business and Law L8Year 15 D + 3 PDisticntion in 5N1833 or 5N2066 or LCE maths 04/H7
 Business with Human ResourcesTU905Economics & Finance L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N1350 or 5N1348 AND Disticntion in 5N1833 or 5N2066 or LCE maths 04/H7
 Business with Human ResourcesTU906Human Resource Management L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N1350 or 5N1348 AND Disticntion in 5N1833 or 5N2066 or LCE maths 04/H7
 Business with Human ResourcesTU907Logistics & Supply Chain Management Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in QQI Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066 or LC Maths 06/H7
 Business with Human ResourcesTU910Accounting L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N1350 or 5N1348 AND Disticntion in 5N1833 or 5N2066 or LCE maths 04/H7
 Business with Human ResourcesTU918Law (LLB) L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Business with Human ResourcesTU922Marketing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N1350 or 5N1348 AND LCE Maths O4/H7 or QQI Maths 5N1833 or QQI Statistics 5N2066
 Business with Human ResourcesTU952International Hospitality Management L8Year 14 D + 4 P
 Business with Human ResourcesTU952International Hospitality Management L8Year 14 D + 4 P
 Business with Human ResourcesTU953Tourism & Digital Marketing L8Year 1 4 D + 4 P
 Business with Human ResourcesTU954Event Management L8Year 1 4 D + 4 P
 Business with Human ResourcesUS840Business L8 (Athlone)Year 1 3 D + 5 P
 Business with Human ResourcesUS845Accounting & Finance L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with Human ResourcesUS846Accounting with Finance L8 (Athlone)Year 1 3 D + 5 P
 Business with Human ResourcesUS848Business and Law L8 (Athlone)Year 1 3 D + 5 P
 Business with Human ResourcesUS849Law & Taxation L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with Human ResourcesUS851Business Studies (Marketing & Management) L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with Human ResourcesUS852Business Studies (Enterprise & Innovation) L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with Human ResourcesWindesheim UniversityBBA Global Project & Change Management (Sustainable Business & Innovation) (Holland)Year 1Full awardPass in QQI Maths or LC Maths (within previous 2 years) - otherwise a mandatory refresher Summer course required
 Business with Human ResourcesWindesheim UniversityBBA International Business (Holland)Year 1Full Award
 Business with LanguagesAU427Business in Event Operations with PR L6 (Galway)Year 1Full Award
 Business with LanguagesAU502Business Information Systems L7 (Galway)Year 1Full Award
 Business with LanguagesAU601Business L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with LanguagesAU601Business L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with LanguagesAU604Finance & Economics L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with LanguagesAU900Business L8 (Sligo)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with LanguagesCK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LanguagesCK104Arts with Music L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass Music Entrance Test & 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LanguagesCK105Film & Screen Media L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LanguagesCK108Arts (International) L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LanguagesCK109English L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Business with LanguagesCK110World LanguagesYear 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes, Leaving Cert H3 in a language other than English
 Business with LanguagesCK112Theatre & Performative Practices L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass in the Theatre & Performative Practices Test, 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LanguagesCK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LanguagesCK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LanguagesCK122Government & Political Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LanguagesCK201Commerce L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LanguagesCK203Business Information Systems L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833/5N18396 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LanguagesCK212Applied Economics L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LanguagesCK213Food Marketing & Entrepreneurship L8Year 15 D + 3 PAt least a Pass in Maths 5N1833 or 5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066 or Business Admin 5N1610. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LanguagesCK214International Development L8Year 15 D + 3 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LanguagesCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LanguagesCK302Law & French L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC French or distinction in French 5N1623. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LanguagesCK304Law & Irish L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC Irish or distinction in Irish 5N1631. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LanguagesCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LanguagesDC111Business Studies L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 in LC Maths
 Business with LanguagesDC116Global Business (USA) L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833
 Business with LanguagesDC117Aviation Management / with Pilot Studies L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or Maths LC O4/H6
 Business with LanguagesDC119Global Business (Canada) L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833
 Business with LanguagesDC230Economics, Politics and Law L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 LC Maths
 Business with LanguagesDC230Economics, Politics and Law L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 LC Maths
 Business with LanguagesDC240Marketing, Innovation & Technology L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 LC Maths
 Business with LanguagesDC240Marketing, Innovation & Technology L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 LC Maths
 Business with LanguagesDK710Business & Management L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 M
 Business with LanguagesDK711Business & Technology L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 M
 Business with LanguagesDK816Business Studies L8Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with LanguagesDL701Business - Applied Entrepreneurship L7Year 1Full Award
 Business with LanguagesDN650CommerceYear 1 5 D + 3 PO2/H6 required in LC Maths or Distinction in 5N1833 Maths
 Business with LanguagesGY101Arts (Joint Honours) L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Business with LanguagesGY201Commerce L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths
 Business with LanguagesGY206Business Information Systems L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths
 Business with LanguagesGY209Commerce (Global Experience) L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths
 Business with LanguagesGY261Busines Studies in International Hotel Management L8 (Shannon)Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths/Interview required
 Business with LanguagesLM050Business Studies L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in one of the following: - 5N2066 OR LC Maths 04/H7 OR 5N1833 Maths (Distinction)
 Business with LanguagesLM050Business Studies L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in one of the following: - 5N2066 OR LC Maths 04/H7 OR 5N1833 Maths (Distinction)
 Business with LanguagesMI016Education, Business Studies and AccountingYear 15 D + 3PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths)
 Business with LanguagesMI017Education, Business Studies and Religious StudiesYear 15 D + 3PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths)
 Business with LanguagesMI019Education, Gaeilge and Business StudiesYear 1 5 D + 3 PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths) and H5 in LC Irish
 Business with LanguagesMI022Education, Home Economics & Business StudiesYear 15 D + 3 PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths)
 Business with LanguagesMT541Business (Specalism in Accounting/Marketing or MGT) L7 (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 Business with LanguagesMT550Business L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Business with LanguagesMT551Business Technology & Communication L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Business with LanguagesMT705Information Technology L7 (Cork)Year 13 M + 5 PCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Business with LanguagesMT941Business (Common Entry) L8 (Kerry)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with LanguagesMT942Accounting L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSDistinction in Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066
 Business with LanguagesMT943Marketing L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Business with LanguagesMT944Business Information Systems L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 1 M + 4 PCCPSAt least a Merit in Maths 5N1833 or 5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066 OR LCE O3/H7
 Business with LanguagesMT945International Business with LanguageYear 13 D + 5 PCCPSDistinction in QQI Spanish 5N1630 or LC French/Spanish/German H4/O1 AND QQI Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066 or LC Maths O3/H7
 Business with LanguagesSE200Arts L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with LanguagesSE400Business L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with LanguagesSE402Business L8 (Wexford) Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked course240 CAO points
 Business with LanguagesSE406Criminal Justice Studies L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with LanguagesSE407Accounting L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked course240 CAO points
 Business with LanguagesSE408Accounting L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with LanguagesSE410Marketing & Digital Media L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with LanguagesSE412International Business L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with LanguagesSE413Business Information Systems L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with LanguagesSE414Businees L7 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 Business with LanguagesSE414Businees L7 (Carlow)Year 14 M + 4 PSETU linked course200 CAO points
 Business with LanguagesSE414Businees L7 (Carlow)Year 14 M + 4 PSETU linked course200 CAO points
 Business with LanguagesSE415Business L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full awardSETU linked course
 Business with LanguagesSE419Fashion Buying & Retail Management L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Business with LanguagesSE420Higher Certificate in Business L6Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Business with LanguagesSE933Recreation & Sport Management L7 (Waterford)Year 1 Full AwardSETU linked course
 Business with LanguagesTU654Pharmacy Technician L6Year 1Full Award
 Business with LanguagesTU731Auctioneering, Valuation & Estate Agency L7Year 1Full Award
 Business with LanguagesTU836Property Economics (Valuation Surveying) L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Business with LanguagesTU903Business & Management L8Year 15 D + 3 P Disticntion in 5N1833 or 5N2066 or LCE maths 04/H7
 Business with LanguagesTU904Business and Law L8Year 15 D + 3 PDisticntion in 5N1833 or 5N2066 or LCE maths 04/H7
 Business with LanguagesTU905Economics & Finance L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N1350 or 5N1348 AND Disticntion in 5N1833 or 5N2066 or LCE maths 04/H7
 Business with LanguagesTU906Human Resource Management L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N1350 or 5N1348 AND Disticntion in 5N1833 or 5N2066 or LCE maths 04/H7
 Business with LanguagesTU907Logistics & Supply Chain Management Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in QQI Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066 or LC Maths 06/H7
 Business with LanguagesTU910Accounting L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N1350 or 5N1348 AND Disticntion in 5N1833 or 5N2066 or LCE maths 04/H7
 Business with LanguagesTU918Law (LLB) L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Business with LanguagesTU922Marketing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N1350 or 5N1348 AND LCE Maths O4/H7 or QQI Maths 5N1833 or QQI Statistics 5N2066
 Business with LanguagesTU952International Hospitality Management L8Year 14 D + 4 P
 Business with LanguagesTU952International Hospitality Management L8Year 14 D + 4 P
 Business with LanguagesTU953Tourism & Digital Marketing L8Year 1 4 D + 4 P
 Business with LanguagesTU954Event Management L8Year 1 4 D + 4 P
 Business with LanguagesUS840Business L8 (Athlone)Year 1 3 D + 5 P
 Business with LanguagesUS845Accounting & Finance L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with LanguagesUS846Accounting with Finance L8 (Athlone)Year 1 3 D + 5 P
 Business with LanguagesUS848Business and Law L8 (Athlone)Year 1 3 D + 5 P
 Business with LanguagesUS849Law & Taxation L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with LanguagesUS851Business Studies (Marketing & Management) L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with LanguagesUS852Business Studies (Enterprise & Innovation) L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with LanguagesWindesheim UniversityBBA Global Project & Change Management (Sustainable Business & Innovation) (Holland)Year 1Full awardPass in QQI Maths or LC Maths (within previous 2 years) - otherwise a mandatory refresher Summer course required
 Business with LanguagesWindesheim UniversityBBA International Business (Holland)Year 1Full Award
 Business with LogisticsAU427Business in Event Operations with PR L6 (Galway)Year 1Full Award
 Business with LogisticsAU502Business Information Systems L7 (Galway)Year 1Full Award
 Business with LogisticsAU601Business L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with LogisticsAU601Business L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with LogisticsAU604Finance & Economics L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with LogisticsAU900Business L8 (Sligo)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with LogisticsCK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LogisticsCK104Arts with Music L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass Music Entrance Test & 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LogisticsCK105Film & Screen Media L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LogisticsCK108Arts (International) L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LogisticsCK109English L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Business with LogisticsCK110World LanguagesYear 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes, Leaving Cert H3 in a language other than English
 Business with LogisticsCK112Theatre & Performative Practices L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass in the Theatre & Performative Practices Test, 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LogisticsCK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LogisticsCK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LogisticsCK122Government & Political Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LogisticsCK201Commerce L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LogisticsCK203Business Information Systems L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833/5N18396 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LogisticsCK212Applied Economics L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LogisticsCK213Food Marketing & Entrepreneurship L8Year 15 D + 3 PAt least a Pass in Maths 5N1833 or 5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066 or Business Admin 5N1610. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LogisticsCK214International Development L8Year 15 D + 3 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LogisticsCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LogisticsCK302Law & French L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC French or distinction in French 5N1623. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LogisticsCK304Law & Irish L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC Irish or distinction in Irish 5N1631. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LogisticsCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with LogisticsDC111Business Studies L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 in LC Maths
 Business with LogisticsDC116Global Business (USA) L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833
 Business with LogisticsDC117Aviation Management / with Pilot Studies L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or Maths LC O4/H6
 Business with LogisticsDC119Global Business (Canada) L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833
 Business with LogisticsDC230Economics, Politics and Law L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 LC Maths
 Business with LogisticsDC230Economics, Politics and Law L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 LC Maths
 Business with LogisticsDC240Marketing, Innovation & Technology L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 LC Maths
 Business with LogisticsDC240Marketing, Innovation & Technology L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 LC Maths
 Business with LogisticsDK710Business & Management L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 M
 Business with LogisticsDK711Business & Technology L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 M
 Business with LogisticsDK816Business Studies L8Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with LogisticsDL701Business - Applied Entrepreneurship L7Year 1Full Award
 Business with LogisticsDN650CommerceYear 1 5 D + 3 PO2/H6 required in LC Maths or Distinction in 5N1833 Maths
 Business with LogisticsGY101Arts (Joint Honours) L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Business with LogisticsGY201Commerce L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths
 Business with LogisticsGY206Business Information Systems L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths
 Business with LogisticsGY209Commerce (Global Experience) L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths
 Business with LogisticsGY261Busines Studies in International Hotel Management L8 (Shannon)Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths/Interview required
 Business with LogisticsLM050Business Studies L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in one of the following: - 5N2066 OR LC Maths 04/H7 OR 5N1833 Maths (Distinction)
 Business with LogisticsLM050Business Studies L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in one of the following: - 5N2066 OR LC Maths 04/H7 OR 5N1833 Maths (Distinction)
 Business with LogisticsMI016Education, Business Studies and AccountingYear 15 D + 3PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths)
 Business with LogisticsMI017Education, Business Studies and Religious StudiesYear 15 D + 3PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths)
 Business with LogisticsMI019Education, Gaeilge and Business StudiesYear 1 5 D + 3 PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths) and H5 in LC Irish
 Business with LogisticsMI022Education, Home Economics & Business StudiesYear 15 D + 3 PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths)
 Business with LogisticsMT541Business (Specalism in Accounting/Marketing or MGT) L7 (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 Business with LogisticsMT550Business L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Business with LogisticsMT551Business Technology & Communication L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Business with LogisticsMT705Information Technology L7 (Cork)Year 13 M + 5 PCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Business with LogisticsMT941Business (Common Entry) L8 (Kerry)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with LogisticsMT942Accounting L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSDistinction in Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066
 Business with LogisticsMT943Marketing L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Business with LogisticsMT944Business Information Systems L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 1 M + 4 PCCPSAt least a Merit in Maths 5N1833 or 5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066 OR LCE O3/H7
 Business with LogisticsMT945International Business with LanguageYear 13 D + 5 PCCPSDistinction in QQI Spanish 5N1630 or LC French/Spanish/German H4/O1 AND QQI Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066 or LC Maths O3/H7
 Business with LogisticsSE200Arts L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with LogisticsSE400Business L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with LogisticsSE402Business L8 (Wexford) Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked course240 CAO points
 Business with LogisticsSE406Criminal Justice Studies L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with LogisticsSE407Accounting L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked course240 CAO points
 Business with LogisticsSE408Accounting L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with LogisticsSE410Marketing & Digital Media L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with LogisticsSE412International Business L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with LogisticsSE413Business Information Systems L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with LogisticsSE414Businees L7 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 Business with LogisticsSE414Businees L7 (Carlow)Year 14 M + 4 PSETU linked course200 CAO points
 Business with LogisticsSE414Businees L7 (Carlow)Year 14 M + 4 PSETU linked course200 CAO points
 Business with LogisticsSE415Business L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full awardSETU linked course
 Business with LogisticsSE419Fashion Buying & Retail Management L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Business with LogisticsSE420Higher Certificate in Business L6Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Business with LogisticsSE933Recreation & Sport Management L7 (Waterford)Year 1 Full AwardSETU linked course
 Business with LogisticsTU654Pharmacy Technician L6Year 1Full Award
 Business with LogisticsTU731Auctioneering, Valuation & Estate Agency L7Year 1Full Award
 Business with LogisticsTU836Property Economics (Valuation Surveying) L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Business with LogisticsTU903Business & Management L8Year 15 D + 3 P Disticntion in 5N1833 or 5N2066 or LCE maths 04/H7
 Business with LogisticsTU904Business and Law L8Year 15 D + 3 PDisticntion in 5N1833 or 5N2066 or LCE maths 04/H7
 Business with LogisticsTU905Economics & Finance L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N1350 or 5N1348 AND Disticntion in 5N1833 or 5N2066 or LCE maths 04/H7
 Business with LogisticsTU906Human Resource Management L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N1350 or 5N1348 AND Disticntion in 5N1833 or 5N2066 or LCE maths 04/H7
 Business with LogisticsTU907Logistics & Supply Chain Management Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in QQI Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066 or LC Maths 06/H7
 Business with LogisticsTU910Accounting L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N1350 or 5N1348 AND Disticntion in 5N1833 or 5N2066 or LCE maths 04/H7
 Business with LogisticsTU918Law (LLB) L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Business with LogisticsTU922Marketing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N1350 or 5N1348 AND LCE Maths O4/H7 or QQI Maths 5N1833 or QQI Statistics 5N2066
 Business with LogisticsTU952International Hospitality Management L8Year 14 D + 4 P
 Business with LogisticsTU952International Hospitality Management L8Year 14 D + 4 P
 Business with LogisticsTU953Tourism & Digital Marketing L8Year 1 4 D + 4 P
 Business with LogisticsTU954Event Management L8Year 1 4 D + 4 P
 Business with LogisticsUS840Business L8 (Athlone)Year 1 3 D + 5 P
 Business with LogisticsUS845Accounting & Finance L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with LogisticsUS846Accounting with Finance L8 (Athlone)Year 1 3 D + 5 P
 Business with LogisticsUS848Business and Law L8 (Athlone)Year 1 3 D + 5 P
 Business with LogisticsUS849Law & Taxation L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with LogisticsUS851Business Studies (Marketing & Management) L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with LogisticsUS852Business Studies (Enterprise & Innovation) L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with LogisticsWindesheim UniversityBBA Global Project & Change Management (Sustainable Business & Innovation) (Holland)Year 1Full awardPass in QQI Maths or LC Maths (within previous 2 years) - otherwise a mandatory refresher Summer course required
 Business with LogisticsWindesheim UniversityBBA International Business (Holland)Year 1Full Award
 Business with MarketingAU427Business in Event Operations with PR L6 (Galway)Year 1Full Award
 Business with MarketingAU503Marketing & Sales L7 (Galway)Year 1 Full Award
 Business with MarketingAU529Event Management with PR L7 (Galway)Year 1Full Award
 Business with MarketingAU603Marketing & Sales L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with MarketingCK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with MarketingCK104Arts with Music L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass Music Entrance Test & 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with MarketingCK105Film & Screen Media L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with MarketingCK108Arts (International) L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Business with MarketingCK109English L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Business with MarketingCK110World LanguagesYear 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes, Leaving Cert H3 in a language other than English
 Business with MarketingCK112Theatre & Performative Practices L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass in the Theatre & Performative Practices Test, 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with MarketingCK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with MarketingCK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with MarketingCK122Government & Political Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with MarketingCK201Commerce L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with MarketingCK203Business Information Systems L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with MarketingCK212Applied Economics L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with MarketingCK213Food Marketing & Entrepreneurship L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 (must be completed as extra module by night) and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with MarketingCK214International Development L8Year 15 D + 3 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with MarketingCK215International Business with Languages L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes. Distinction required in QQI L5 Language subject or a H3 in LC language (other than English). To study Irish a H2 is required. Pass required in QQI Maths (5N1833) or QQI Statistics (5N2066) or QQI Business Administration (5N1610)
 Business with MarketingCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with MarketingCK302Law & French L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC French or distinction in French 5N1623. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with MarketingCK304Law & Irish L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC Irish or distinction in Irish 5N1631. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with MarketingCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with MarketingDC111Business Studies L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 in LC Maths
 Business with MarketingDC116Global Business (USA) L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833
 Business with MarketingDC119Global Business (Canada) L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833
 Business with MarketingDC240Marketing, Innovation & Technology L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 LC Maths
 Business with MarketingDK710Business & Management L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 M
 Business with MarketingDK711Business & Technology L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 M
 Business with MarketingDK712Digital Marketing & PR L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 M
 Business with MarketingDK752Event Management L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 M
 Business with MarketingGY261Busines Studies in International Hotel Management L8 (Shannon)Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths/Interview required
 Business with MarketingMI016Education, Business Studies and AccountingYear 15 D + 3PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths)
 Business with MarketingMI017Education, Business Studies and Religious StudiesYear 15 D + 3PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths)
 Business with MarketingMI019Education, Gaeilge and Business StudiesYear 1 5 D + 3 PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths) and H5 in LC Irish
 Business with MarketingMT541Business (Specalism in Accounting/Marketing or MGT) L7 (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 Business with MarketingMT550Business L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Business with MarketingMT551Business Technology & Communication L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Business with MarketingMT705Information Technology L7 (Cork)Year 13 M + 5 PCCPSPass in Maths for Computing 5N18396 or QQI Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066 or LC Maths
 Business with MarketingMT941Business (Common Entry) L8 (Kerry)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with MarketingMT943Marketing L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Business with MarketingMT944Business Information Systems L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 1 M + 4 PCCPSAt least a Merit in Maths 5N1833 or 5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066 OR LCE O3/H7
 Business with MarketingSE300BA (Hons) Content Creation & Social Media L8Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked course240 CAO points
 Business with MarketingSE301BA Content Creation & Social Media L7Year 14 M + 4 PSETU linked course200 CAO points
 Business with MarketingSE400Business L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with MarketingSE409Public Relations & Media L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with MarketingSE410Marketing & Digital Media L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with MarketingSE413Business Information Systems L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Business with MarketingSE414Businees L7 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 Business with MarketingSE415Business L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full awardSETU linked course
 Business with MarketingSE416Business L7 (Wexford) Year 1Full Award
 Business with MarketingSE419Fashion Buying & Retail Management L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Business with MarketingSE420Higher Certificate in Business L6 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Business with MarketingTU952International Hospitality Management L8Year 14 D + 4 P
 Business with MarketingTU953Tourism & Digital Marketing L8Year 1 4 D + 4 P
 Business with MarketingTU954Event Management L8Year 1 4 D + 4 P
 Business with MarketingUS724Digital Marketing L7 (Athlone)Year 1Full Award
 Business with MarketingUS840Business L8 (Athlone)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with MarketingUS848Business and Law L8 (Athlone)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with MarketingUS851Business Studies (Marketing & Management) L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with MarketingUS941Business Studies with Event Management L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with Retail (Macroom Campus)CK201Commerce L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with Retail (Macroom Campus)CK203Business Information Systems L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833/5N18396 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with Retail (Macroom Campus)CK212Applied Economics L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with Retail (Macroom Campus)CK213Food Marketing & Entrepreneurship L8Year 15 D + 3 PAt least a Pass in Maths 5N1833 or 5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066 or Business Admin 5N1610. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with Retail (Macroom Campus)CK214International Development L8Year 15 D + 3 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Business with Retail (Macroom Campus)MT550Business L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Business with Retail (Macroom Campus)MT551Business Technology & Communication L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Business with Retail (Macroom Campus)MT941Business (Common Entry) L8 (Kerry)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Business with Retail (Macroom Campus)MT943Marketing L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Business with Retail (Macroom Campus)MT944Business Information Systems L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 1 M + 4 PCCPSAt least a Merit in Maths 5N1833 or 5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066 OR LCE O3/H7
 Business with Retail (Macroom Campus)MT945International Business with LanguageYear 13 D + 5 PCCPSDistinction in QQI Spanish 5N1630 or LC French/Spanish/German H4/O1 AND QQI Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066 or LC Maths O3/H7
 Computer ScienceAU542Software and Electronic Engineering L7 (Galway)Year 1Full AwardMaths Leaving Certificate or Pass in 5N1833/5N18396 Mathematic
 Computer ScienceAU846Computer Networks & Cyber Security (Sligo)Year 1Full AwardPass in QQI Maths 5N18396 or Leaving Cert Maths (TBC)
 Computer ScienceAU847 Software Development L7 (Sligo)Year 1Full AwardPass in QQI Maths 5N18396 or Leaving Cert Maths (TBC)
 Computer ScienceAU848Computing - Games Development L7 (Sligo)Year 1Full AwardPass in QQI Maths 5N18396 or Leaving Cert Maths (TBC)
 Computer ScienceAU955Computing L8 (Sligo)Year 13 D + 5 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or 5N18396 or Leaving Cert Maths (TBC)
 Computer ScienceCK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Computer ScienceCK104Arts with Music L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass Music Entrance Test & 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Computer ScienceCK105Film & Screen Media L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Computer ScienceCK108Arts (International) L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Computer ScienceCK109English L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Computer ScienceCK110World LanguagesYear 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes, Leaving Cert H3 in a language other than English
 Computer ScienceCK112Theatre & Performative Practices L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass in the Theatre & Performative Practices Test, 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Computer ScienceCK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Computer ScienceCK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Computer ScienceCK121Psychology & ComputingYear 14 D + 4PDistinctions in 5N2927 Programme & Design Principles OR 5N2928 Operating Systems OR 5N0541 AND Maths for IT 5N18396 or Maths 5N1833 or 5N0554. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Computer ScienceCK122Government & Political Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Computer ScienceCK203Business Information Systems L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming 5N0541 or Programming & Design Principles 5N2927 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Computer ScienceCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Computer ScienceCK302Law & French L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC French or distinction in French 5N1623. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Computer ScienceCK304Law & Irish L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC Irish or distinction in Irish 5N1631. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Computer ScienceCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Computer ScienceCK401Computer Science L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N2927 Programme & Design Principles OR 5N2928 Operating Systems OR 5N0541 Object Oriented Programming AND Maths for IT 5N18396 or Maths 5N1833 or 5N0554. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Computer ScienceDK721Computing L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 M
 Computer ScienceDK820Games Development L8Year 13 D + 5 P
 Computer ScienceDK821Computing in Software Development L8Year 13 D + 5 P
 Computer ScienceGY301Science L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N18396 Maths for IT and 3 distinctions from any of the following:- 5N0548, 5N0690, 5N2928, 5N2927, 5N2929
 Computer ScienceInhollandMathematical EngineeringYear 1Full Award
 Computer ScienceMT700Software Development L7 (Cork)Year 13 M + 5 PCCPSPass in Maths for Computing 5N18396 or QQI Maths 5N1833 or LC Maths
 Computer ScienceMT703Computing L7 (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 Computer ScienceMT705Information Technology L7 (Cork)Year 13 M + 5 PCCPSPass in Maths for Computing 5N18396 or QQI Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066 or LC Maths
 Computer ScienceMT800Software Development L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 1M + 4PCCPSMerit in 5N1833 QQI Maths or 5N18396 Maths for Computing or Statistics 5N2066 or LC Maths O3/H7
 Computer ScienceMT802Computer Systems L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 1M + 4PCCPSMerit in 5N1833 QQI Maths or 5N18396 Maths for Computing or Statistics 5N2066 or LC Maths O3/H7
 Computer ScienceMT803Computing (Degree Award Options) L8 (Kerry)Year 13 D + 5P
 Computer ScienceMT805IT Management L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSPass in 5N1833 QQI Maths or 5N18396 Maths for Computing or Statistics 5N2066 or LCE Maths
 Computer ScienceMT944Business Information Systems L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 1 M + 4 PCCPSAt least a Merit in Maths 5N1833 or 5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066 OR LCE O3/H7
 Computer ScienceSE413Business Information Systems L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Computer ScienceSE601InformationTechnology Management L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked course240 CAO points
 Computer ScienceSE602Computer Forensics & Security L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Computer ScienceSE603Software Development L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked course240 CAO points
 Computer ScienceSE607Computer Games Development L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked coursePass in 5N1833 QQI Maths or 5N18396 Maths for Computing ,O3/H7 or better in Leaving Cert maths may be considered instead of QQI Maths - contact Admissions/240 CAO points
 Computer ScienceSE609Software Development L7 (Carlow)Year 14 M + 4 PSETU linked course200 CAO points
 Computer ScienceSE610Software Systems Development L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full awardSETU linked course
 Computer ScienceSE611Multimedia Applications Development L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full awardSETU linked course
 Computer ScienceSE612Cybercrime & IT Security L7 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 Computer ScienceSE613Information Technology L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full awardSETU linked course
 Computer ScienceSE614Information Technology Management L7 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 Computer ScienceTU701Automation Engineering L7Year 1Full Award
 Computer ScienceTU703Building EngineeringYear 1Full Award
 Computer ScienceTU704Civil Engineering L7Year 1Full Award
 Computer ScienceTU705Electrical and Control Engineering L7Year 1Full Award
 Computer ScienceTU706Electrical Services Engineering L7Year 1 Full Award
 Computer ScienceTU714Electronics & Communications Engineering L7Year 1Full Award
 Computer ScienceTU716Networking Technologies L7Year 1Full Award
 Computer ScienceTU717Mechanical Engineering L7Year 1Full Award
 Computer ScienceTU720Automotive Managment & Technology L7Year 1Full Award
 Computer ScienceTU721Aviation Technology L7Year 1Full Award
 Computer ScienceTU802Electrical Services & Energy Management L8Year 14 D + 4 P
 Computer ScienceTU811Product Design L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Computer ScienceTU856Computer Science L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction required in 5N18396, 5N0548, 5N2929, 5N2927, 5N2434
 Computer ScienceTU857Computer Science (Infastructure) L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction required in 5N18396, 5N0548 and three of the following 5N2929, 5N2927, 5N2434, 5N2928
 Computer ScienceTU874Mathematical Sciences L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction required in 5N18396 or C20175
 Computer ScienceUS711Computer Engineering with Network Infrastructure L7 (Athlone)Year 1 Full AwardQQI Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Leaving Cert Maths
 Computer ScienceUS714Computer Engineering L7 (Athlone)Year 1 Full AwardQQI Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Leaving Cert Maths
 Computer ScienceUS715Software Design with Digitalisation L7 (Athlone)Year 1 Full AwardQQI Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Leaving Cert Maths
 Computer ScienceUS820Software Development L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Computer ScienceUS825Immersive Digital Media L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Computer ScienceUS827Computer Networks & Systems Management L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Computer ScienceUS828Computing - Games Design & Development (Thurles) L8Year 13 D + 5 P
 ELC Stage 2 Advanced Certificate in Early Learning & CareMT571Early Childhood Care & Education (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 ELC Stage 2 Advanced Certificate in Early Learning & CareMT572Early Childhood Education & Care L7 (Cork)Year 24 D + 2 PCCPSDistinctions required in Advanced Professional Practice Placement in ELC AND Curriculum & Pedagogy
 ELC Stage 2 Advanced Certificate in Early Learning & CareMT970Montessori Education L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 3 PCCPSPass in 5N1833 Maths OR 5N2066 Statistcs OR LC Maths
 ELC Stage 2 Advanced Certificate in Early Learning & CareMT972Early Childhood Education & Care L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 3 PCCPS
 ELC Stage 2 Advanced Certificate in Early Learning & CareSE911BA in Early Childhood Care & Education (waterford)Year 23 M + 3 PSETU linked course
 ELC Stage 2 Advanced Certificate in Early Learning & CareUni. of Sunderland (UK)BA (Hons) Childhood Studies (Level 8 3 Year degree)Year 3Full awardOnline application. Acceptance on a case by case basis
 ELC Stage 2 Advanced Certificate in Early Learning & Care with Special NeedsMT571Early Childhood Care & Education (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 ELC Stage 2 Advanced Certificate in Early Learning & Care with Special NeedsMT572Early Childhood Education & Care L7 (Cork)Year 24 D + 2 PCCPSDistinctions required in Advanced Professional Practice Placement in ELC AND Curriculum & Pedagogy
 ELC Stage 2 Advanced Certificate in Early Learning & Care with Special NeedsMT970Montessori Education L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 3 PCCPSPass in 5N1833 Maths OR 5N2066 Statistcs OR LC Maths
 ELC Stage 2 Advanced Certificate in Early Learning & Care with Special NeedsMT972Early Childhood Education & Care L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 3 PCCPS
 ELC Stage 2 Advanced Certificate in Early Learning & Care with Special NeedsSE911BA in Early Childhood Care & Education (waterford)Year 23 M + 3 PSETU linked course
 ELC Stage 2 Advanced Certificate in Early Learning & Care with Special NeedsUni. of Sunderland (UK)BA (Hons) Childhood Studies (Level 8 3 Year degree)Year 3Full awardOnline application. Acceptance on a case by case basis
 Early Learning & Care (Stage 1)AU990Home Economics (Sligo, St Angelas)Year 15 D + 3 P
 Early Learning & Care (Stage 1)CK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Early Learning & Care (Stage 1)CK102Social Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Early Learning & Care (Stage 1)CK111Early Years & Childhood StudiesYear 14 D + 2 PDistinction required in 5C21526 (Early Childhood Growth & Development) & 5C21527 (Curriculum, Play & Creative Studies). 5C21523 (Professional Practice Placement) cannot be used as one of the Distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Early Learning & Care (Stage 1)CK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 2 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Early Learning & Care (Stage 1)CK114Social Science (Youth & Comm Work) L8Year 14 D + 2 PApplicants must have one years experience in youth/community or voluntary sector (paid or unpaid). Statement of Interest/Personl Statement required and an interview. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Early Learning & Care (Stage 1)CK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 2 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Early Learning & Care (Stage 1)CK301Law L8Year 14 D + 2 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Early Learning & Care (Stage 1)CK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 2 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Early Learning & Care (Stage 1)GY110Arts (Children & Youth Studies) L8Year 15 D + 1 P
 Early Learning & Care (Stage 1)MI007Early Childhood Care & Education L8Year 16 D + 0 PDistinctions required in all modules studied on this award
 Early Learning & Care (Stage 1)MT571Early Childhood Care & Education (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 Early Learning & Care (Stage 1)MT970Montessori Education L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 3 PCCPSPass in 5N1833 Maths OR 5N2066 Statistcs OR LC Maths
 Early Learning & Care (Stage 1)MT972Early Childhood Education & Care L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 3 PCCPS
 Early Learning & Care (Stage 1)SE911Early Childhood Care & Education L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 3 PSETU Linked Course
 Early Learning & Care (Stage 1) with Special NeedsAU990Home Economics (Sligo, St Angelas)Year 15 D + 3 P
 Early Learning & Care (Stage 1) with Special NeedsCK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Early Learning & Care (Stage 1) with Special NeedsCK102Social Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Early Learning & Care (Stage 1) with Special NeedsCK111Early Years & Childhood StudiesYear 14 D + 2 PDistinction required in 5C21526 (Early Childhood Growth & Development) & 5C21527 (Curriculum, Play & Creative Studies). 5C21523 (Professional Practice Placement) cannot be used as one of the Distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Early Learning & Care (Stage 1) with Special NeedsCK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 2 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Early Learning & Care (Stage 1) with Special NeedsCK114Social Science (Youth & Comm Work) L8Year 14 D + 2 PApplicants must have one years experience in youth/community or voluntary sector (paid or unpaid). Statement of Interest/Personl Statement required and an interview. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Early Learning & Care (Stage 1) with Special NeedsCK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 2 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Early Learning & Care (Stage 1) with Special NeedsCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 2 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Early Learning & Care (Stage 1) with Special NeedsCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 2 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Early Learning & Care (Stage 1) with Special NeedsGY110Arts (Children & Youth Studies) L8Year 15 D + 1 P
 Early Learning & Care (Stage 1) with Special NeedsMI007Early Childhood Care & Education L8Year 16 D + 0 PDistinctions required in all modules studied on this award
 Early Learning & Care (Stage 1) with Special NeedsMT571Early Childhood Care & Education (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 Early Learning & Care (Stage 1) with Special NeedsMT970Montessori Education L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 3 PCCPSPass in 5N1833 Maths OR 5N2066 Statistcs OR LC Maths
 Early Learning & Care (Stage 1) with Special NeedsMT972Early Childhood Education & Care L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 3 PCCPS
 Early Learning & Care (Stage 1) with Special NeedsSE911Early Childhood Care & Education L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 3 PSETU Linked Course
 Education & Industry Training SkillsCK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Education & Industry Training SkillsCK114Social Science (Youth & Comm Work) L8Year 14 D + 2 PApplicants must have one years experience in youth/community or voluntary sector (paid or unpaid). Statement of Interest/Personl Statement required and an interview. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Education & Industry Training SkillsMI022Education, Home Economics & Business Studies L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066 or O6/H7 in LC Maths
 Education & Industry Training SkillsMT930Home Economics & Business L8Year 15 D + 3 PCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833
 Education & Industry Training SkillsMT970Montessori Education L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsAU502Business Information Systems L7 (Galway)Year 1Full Award
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsAU601Business L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsAU604Finance & Economics L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsCK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsCK104Arts with Music L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass Music Entrance Test & 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsCK105Film & Screen Media L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsCK108Arts (International) L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsCK109English L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsCK110World LanguagesYear 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes, Leaving Cert H3 in a language other than English
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsCK112Theatre & Performative Practices L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass in the Theatre & Performative Practices Test, 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsCK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsCK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsCK122Government & Political Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsCK201Commerce L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 (extra module by night) and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsCK203Business Information Systems L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 (extra module required by night) and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsCK212Applied Economics L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsCK213Food Marketing & Entrepreneurship L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 (extra module required by night) and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsCK214International Development L8Year 15 D + 3 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsCK215International Business with Languages L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes. Distinction required in QQI L5 Language subject or a H3 in LC language (other than English). To study Irish a H2 is required. Pass required in QQI Maths (5N1833) or QQI Statistics (5N2066) or QQI Business Administration (5N1610)
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsCK302Law & French L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC French or distinction in French 5N1623. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsCK304Law & Irish L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC Irish or distinction in Irish 5N1631. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsDK710Business & Management L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 M
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsDK711Business & Technology L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 M
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsDK816Business Studies L8Year 13 D + 5 P
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsGY261Busines Studies in International Hotel Management L8 (Shannon)Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths/Interview required
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsMT541Business (Specalism in Accounting/Marketing or MGT) L7 (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsMT550Business L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsMT551Business Technology & Communication L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsMT705Information Technology L7 (Cork)Year 13 M + 5 PCCPSPass in Maths for Computing 5N18396 or QQI Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066 or LC Maths
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsMT941Business (Common Entry) L8 (Kerry)Year 13 D + 5 P
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsMT944Business Information Systems L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 1 M + 4 PCCPSAt least a Merit in Maths 5N1833 or 5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066 OR LCE O3/H7
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsSE402Business L8 (Wexford) Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked course240 CAO points
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsSE407Accounting L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked course240 CAO points
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsSE414Businees L7 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsSE415Business L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full awardSETU linked course
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsSE420Higher Certificate in Business L6Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsUS845Accounting & Finance L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsUS851Business Studies (Marketing & Management) L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 English Language & IT Skills for International StudentsUS852Business Studies (Enterprise & Innovation) L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Estate Agency AdministratorCK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Estate Agency AdministratorCK104Arts with Music L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass Music Entrance Test & 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Estate Agency AdministratorCK105Film & Screen Media L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Estate Agency AdministratorCK108Arts (International) L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Estate Agency AdministratorCK109English L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Estate Agency AdministratorCK110World Languages Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes, Leaving Cert H3 in a language other than English
 Estate Agency AdministratorCK112Theatre & Performative Practices L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass in the Theatre & Performative Practices Test, 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Estate Agency AdministratorCK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Estate Agency AdministratorCK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Estate Agency AdministratorCK122Government & Political Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Estate Agency AdministratorCK201Commerce L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Estate Agency AdministratorCK203Business Information Systems L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Estate Agency AdministratorCK212Applied Economics L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Estate Agency AdministratorCK213Food Marketing & Entrepreneurship L8Year 15 D + 3 PAt least a Pass in Maths 5N1833 or 5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066 or Business Admin 5N1610. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Estate Agency AdministratorCK214International Development L8Year 15 D + 3 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Estate Agency AdministratorCK215International Business with Languages L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes. Distinction required in QQI L5 Language subject or a H3 in LC language (other than English). To study Irish a H2 is required. Pass required in QQI Maths (5N1833) or QQI Statistics (5N2066) or QQI Business Administration (5N1610)
 Estate Agency AdministratorCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Estate Agency AdministratorCK302Law & French L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC French or distinction in French 5N1623. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Estate Agency AdministratorCK304Law & Irish L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC Irish or distinction in Irish 5N1631. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Estate Agency AdministratorCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Estate Agency AdministratorMI016Education, Business Studies and AccountingYear 15 D + 3PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths)
 Estate Agency AdministratorMI017Education, Business Studies and Religious StudiesYear 15 D + 3PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths)
 Estate Agency AdministratorMT541Business (Specalism in Accounting/Marketing or MGT) L7 (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 Estate Agency AdministratorMT550Business L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Estate Agency AdministratorMT551Business Technology & Communication L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Estate Agency AdministratorMT941Business (Common Entry) L8 (Kerry)Year 13 D+ 5P
 Estate Agency AdministratorMT942Accounting L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSDistinction in Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066
 Estate Agency AdministratorMT943Marketing L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Estate Agency AdministratorMT945International Business with LanguageYear 13 D + 5 PCCPSDistinction in QQI Spanish 5N1630 or LC French/Spanish/German H4/O1 AND QQI Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066 or LC Maths O3/H7
 Estate Agency AdministratorTU731Auctioneering, Valuation & Estate Agency L7Year 1Full Award
 Estate Agency AdministratorTU836Property Economics (Valuation Surveying) L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Estate Agency AdministratorUS882Property Valuation and Management L8 (Limerick)Year 13D + 5P
 Estate Agency AdministratorUS883Built Environment (Common Entry) L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportAU542Software and Electronic Engineering L7 (Galway)Year 1 Full AwardMaths Leaving Certificate or Pass in 5N1833/5N18396 Mathematic
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportAU846Computer Networks & Cyber Security (Sligo)Year 1Full AwardPass in QQI Maths 5N18396 or Leaving Cert Maths (TBC)
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportAU847 Software Development L7 (Sligo)Year 1Full AwardPass in QQI Maths 5N18396 or Leaving Cert Maths (TBC)
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportAU848Computing - Games Development L7 (Sligo)Year 1Full AwardPass in QQI Maths 5N18396 or Leaving Cert Maths (TBC)
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportAU955Computing L8 (Sligo)Year 13 D + 5 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or 5N18396 or Leaving Cert Maths (TBC)
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportCK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportCK104Arts with Music L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass Music Entrance Test & 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportCK105Film & Screen Media L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportCK108Arts (International) L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportCK109English L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportCK110World LanguagesYear 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes, Leaving Cert H3 in a language other than English
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportCK112Theatre & Performative Practices L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass in the Theatre & Performative Practices Test, 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportCK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportCK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportCK121Psychology & ComputingYear 14 D + 4 PDistinctions in 5N2927 Programme & Design Principles OR 5N2928 Operating Systems OR 5N0541 AND Maths for IT 5N18396 or Maths 5N1833 or 5N0554. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportCK122Government & Political Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportCK203Business Information Systems L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming 5N0541 or Programming & Design Principles 5N2927 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportCK302Law & French L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC French or distinction in French 5N1623. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportCK304Law & Irish L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC Irish or distinction in Irish 5N1631. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportCK401Computer Science L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N2927 Programme & Design Principles OR 5N2928 Operating Systems OR 5N0541 Object Oriented Programming AND Maths for IT 5N18396 or Maths 5N1833 or 5N0554. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportDK721Computing L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 M
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportDK820Games Development L8Year 13 D + 5 P
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportGY301Science L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N18396 Maths for IT and 3 distinctions from any of the following:- 5N0548, 5N0690, 5N2928, 5N2927, 5N2929
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportMT700Software Development L7 (Cork)Year 13 M + 5 PCCPSPass in Maths for Computing 5N18396 or QQI Maths 5N1833 or LC Maths
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportMT703Computing L7 (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportMT705Information Technology L7 (Cork)Year 13 M + 5 PCCPSPass in Maths for Computing 5N18396 or QQI Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066 or LC Maths
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportMT800Software Development L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 1M + 4PCCPSMerit in 5N1833 QQI Maths or 5N18396 Maths for Computing or Statistics 5N2066 or LC Maths O3/H7
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportMT802Computer Systems L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 1M + 4PCCPSMerit in 5N1833 QQI Maths or 5N18396 Maths for Computing or Statistics 5N2066 or LC Maths O3/H7
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportMT805IT Management L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSPass in 5N1833 QQI Maths or 5N18396 Maths for Computing or Statistics 5N2066 or LCE Maths
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportMT944Business Information Systems L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 1 M + 4 PCCPSAt least a Merit in Maths 5N1833 or 5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066 OR LCE O3/H7
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportSE413Business Information Systems L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportSE601InformationTechnology Management L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked course240 CAO points
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportSE602Computer Forensics & Security L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportSE603Software Development L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked course240 CAO points
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportSE609Software Development L7 (Carlow)Year 14 M + 4 PSETU linked course200 CAO points
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportSE610Software Systems Development L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full awardSETU linked course
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportSE611Multimedia Applications Development L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full awardSETU linked course
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportSE612Cybercrime & IT Security L7 (Carlow)Year 1full Award
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportSE613Information Technology L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full awardSETU linked course
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportSE614Information Technology Management L7 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportTU701Automation Engineering L7Year 1Full Award
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportTU703Building EngineeringYear 1Full Award
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportTU704Civil Engineering L7Year 1Full Award
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportTU705Electrical and Control Engineering L7Year 1Full Award
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportTU706Electrical Services Engineering L7Year 1 Full Award
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportTU714Electronics & Communications Engineering L7Year 1Full Award
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportTU716Networking Technologies L7Year 1Full Award
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportTU717Mechanical Engineering L7Year 1Full Award
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportTU720Automotive Managment & Technology L7Year 1Full Award
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportTU721Aviation Technology L7Year 1Full Award
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportTU802Electrical Services & Energy Management L8Year 14 D + 4 P
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportTU811Product Design L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportTU856Computer Science L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction required in 5N18396, 5N0548, 5N2929, 5N2927, 5N2434
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportTU857Computer Science (Infastructure) L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction required in 5N18396, 5N0548 and three of the following 5N2929, 5N2927, 5N2434, 5N2928
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportTU874Mathematical Sciences L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction required in 5N18396 or C20175
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportUS711Computer Engineering with Network Infrastructure L7 (Athlone)Year 1Full AwardQQI Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Leaving Cert Maths
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportUS714Computer Engineering L7 (Athlone)Year 1 Full AwardQQI Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Leaving Cert Maths
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportUS715Software Design with Digitalisation L7 (Athlone)Year 1 Full AwardQQI Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Leaving Cert Maths
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportUS820Software Development L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportUS825Immersive Digital Media L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportUS827Computer Networks & Systems Management L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 FIT IT Maintenance and SupportUS828Computing - Games Design & Development (Thurles) L8Year 13 D + 5 P
 GP Practice AssistantAU380General Nursing L8 (Letterkenny)Year 15 D + 3PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory & Practice and 5N1279 Human Growth & Development
 GP Practice AssistantAU381Mental Health Nursing L8 (Letterkenny)Year 15 D+ 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory & Practice and 5N1279 Human Growth & Development
 GP Practice AssistantAU382Intellectual Disability Nursing L8 (Letterkenny)Year 15 D+ 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory & Practice and 5N1279 Human Growth & Development
 GP Practice AssistantAU593Applied Social Care L7 (Castlebar)Year 1Full Award
 GP Practice AssistantAU690General Nursing L8 (Castlebar)Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 GP Practice AssistantAU691Psychiatric Nursing L8 (Castlebar)Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 GP Practice AssistantAU696Applied Social Care L8 (Castlebar)Year 13 D + 5 P
 GP Practice AssistantAU861Health Science & Physiology L7 (Sligo)Year 1Full AwardQQI 5N1833 Maths or Leaving Cert Maths (PASS) (TBC)
 GP Practice AssistantAU918Social Care Practice L8 (Sligo)Year 13 D + 5 P
 GP Practice AssistantAU991General Nursing L8 (Sligo, St Angelas)Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N0749, 5N4325, 5N1279
 GP Practice AssistantAU992Intellectual Disability Nursing L8 (Sligo, St Angelas)Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N0749, 5N4325, 5N1279
 GP Practice AssistantCK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 GP Practice AssistantCK102Social Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 GP Practice AssistantCK104Arts with Music L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass Music Entrance Test & 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 GP Practice AssistantCK105Film & Screen Media L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 GP Practice AssistantCK108Arts (International) L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 GP Practice AssistantCK109English L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 GP Practice AssistantCK110World LanguagesYear 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes, Leaving Cert H3 in a language other than English
 GP Practice AssistantCK112Theatre & Performative Practices L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass in the Theatre & Performative Practices Test, 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 GP Practice AssistantCK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 GP Practice AssistantCK114Social Science (Youth & Comm Work) L8Year 14 D + 4 PApplicants must have one years experience in youth/community or voluntary sector (paid or unpaid). Statement of Interest/Personl Statement required and an interview. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 GP Practice AssistantCK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 GP Practice AssistantCK122Government & Political Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 GP Practice AssistantCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 GP Practice AssistantCK302Law & French L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC French or distinction in French 5N1623. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 GP Practice AssistantCK304Law & Irish L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC Irish or distinction in Irish 5N1631. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 GP Practice AssistantCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 GP Practice AssistantCK706Public Health Sciences L8Year 15 D + 3 PMaths LC O6 or 5N1833 Maths Distinction & Distinction 5N0749 or 5N2746. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 GP Practice AssistantCK708Paramedicine L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes. Distinction required in Anatomy & Physiology 5N0749 OR QQI Maths 5N1833
 GP Practice AssistantCK710General NursingYear 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and either 5N1279 Human Growth or 5N2746 Biology. Award must be granted in a single sitting. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 GP Practice AssistantCK712Childrens & General NursingYear 15D + 3PDistinctions in 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and either 5N1279 Human Growth or 5N2746 Biology. Award must be granted in a single sitting. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 GP Practice AssistantCK720Mental Health NursingYear 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and either 5N1279 Human Growth or 5N2746 Biology. Award must be granted in a single sitting. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 GP Practice AssistantCK730Intellectual Disability NursingYear 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and either 5N1279 Human Growth or 5N2746 Biology. Award must be granted in a single sitting. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 GP Practice AssistantCK740MidwiferyYear 15D + 3PDistinctions in 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and either 5N1279 Human Growth or 5N2746 Biology. Award must be granted in a single sitting. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 GP Practice AssistantDC209Health and Society L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 GP Practice AssistantDC215General Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 GP Practice AssistantDC216Mental Health Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 GP Practice AssistantDC217Intellectual Disability Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 GP Practice AssistantDC218Children's & General Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 GP Practice AssistantDK862Social Care L8Year 13 D + 5 P
 GP Practice AssistantDK870General Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 GP Practice AssistantDK872Intellectual Disability Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 GP Practice AssistantDK874Psychiatric Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 GP Practice AssistantDK877Midwifery L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 GP Practice AssistantDL825Applied Psychology L8Year 13 D + 5 PMaths Leaving Certificate or Pass in 5N1833 Mathematic or 5N2066 Statistics
 GP Practice AssistantDN450General Nursing Year 15 D+3 PDisinctions must be in 5N0749 (Anatomy & Physiology), 5N4325 (Nursing Theory & Practice), 5N1279 (Human Growth & Development)
 GP Practice AssistantDN451Children's and General NursingYear 15 D+3 PDisinctions must be in 5N0749 (Anatomy & Physiology), 5N4325 (Nursing Theory & Practice), 5N1279 (Human Growth & Development)
 GP Practice AssistantDN452MidwiferyYear 15 D+3 PDisinctions must be in 5N0749 (Anatomy & Physiology), 5N4325 (Nursing Theory & Practice), 5N1279 (Human Growth & Development)
 GP Practice AssistantDN453Mental Health NursingYear 15 D+3 PDisinctions must be in 5N0749 (Anatomy & Physiology), 5N4325 (Nursing Theory & Practice), 5N1279 (Human Growth & Development)
 GP Practice AssistantGY261Busines Studies in International Hotel Management L8 (Shannon)Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths/Interview required
 GP Practice AssistantGY515General Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 GP Practice AssistantGY516Mental Health Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 GP Practice AssistantGY517Midwifery L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 GP Practice AssistantLM103Paramedic Studies L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory & Practice and 5N1279 Human Growth & Development and QQI Maths 5N1833/LC Maths F6/O6/H7. Full B/provisional C1 Drivers licence required
 GP Practice AssistantLM150General Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory & Practice and 5N1279 Human Growth & Development
 GP Practice AssistantLM152Mental Health Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory & Practice and 5N1279 Human Growth & Development
 GP Practice AssistantLM154Intellectual Disability Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory & Practice and 5N1279 Human Growth & Development
 GP Practice AssistantLM156Midwifery L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory & Practice and 5N1279 Human Growth & Development
 GP Practice AssistantMH107Social Science L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 GP Practice AssistantMT573Social Care Work L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 GP Practice AssistantMT575Community Development L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPS
 GP Practice AssistantMT784Veterinary Nursing L& (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 GP Practice AssistantMT926General Nursing L8 (Kerry)Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 GP Practice AssistantMT927Mental Health Nursing L8 (Kerry)Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 GP Practice AssistantMT970Montessori Education L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 GP Practice AssistantMT972Early Childhood Education & Care L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPS
 GP Practice AssistantSE200Arts L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 GP Practice AssistantSE901Sports Rehabilitation & Athletic Therapy L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 P
 GP Practice AssistantSE905Sport & Exercise Science L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 P
 GP Practice AssistantSE911Early Childhood Care & Education L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 GP Practice AssistantSE914Psychiatric Nursing L8 (Waterford)Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology or 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice or 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 GP Practice AssistantSE915General Nursing L8 (Waterford)Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology or 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice or 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 GP Practice AssistantSE916Intellectual Disability Nursing L8 (Waterford)Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology or 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice or 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 GP Practice AssistantSE917Applied Social Studies in Professional Social Care L8 (Wexford) Year 13 D + 5 P
 GP Practice AssistantSE918Professional Social Care Practice L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 P
 GP Practice AssistantSE919Social Care Practice L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 GP Practice AssistantSE920Social Science L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 GP Practice AssistantSE926Professional Social Care Practice L7 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 GP Practice AssistantSE927BA in Applied Social Care L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 GP Practice AssistantSE928Applied Health Care L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 GP Practice AssistantSE936Physiology & Health Science L6 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 GP Practice AssistantTR091General Nursing (Meath and St. James's) Year 15 D+ 3 PDistinction in 5N0749 (Anatomy & Physiology), 5N4325 (Nursing Theory & Practice), 5N1279 (Human Growth & Development). Minimum of Pass in 5N0690
 GP Practice AssistantTR093General Nursing (Adelaide School of Nursing)Year 15 D+ 3 PDistinction in 5N0749 (Anatomy & Physiology), 5N4325 (Nursing Theory & Practice), 5N1279 (Human Growth & Development). Minimum of Pass in 5N0690
 GP Practice AssistantTR095Mental Health Nursing L8Year 15 D+ 3 PDistinction in 5N0749 (Anatomy & Physiology), 5N4325 (Nursing Theory & Practice), 5N1279 (Human Growth & Development). Minimum of Pass in 5N0690
 GP Practice AssistantTR097Intellectual Disability Nursing Year 15 D+ 3 PDistinction in 5N0749 (Anatomy & Physiology), 5N4325 (Nursing Theory & Practice), 5N1279 (Human Growth & Development). Minimum of Pass in 5N0690
 GP Practice AssistantTR913MidwiferyYear 15 D+ 3 PDistinction in 5N0749 (Anatomy & Physiology), 5N4325 (Nursing Theory & Practice), 5N1279 (Human Growth & Development). Minimum of Pass in 5N0690
 GP Practice AssistantTU654Pharmacy Technician L6Year 1Full Award
 GP Practice AssistantTU996Social Care L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Health Services AdministratorCK201Commerce L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Health Services AdministratorCK203Business Information Systems L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833/5N18396 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Health Services AdministratorCK212Applied Economics L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Health Services AdministratorMT550Business L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Health Services AdministratorMT551Business Technology & Communication L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Health Services AdministratorMT573Social Care Work L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Health Services AdministratorMT574Social Care L7 (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 Health Services AdministratorMT941Business (Common Entry) L8 (Kerry)Year 13 D +5P
 Health Services AdministratorMT945International Business with LanguageYear 13 D + 5 PCCPSDistinction in QQI Spanish 5N1630 or LC French/Spanish/German H4/O1 AND QQI Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066 or LC Maths O3/H7
 Healthcare AssistantAU593Applied Social Care L7 (Castlebar)Year 1Full Award
 Healthcare AssistantAU593Applied Social Care L7 (Castlebar)Year 1Full Award
 Healthcare AssistantAU696Applied Social Care L8 (Castlebar)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Healthcare AssistantAU696Applied Social Care L8 (Castlebar)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Healthcare AssistantAU856Occupational Safety and Health L7 (Sligo)Year 1Full AwardPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or Leaving Cert Maths (TBC)
 Healthcare AssistantAU856Occupational Safety and Health L7 (Sligo)Year 1Full AwardPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or Leaving Cert Maths (TBC)
 Healthcare AssistantAU861Health Science & Physiology L7 (Sligo)Year 1Full AwardQQI 5N1833 Maths or Leaving Cert Maths (PASS) (TBC)
 Healthcare AssistantAU861Health Science & Physiology L7 (Sligo)Year 1Full AwardQQI 5N1833 Maths or Leaving Cert Maths (PASS) (TBC)
 Healthcare AssistantAU918Social Care Practice L8 (Sligo)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Healthcare AssistantAU918Social Care Practice L8 (Sligo)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Healthcare AssistantCK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Healthcare AssistantCK102Social Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Healthcare AssistantCK104Arts with Music L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass Music Entrance Test & 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Healthcare AssistantCK105Film & Screen Media L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Healthcare AssistantCK108Arts (International) L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Healthcare AssistantCK109English L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Healthcare AssistantCK110World LanguagesYear 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes, Leaving Cert H3 in a language other than English
 Healthcare AssistantCK112Theatre & Performative Practices L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass in the Theatre & Performative Practices Test, 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Healthcare AssistantCK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Healthcare AssistantCK114Social Science (Youth & Comm Work) L8Year 14 D + 4 PApplicants must have one years experience in youth/community or voluntary sector (paid or unpaid). Statement of Interest/Personl Statement required and an interview. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Healthcare AssistantCK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Healthcare AssistantCK122Government & Political Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Healthcare AssistantCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Healthcare AssistantCK302Law & French L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC French or distinction in French 5N1623. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Healthcare AssistantCK304Law & Irish L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC Irish or distinction in Irish 5N1631. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Healthcare AssistantCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Healthcare AssistantCK708Paramedicine L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes. Distinction required in QQI Maths 5N1833 (extra module by night)
 Healthcare AssistantDC209Health and Society L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Healthcare AssistantDK767Community Youth Work L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 MInterview
 Healthcare AssistantDK862Social Care L8Year 13 D + 5 P
 Healthcare AssistantDK880Health & Physical Activity L8Year 13 D + 5 P
 Healthcare AssistantMT573Social Care Work L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Healthcare AssistantMT574Social Care L7 (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 Healthcare AssistantMT575Community Development L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPS
 Healthcare AssistantMT972Early Childhood Education & Care L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPS
 Healthcare AssistantMT974Social Care L8 (Kerry)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Healthcare AssistantSE200Arts L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Healthcare AssistantSE901Sports Rehabilitation & Athletic Therapy L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Healthcare AssistantSE918Professional Social Care Practice L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Healthcare AssistantSE919Social Care Practice L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Healthcare AssistantSE920Social Science L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Healthcare AssistantSE926Professional Social Care Practice L7 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 Healthcare AssistantSE927BA in Applied Social Care L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Healthcare AssistantSE928Applied Health Care L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Healthcare AssistantSE936Physiology & Health Science L6 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 Healthcare AssistantUS660Pharmacy Technician L6 (Athlone)Year 1Full awardQQI Maths 5N1833 or LC Maths AND LC Science subject
 Healthcare AssistantUS661Dental Nursing L6 (Athlone)Year 1Full awardQQI Maths 5N1833 or LC Maths AND LC Science subject
 Healthcare AssistantUS782Applied Social Studies in Social Care L7 (Athlone)Year 1Full AwardAward needs to include 5N2706 (Care of the Older Person)
 Healthcare AssistantUS920Social Care Work L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Healthcare AssistantUS922Social Care Work L8 (Thurles)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportAU593Applied Social Care L7 (Castlebar)Year 1Full Award
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportAU593Applied Social Care L7 (Castlebar)Year 1Full Award
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportAU696Applied Social Care L8 (Castlebar)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportAU696Applied Social Care L8 (Castlebar)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportAU856Occupational Safety and Health L7 (Sligo)Year 1Full AwardPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or Leaving Cert Maths (TBC)
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportAU856Occupational Safety and Health L7 (Sligo)Year 1Full AwardPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or Leaving Cert Maths (TBC)
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportAU861Health Science & Physiology L7 (Sligo)Year 1Full AwardQQI 5N1833 Maths or Leaving Cert Maths (PASS) (TBC)
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportAU861Health Science & Physiology L7 (Sligo)Year 1Full AwardQQI 5N1833 Maths or Leaving Cert Maths (PASS) (TBC)
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportAU918Social Care Practice L8 (Sligo)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportAU918Social Care Practice L8 (Sligo)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportCK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportCK102Social Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportCK104Arts with Music L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass Music Entrance Test & 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportCK105Film & Screen Media L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportCK108Arts (International) L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportCK109English L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportCK110World LanguagesYear 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes, Leaving Cert H3 in a language other than English
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportCK112Theatre & Performative Practices L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass in the Theatre & Performative Practices Test, 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportCK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportCK114Social Science (Youth & Comm Work) L8Year 14 D + 4 PApplicants must have one years experience in youth/community or voluntary sector (paid or unpaid). Statement of Interest/Personl Statement required and an interview. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportCK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportCK122Government & Political Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportCK302Law & French L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC French or distinction in French 5N1623. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportCK304Law & Irish L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC Irish or distinction in Irish 5N1631. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportCK708Paramedicine L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes. Distinction required in QQI Maths 5N1833 (extra module by night)
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportDC209Health and Society L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportDK767Community Youth Work L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 MInterview
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportDK862Social Care L8Year 13 D + 5 P
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportDK880Health & Physical Activity L8Year 13 D + 5 P
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportMT573Social Care Work L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportMT574Social Care L7 (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportMT575Community Development L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPS
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportMT972Early Childhood Education & Care L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPS
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportMT974Social Care L8 (Kerry)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportSE200Arts L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportSE901Sports Rehabilitation & Athletic Therapy L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportSE918Professional Social Care Practice L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportSE919Social Care Practice L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportSE920Social Science L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportSE926Professional Social Care Practice L7 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportSE927BA in Applied Social Care L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportSE928Applied Health Care L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportSE936Physiology & Health Science L6 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportUS660Pharmacy Technician L6 (Athlone)Year 1Full awardQQI Maths 5N1833 or LC Maths AND LC Science subject
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportUS660Pharmacy Technician L6 (Athlone)Year 1Full awardQQI Maths 5N1833 or LC Maths AND LC Science subject
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportUS661Dental Nursing L6 (Athlone)Year 1Full awardQQI Maths 5N1833 or LC Maths AND LC Science subject
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportUS782Applied Social Studies in Social Care L7 (Athlone)Year 1Full AwardAward needs to include 5N2706 (Care of the Older Person)
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportUS920Social Care Work L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Healthcare Assistant with English Language SupportUS922Social Care Work L8 (Thurles)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Holistic TherapiesMT912Health & Exercise Sciences with Massage Therapy L8 (Kerry)Year 1Mature Applicants onlyAptitudeTest, Written Assessment and/or interview may be required
 Holistic TherapiesSE901Sports Rehabilitation & Athletic Therapy L8 (Carlow)Year 1Mature Applicants onlyInterview
 Horticulture (West Cork Campus)AU506Rural Enterprise & Agri-Business L7 (Mountbellew)Year 1Full Award
 Horticulture (West Cork Campus)AU557Agriculture & Environmental Management L7 (Mountbellew)Year 1Full Award
 Horticulture (West Cork Campus)AU606Rural Enterprise & Agri-Business L8 (Mountbellew)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Horticulture (West Cork Campus)AU657Agriculture & Environmental Management L8 (Mountbellew)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Horticulture (West Cork Campus)DK882Agriculture L8Year 13 D + 5 P
 Horticulture (West Cork Campus)MT680Biological & Environmental Studies L6 (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 Horticulture (West Cork Campus)MT748Agricultural Engineering L7 (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 Horticulture (West Cork Campus)MT750Agriculture L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Horticulture (West Cork Campus)MT777Agricultural Science L7 (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 Horticulture (West Cork Campus)MT848Agricultural Engineering L8 (Kerry)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Horticulture (West Cork Campus)MT877Agricultural Science L8 (Kerry)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Horticulture (West Cork Campus)SE505Forestry L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Horticulture (West Cork Campus)SE506Horticulture L7 (Waterford) Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Horticulture (West Cork Campus)SE507Horticulture L7 (Dublin)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Horticulture (West Cork Campus)SE508Agriculture L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Horticulture (West Cork Campus)SE509Sustainable Farm Management & Agribusiness (Wexford) L7Year 1Full Award
 Horticulture (West Cork Campus)SE512Science L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Hospitality StudiesAU429Culinary Arts L6 (Galway)Year 1Full Award
 Hospitality StudiesAU630International Hotel & Hospitality Management L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Hospitality StudiesDK750Hospitality Management L7Year 1Full Award with 1D or 2 M
 Hospitality StudiesDK753Culinary Arts L7Year 1Full Award with 1D or 2 M
 Hospitality StudiesGY261Busines Studies in International Hotel Management L8 (Shannon)Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths/Interview required
 Hospitality StudiesMTNational Chef de Partie Apprenticeship L7 (4 years)Year 1Full awardDay release - Earn & LearnContact MTU (Cork) Admissions for further details
 Hospitality StudiesMT552Tourism Management L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Hospitality StudiesMT553Beverage Industry Management L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Hospitality StudiesMT554Hospitality Management L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Hospitality StudiesMT555Culinary Arts L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Hospitality StudiesMT655Culinary Studies L6 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPS
 Hospitality StudiesSE200Arts L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Hospitality StudiesSE921Hospitality Management L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Hospitality StudiesSE923Culinary Arts L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Hospitality StudiesSE938Culinary Arts L6 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Hospitality StudiesTU741Baking & Pastry Arts Mgt L7Year 1Full Award
 Hospitality StudiesTU745Hospitality Management L7Year 1Full Award
 Hospitality StudiesTU747Tourism Management L7Year 1 Full Award
 Hospitality StudiesTU942Culinary Arts L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Hospitality StudiesTU952International Hospitality Management L8Year 14 D + 4 P
 Hospitality StudiesTU953Tourism & Digital Marketing L8Year 14 D + 4 P
 Hospitality StudiesTU954Event Management L8Year 14 D + 4 P
 Hospitality StudiesUS940Business Studies with Travel & Tourism Management L8 (Limerick)Year 1 3 D + 5 P
 IT Tech Support AU542Software and Electronic Engineering L7 (Galway)Year 1Full AwardMaths Leaving Certificate or Pass in 5N1833/5N18396 Mathematic
 IT Tech Support AU846Computer Networks & Cyber Security (Sligo)Year 1Full AwardPass in QQI Maths 5N18396 or Leaving Cert Maths (TBC)
 IT Tech Support AU847 Software Development L7 (Sligo)Year 1Full AwardPass in QQI Maths 5N18396 or Leaving Cert Maths (TBC)
 IT Tech Support AU848Computing - Games Development L7 (Sligo)Year 1Full AwardPass in QQI Maths 5N18396 or Leaving Cert Maths (TBC)
 IT Tech Support AU955Computing L8 (Sligo)Year 13 D + 5 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or 5N18396 or Leaving Cert Maths (TBC)
 IT Tech Support CK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 IT Tech Support CK105Film & Screen Media L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 IT Tech Support CK108Arts (International) L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 IT Tech Support CK109English L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 IT Tech Support CK110World LanguagesYear 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes, Leaving Cert H3 in a language other than English
 IT Tech Support CK112Theatre & Performative Practices L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass in the Theatre & Performative Practices Test, 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 IT Tech Support CK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 IT Tech Support CK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 IT Tech Support CK121Psychology & ComputingYear 14 D + 4PDistinctions in 5N2927 Programme & Design Principles OR 5N2928 Operating Systems OR 5N0541 AND Maths for IT 5N18396 or Maths 5N1833 or 5N0554. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 IT Tech Support CK122Government & Political Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 IT Tech Support CK203Business Information Systems L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming 5N0541 or Programming & Design Principles 5N2927 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 IT Tech Support CK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 IT Tech Support CK302Law & French L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC French or distinction in French 5N1623. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 IT Tech Support CK304Law & Irish L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC Irish or distinction in Irish 5N1631. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 IT Tech Support CK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 IT Tech Support CK401Computer Science L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N2927 Programme & Design Principles OR 5N2928 Operating Systems OR 5N0541 Object Oriented Programming AND Maths for IT 5N18396 or Maths 5N1833 or 5N0554. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 IT Tech Support DK721Computing L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 M
 IT Tech Support DK820Games Development L8Year 13 D + 5 P
 IT Tech Support DK821Computing in Software Development L8Year 13 D + 5 P
 IT Tech Support GY301Science L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N18396 Maths for IT and 3 distinctions from any of the following:- 5N0548, 5N0690, 5N2928, 5N2927, 5N2929
 IT Tech Support MT700Software Development L7 (Cork)Year 13 M + 5 PCCPSPass in Maths for Computing 5N18396 or QQI Maths 5N1833 or LC Maths
 IT Tech Support MT703Computing L7 (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 IT Tech Support MT705Information Technology L7 (Cork)Year 13 M + 5 PCCPSPass in Maths for Computing 5N18396 or QQI Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066 or LC Maths
 IT Tech Support MT800Software Development L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 1M + 4PCCPSMerit in 5N1833 QQI Maths or 5N18396 Maths for Computing or Statistics 5N2066 or LC Maths O3/H7
 IT Tech Support MT802Computer Systems L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 1M + 4PCCPSMerit in 5N1833 QQI Maths or 5N18396 Maths for Computing or Statistics 5N2066 or LC Maths O3/H7
 IT Tech Support MT803Computing (Degree Award Options) L8 (Kerry)Year 13 D + 5P
 IT Tech Support MT805IT Management L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSPass in 5N1833 QQI Maths or 5N18396 Maths for Computing or Statistics 5N2066 or LCE Maths
 IT Tech Support MT944Business Information Systems L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 1 M + 4 PCCPSAt least a Merit in Maths 5N1833 or 5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066 OR LCE O3/H7
 IT Tech Support SE413Business Information Systems L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 IT Tech Support SE601InformationTechnology Management L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked course240 CAO points
 IT Tech Support SE602Computer Forensics & Security L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 IT Tech Support SE603Software Development L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked course240 CAO points
 IT Tech Support SE607Computer Games Development L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked coursePass in 5N1833 QQI Maths or 5N18396 Maths for Computing ,O3/H7 or better in Leaving Cert maths may be considered instead of QQI Maths - contact Admissions/240 CAO points
 IT Tech Support SE609Software Development L7 (Carlow)Year 14 M + 4 PSETU linked course200 CAO points
 IT Tech Support SE610Software Systems Development L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full awardSETU linked course
 IT Tech Support SE611Multimedia Applications Development L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full awardSETU linked course
 IT Tech Support SE612Cybercrime & IT Security L7 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 IT Tech Support SE613Information Technology L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full awardSETU linked course
 IT Tech Support SE614Information Technology Management L7 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 IT Tech Support TU701Automation Engineering L7Year 1Full Award
 IT Tech Support TU703Building EngineeringYear 1Full Award
 IT Tech Support TU704Civil Engineering L7Year 1Full Award
 IT Tech Support TU705Electrical and Control Engineering L7Year 1Full Award
 IT Tech Support TU706Electrical Services Engineering L7Year 1Full Award
 IT Tech Support TU714Electronics & Communications Engineering L7Year 1Full Award
 IT Tech Support TU716Networking Technologies L7Year 1Full Award
 IT Tech Support TU717Mechanical Engineering L7Year 1Full Award
 IT Tech Support TU720Automotive Managment & Technology L7Year 1Full Award
 IT Tech Support TU721Aviation Technology L7Year 1Full Award
 IT Tech Support TU802Electrical Services & Energy Management L8Year 14 D + 4 P
 IT Tech Support TU811Product Design L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 IT Tech Support TU856Computer Science L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction required in 5N18396, 5N0548, 5N2929, 5N2927, 5N2434
 IT Tech Support TU857Computer Science (Infastructure) L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction required in 5N18396, 5N0548 and three of the following 5N2929, 5N2927, 5N2434, 5N2928
 IT Tech Support TU874Mathematical Sciences L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction required in 5N18396 or C20175
 IT Tech Support US711Computer Engineering with Network Infrastructure L7 (Athlone)Year 1Full AwardQQI Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Leaving Cert Maths
 IT Tech Support US714Computer Engineering L7 (Athlone)Year 1Full AwardQQI Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Leaving Cert Maths
 IT Tech Support US715Software Design with Digitalisation L7 (Athlone)Year 1Full AwardQQI Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Leaving Cert Maths
 IT Tech Support US820Software Development L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 IT Tech Support US825Immersive Digital Media L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 IT Tech Support US827Computer Networks & Systems Management L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 IT Tech Support US828Computing - Games Design & Development (Thurles) L8Year 13 D + 5 P
 International Airline StudiesAU528International Tourism Management L7 (Galway)Year 1Full Award
 International Airline StudiesAU628International Tourism Management L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 International Airline StudiesCK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 International Airline StudiesCK104Arts with Music L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass Music Entrance Test & 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 International Airline StudiesCK105Film & Screen Media L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 International Airline StudiesCK108Arts (International) L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 International Airline StudiesCK109English L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 International Airline StudiesCK110World LanguagesYear 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes, Leaving Cert H3 in a language other than English
 International Airline StudiesCK112Theatre & Performative Practices L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass in the Theatre & Performative Practices Test, 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 International Airline StudiesCK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 International Airline StudiesCK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 International Airline StudiesCK122Government & Political Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 International Airline StudiesCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 International Airline StudiesCK302Law & French L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC French or distinction in French 5N1623. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 International Airline StudiesCK304Law & Irish L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC Irish or distinction in Irish 5N1631. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 International Airline StudiesCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 International Airline StudiesGY261Busines Studies in International Hotel Management L8 (Shannon)Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths/Interview required
 International Airline StudiesMT552Tourism Management L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 International Airline StudiesMT554Hospitality Management L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 International Airline StudiesMT943Marketing L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 International Airline StudiesMT945International Business with LanguageYear 13 D + 5 PCCPSDistinction in QQI Spanish 5N1630 or LC French/Spanish/German H4/O1 AND QQI Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066 or LC Maths O3/H7
 International Airline StudiesSE200Arts L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 International Airline StudiesSE401Business L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked course240 CAO points
 International Airline StudiesSE405Law - LLB L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 P
 International Airline StudiesSE416Business L7 (Wexford) Year 1Full Award
 International Airline StudiesSE921Hospitality Management L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 International Airline StudiesSE938Culinary Arts L6 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 International Airline StudiesTU747Tourism Management L7Year 1Full Award
 International Airline StudiesTU952International Hospitality Management L8Year 14 D + 4 P
 International Airline StudiesTU953Tourism & Digital Marketing L8Year 1 4 D + 4 P
 International Airline StudiesTU954Event Management L8Year 1 4 D + 4 P
 International Airline StudiesUS940Business Studies with Travel & Tourism Management L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Legal AdministratorCK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Legal AdministratorCK104Arts with Music L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass Music Entrance Test & 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Legal AdministratorCK105Film & Screen Media L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Legal AdministratorCK108Arts (International) L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Legal AdministratorCK109English L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Legal AdministratorCK110World LanguagesYear 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes, Leaving Cert H3 in a language other than English
 Legal AdministratorCK112Theatre & Performative Practices L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass in the Theatre & Performative Practices Test, 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Legal AdministratorCK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Legal AdministratorCK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Legal AdministratorCK122Government & Political Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Legal AdministratorCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Legal AdministratorCK302Law & French L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC French or distinction in French 5N1623. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Legal AdministratorCK304Law & Irish L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC Irish or distinction in Irish 5N1631. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Legal AdministratorCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Legal AdministratorDC232Law and Society L8 (BCL)Year 15 D + 3 P
 Legal AdministratorDN600LawYear 15 D + 3 P
 Legal AdministratorDN610Business & LawYear 15 D + 3 PO2/H6 required in LC Maths or Distinction in 5N1833 Maths
 Legal AdministratorGY250Law & BusinessYear 15 D + 3 PO6 required in LCE maths or Pass in 5N1833 Maths
 Legal AdministratorGY251Law (BCL) L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Legal AdministratorGY261Busines Studies in International Hotel Management L8 (Shannon)Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths/Interview required
 Legal AdministratorLM028Criminal Justice L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Legal AdministratorLM029Law Plus L8Year 15 D + 3P
 Legal AdministratorMH501LLB Law . Four year single major Law programmeYear 15 D + 3 PCheck college website for details of special course requirements
 Legal AdministratorMH502BCL LawYear 15 D + 3 PCheck college website for details of special course requirements
 Legal AdministratorMT550Business L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Legal AdministratorMT551Business Technology & Communication L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Legal AdministratorMT941Business (Common Entry) L8 (Kerry)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Legal AdministratorSE200Arts L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Legal AdministratorSE403Business with Law L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked course240 CAO points
 Legal AdministratorSE404Law L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Legal AdministratorSE405Law - LLB L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked course240 CAO points
 Legal AdministratorSE406Criminal Justice Studies L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Legal AdministratorSE415Business L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full awardSETU linked course
 Legal AdministratorSE420Higher Certificate in Business L6 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Legal AdministratorSE422Legal Studies L6 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Legal AdministratorTR004Law L8Year 15 D + 3 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Legal AdministratorTU918Law (LLB) L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Legal AdministratorUS849Law & Taxation L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Nursery Nursing StudiesAU380General Nursing L8 (Letterkenny)Year 15 D + 3PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory & Practice and 5N1279 Human Growth & Development
 Nursery Nursing StudiesAU381Mental Health Nursing L8 (Letterkenny)Year 15 D+ 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory & Practice and 5N1279 Human Growth & Development
 Nursery Nursing StudiesAU382Intellectual Disability Nursing L8 (Letterkenny)Year 15 D+ 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory & Practice and 5N1279 Human Growth & Development
 Nursery Nursing StudiesAU593Applied Social Care L7 (Castlebar)Year 1Full Award
 Nursery Nursing StudiesAU690General Nursing L8 (Castlebar)Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursery Nursing StudiesAU691Psychiatric Nursing L8 (Castlebar)Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursery Nursing StudiesAU696Applied Social Care L8 (Castlebar)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Nursery Nursing StudiesAU861Health Science & Physiology L7 (Sligo)Year 1Full AwardQQI 5N1833 Maths or Leaving Cert Maths (PASS) (TBC)
 Nursery Nursing StudiesAU918Social Care Practice L8 (Sligo)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Nursery Nursing StudiesAU991General Nursing L8 (Sligo, St Angelas)Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N0749, 5N4325, 5N1279
 Nursery Nursing StudiesAU992Intellectual Disability Nursing L8 (Sligo, St Angelas)Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N0749, 5N4325, 5N1279
 Nursery Nursing StudiesCK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursery Nursing StudiesCK102Social Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursery Nursing StudiesCK104Arts with Music L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass Music Entrance Test & 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursery Nursing StudiesCK105Film & Screen Media L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursery Nursing StudiesCK108Arts (International) L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Nursery Nursing StudiesCK109English L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Nursery Nursing StudiesCK110World LanguagesYear 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes, Leaving Cert H3 in a language other than English
 Nursery Nursing StudiesCK112Theatre & Performative Practices L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass in the Theatre & Performative Practices Test, 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursery Nursing StudiesCK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursery Nursing StudiesCK114Social Science (Youth & Comm Work) L8Year 14 D + 4 PApplicants must have one years experience in youth/community or voluntary sector (paid or unpaid). Statement of Interest/Personl Statement required and an interview. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursery Nursing StudiesCK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursery Nursing StudiesCK122Government & Political Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursery Nursing StudiesCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursery Nursing StudiesCK302Law & French L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC French or distinction in French 5N1623. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursery Nursing StudiesCK304Law & Irish L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC Irish or distinction in Irish 5N1631. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursery Nursing StudiesCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursery Nursing StudiesCK706Public Health Sciences L8Year 15 D + 3 PMaths LC O6 or 5N1833 Maths Distinction & Distinction 5N0749 or 5N2746. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursery Nursing StudiesCK710General NursingYear 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and either 5N1279 Human Growth or 5N2746 Biology. Award must be granted in a single sitting. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursery Nursing StudiesCK712Childrens & General NursingYear 15D + 3PDistinctions in 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and either 5N1279 Human Growth or 5N2746 Biology. Award must be granted in a single sitting. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursery Nursing StudiesCK720Mental Health NursingYear 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and either 5N1279 Human Growth or 5N2746 Biology. Award must be granted in a single sitting. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursery Nursing StudiesCK730Intellectual Disability NursingYear 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and either 5N1279 Human Growth or 5N2746 Biology. Award must be granted in a single sitting. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursery Nursing StudiesCK740MidwiferyYear 15D + 3PDistinctions in 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and either 5N1279 Human Growth or 5N2746 Biology. Award must be granted in a single sitting. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursery Nursing StudiesDC209Health and Society L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Nursery Nursing StudiesDC215General Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursery Nursing StudiesDC216Mental Health Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursery Nursing StudiesDC217Intellectual Disability Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursery Nursing StudiesDC218Children's & General Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursery Nursing StudiesDK862Social Care L8Year 13 D + 5 P
 Nursery Nursing StudiesDK870General Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursery Nursing StudiesDK872Intellectual Disability Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursery Nursing StudiesDK874Psychiatric Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursery Nursing StudiesDK877Midwifery L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursery Nursing StudiesDL825Applied Psychology L8Year 13 D + 5 PMaths Leaving Certificate or Pass in 5N1833 Mathematic or 5N2066 Statistics
 Nursery Nursing StudiesDN450General Nursing Year 15 D+3 PDisinctions must be in 5N0749 (Anatomy & Physiology), 5N4325 (Nursing Theory & Practice), 5N1279 (Human Growth & Development)
 Nursery Nursing StudiesDN451Children's and General NursingYear 15 D+3 PDisinctions must be in 5N0749 (Anatomy & Physiology), 5N4325 (Nursing Theory & Practice), 5N1279 (Human Growth & Development)
 Nursery Nursing StudiesDN452MidwiferyYear 15 D+3 PDisinctions must be in 5N0749 (Anatomy & Physiology), 5N4325 (Nursing Theory & Practice), 5N1279 (Human Growth & Development)
 Nursery Nursing StudiesDN453Mental Health NursingYear 15 D+3 PDisinctions must be in 5N0749 (Anatomy & Physiology), 5N4325 (Nursing Theory & Practice), 5N1279 (Human Growth & Development)
 Nursery Nursing StudiesGY261Busines Studies in International Hotel Management L8 (Shannon)Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths/Interview required
 Nursery Nursing StudiesGY515General Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursery Nursing StudiesGY516Mental Health Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursery Nursing StudiesGY517Midwifery L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursery Nursing StudiesLM103Paramedic Studies L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory & Practice and 5N1279 Human Growth & Development and QQI Maths 5N1833/LC Maths F6/O6/H7. Full B/provisional C1 Drivers licence required
 Nursery Nursing StudiesLM150General Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory & Practice and 5N1279 Human Growth & Development
 Nursery Nursing StudiesLM152Mental Health Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory & Practice and 5N1279 Human Growth & Development
 Nursery Nursing StudiesLM154Intellectual Disability Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory & Practice and 5N1279 Human Growth & Development
 Nursery Nursing StudiesLM156Midwifery L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory & Practice and 5N1279 Human Growth & Development
 Nursery Nursing StudiesMH107Social Science L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Nursery Nursing StudiesMT573Social Care Work L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Nursery Nursing StudiesMT575Community Development L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPS
 Nursery Nursing StudiesMT784Veterinary Nursing L& (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 Nursery Nursing StudiesMT926General Nursing L8 (Kerry)Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursery Nursing StudiesMT927Mental Health Nursing L8 (Kerry)Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursery Nursing StudiesMT970Montessori Education L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Nursery Nursing StudiesMT972Early Childhood Education & Care L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPS
 Nursery Nursing StudiesSE200Arts L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Nursery Nursing StudiesSE901Sports Rehabilitation & Athletic Therapy L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Nursery Nursing StudiesSE905Sport & Exercise Science L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Nursery Nursing StudiesSE911Early Childhood Care & Education L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Nursery Nursing StudiesSE914Psychiatric Nursing L8 (Waterford)Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology or 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice or 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursery Nursing StudiesSE915General Nursing L8 (Waterford)Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology or 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice or 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursery Nursing StudiesSE916Intellectual Disability Nursing L8 (Waterford)Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology or 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice or 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursery Nursing StudiesSE917Applied Social Studies in Professional Social Care L8 (Wexford) Year 13 D + 5 P
 Nursery Nursing StudiesSE918Professional Social Care Practice L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Nursery Nursing StudiesSE919Social Care Practice L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Nursery Nursing StudiesSE920Social Science L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Nursery Nursing StudiesSE926Professional Social Care Practice L7 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 Nursery Nursing StudiesSE927BA in Applied Social Care L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Nursery Nursing StudiesSE928Applied Health Care L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Nursery Nursing StudiesSE936Physiology & Health Science L6 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 Nursery Nursing StudiesTR093General Nursing (Adelaide School of Nursing)Year 15 D+ 3 PDistinction in 5N0749 (Anatomy & Physiology), 5N4325 (Nursing Theory & Practice), 5N1279 (Human Growth & Development). Minimum of Pass in 5N0690
 Nursery Nursing StudiesTR095Mental Health Nursing L8Year 15 D+ 3 PDistinction in 5N0749 (Anatomy & Physiology), 5N4325 (Nursing Theory & Practice), 5N1279 (Human Growth & Development). Minimum of Pass in 5N0690
 Nursery Nursing StudiesTR097Intellectual Disability Nursing Year 15 D+ 3 PDistinction in 5N0749 (Anatomy & Physiology), 5N4325 (Nursing Theory & Practice), 5N1279 (Human Growth & Development). Minimum of Pass in 5N0690
 Nursery Nursing StudiesTR913MidwiferyYear 15 D+ 3 PDistinction in 5N0749 (Anatomy & Physiology), 5N4325 (Nursing Theory & Practice), 5N1279 (Human Growth & Development). Minimum of Pass in 5N0690
 Nursing StudiesAU380General Nursing L8 (Letterkenny)Year 15 D + 3PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory & Practice and 5N1279 Human Growth & Development
 Nursing StudiesAU381Mental Health Nursing L8 (Letterkenny)Year 15 D+ 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory & Practice and 5N1279 Human Growth & Development
 Nursing StudiesAU382Intellectual Disability Nursing L8 (Letterkenny)Year 15 D+ 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory & Practice and 5N1279 Human Growth & Development
 Nursing StudiesAU593Applied Social Care L7 (Castlebar)Year 1Full Award
 Nursing StudiesAU690General Nursing L8 (Castlebar)Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursing StudiesAU691Psychiatric Nursing L8 (Castlebar)Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursing StudiesAU696Applied Social Care L8 (Castlebar)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Nursing StudiesAU861Health Science & Physiology L7 (Sligo)Year 1Full AwardQQI 5N1833 Maths or Leaving Cert Maths (PASS) (TBC)
 Nursing StudiesAU918Social Care Practice L8 (Sligo)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Nursing StudiesAU991General Nursing L8 (Sligo, St Angelas)Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N0749, 5N4325, 5N1279
 Nursing StudiesAU992Intellectual Disability Nursing L8 (Sligo, St Angelas)Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N0749, 5N4325, 5N1279
 Nursing StudiesCK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursing StudiesCK102Social Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursing StudiesCK104Arts with Music L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass Music Entrance Test & 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursing StudiesCK105Film & Screen Media L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursing StudiesCK108Arts (International) L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Nursing StudiesCK109English L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Nursing StudiesCK110World LanguagesYear 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes, Leaving Cert H3 in a language other than English
 Nursing StudiesCK112Theatre & Performative Practices L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass in the Theatre & Performative Practices Test, 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursing StudiesCK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursing StudiesCK114Social Science (Youth & Comm Work) L8Year 14 D + 4 PApplicants must have one years experience in youth/community or voluntary sector (paid or unpaid). Statement of Interest/Personl Statement required and an interview. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursing StudiesCK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursing StudiesCK122Government & Political Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursing StudiesCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursing StudiesCK302Law & French L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC French or distinction in French 5N1623. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursing StudiesCK304Law & Irish L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC Irish or distinction in Irish 5N1631. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursing StudiesCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursing StudiesCK706Public Health Sciences L8Year 15 D + 3 PMaths LC O6 or 5N1833 Maths Distinction & Distinction 5N0749 or 5N2746. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursing StudiesCK708Paramedicine L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes. Distinction required in Anatomy & Physiology 5N0749 OR QQI Maths 5N1833
 Nursing StudiesCK710General NursingYear 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and either 5N1279 Human Growth or 5N2746 Biology. Award must be granted in a single sitting. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursing StudiesCK712Childrens & General NursingYear 15D + 3PDistinctions in 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and either 5N1279 Human Growth or 5N2746 Biology. Award must be granted in a single sitting. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursing StudiesCK720Mental Health NursingYear 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and either 5N1279 Human Growth or 5N2746 Biology. Award must be granted in a single sitting. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursing StudiesCK730Intellectual Disability NursingYear 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and either 5N1279 Human Growth or 5N2746 Biology. Award must be granted in a single sitting. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursing StudiesCK740MidwiferyYear 15D + 3PDistinctions in 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and either 5N1279 Human Growth or 5N2746 Biology. Award must be granted in a single sitting. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Nursing StudiesDC209Health and Society L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Nursing StudiesDC215General Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursing StudiesDC216Mental Health Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursing StudiesDC217Intellectual Disability Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursing StudiesDC218Children's & General Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursing StudiesDK862Social Care L8Year 13 D + 5 P
 Nursing StudiesDK870General Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursing StudiesDK872Intellectual Disability Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursing StudiesDK874Psychiatric Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursing StudiesDK877Midwifery L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursing StudiesDL825Applied Psychology L8Year 13 D + 5 PMaths Leaving Certificate or Pass in 5N1833 Mathematic or 5N2066 Statistics
 Nursing StudiesDN450General Nursing Year 15 D+3 PDisinctions must be in 5N0749 (Anatomy & Physiology), 5N4325 (Nursing Theory & Practice), 5N1279 (Human Growth & Development)
 Nursing StudiesDN451Children's and General NursingYear 15 D+3 PDisinctions must be in 5N0749 (Anatomy & Physiology), 5N4325 (Nursing Theory & Practice), 5N1279 (Human Growth & Development)
 Nursing StudiesDN452MidwiferyYear 15 D+3 PDisinctions must be in 5N0749 (Anatomy & Physiology), 5N4325 (Nursing Theory & Practice), 5N1279 (Human Growth & Development)
 Nursing StudiesDN453Mental Health NursingYear 15 D+3 PDisinctions must be in 5N0749 (Anatomy & Physiology), 5N4325 (Nursing Theory & Practice), 5N1279 (Human Growth & Development)
 Nursing StudiesGY261Busines Studies in International Hotel Management L8 (Shannon)Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths/Interview required
 Nursing StudiesGY515General Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursing StudiesGY516Mental Health Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursing StudiesGY517Midwifery L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursing StudiesLM103Paramedic Studies L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory & Practice and 5N1279 Human Growth & Development and QQI Maths 5N1833/LC Maths F6/O6/H7. Full B/provisional C1 Drivers licence required
 Nursing StudiesLM150General Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory & Practice and 5N1279 Human Growth & Development
 Nursing StudiesLM152Mental Health Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory & Practice and 5N1279 Human Growth & Development
 Nursing StudiesLM154Intellectual Disability Nursing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory & Practice and 5N1279 Human Growth & Development
 Nursing StudiesLM156Midwifery L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory & Practice and 5N1279 Human Growth & Development
 Nursing StudiesMH107Social Science L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Nursing StudiesMT573Social Care Work L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Nursing StudiesMT575Community Development L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPS
 Nursing StudiesMT784Veterinary Nursing L& (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 Nursing StudiesMT926General Nursing L8 (Kerry)Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursing StudiesMT927Mental Health Nursing L8 (Kerry)Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology, 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice, 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursing StudiesMT970Montessori Education L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Nursing StudiesMT972Early Childhood Education & Care L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPS
 Nursing StudiesSE200Arts L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Nursing StudiesSE901Sports Rehabilitation & Athletic Therapy L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Nursing StudiesSE905Sport & Exercise Science L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Nursing StudiesSE911Early Childhood Care & Education L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Nursing StudiesSE914Psychiatric Nursing L8 (Waterford)Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology or 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice or 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursing StudiesSE915General Nursing L8 (Waterford)Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology or 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice or 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursing StudiesSE916Intellectual Disability Nursing L8 (Waterford)Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions must include 5N0749 Anatomy & Physiology or 5N4325 Nursing Theory and Practice or 5N1279 Human Growth and Development
 Nursing StudiesSE917Applied Social Studies in Professional Social Care L8 (Wexford) Year 13 D + 5 P
 Nursing StudiesSE918Professional Social Care Practice L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Nursing StudiesSE919Social Care Practice L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Nursing StudiesSE920Social Science L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Nursing StudiesSE926Professional Social Care Practice L7 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 Nursing StudiesSE927BA in Applied Social Care L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Nursing StudiesSE928Applied Health Care L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Nursing StudiesSE936Physiology & Health Science L6 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 Nursing StudiesTR091General Nursing (Meath and St. James's) Year 15 D+ 3 PDistinction in 5N0749 (Anatomy & Physiology), 5N4325 (Nursing Theory & Practice), 5N1279 (Human Growth & Development). Minimum of Pass in 5N0690
 Nursing StudiesTR093General Nursing (Adelaide School of Nursing)Year 15 D+ 3 PDistinction in 5N0749 (Anatomy & Physiology), 5N4325 (Nursing Theory & Practice), 5N1279 (Human Growth & Development). Minimum of Pass in 5N0690
 Nursing StudiesTR095Mental Health Nursing L8Year 15 D+ 3 PDistinction in 5N0749 (Anatomy & Physiology), 5N4325 (Nursing Theory & Practice), 5N1279 (Human Growth & Development). Minimum of Pass in 5N0690
 Nursing StudiesTR097Intellectual Disability Nursing Year 15 D+ 3 PDistinction in 5N0749 (Anatomy & Physiology), 5N4325 (Nursing Theory & Practice), 5N1279 (Human Growth & Development). Minimum of Pass in 5N0690
 Nursing StudiesTR913MidwiferyYear 15 D+ 3 PDistinction in 5N0749 (Anatomy & Physiology), 5N4325 (Nursing Theory & Practice), 5N1279 (Human Growth & Development). Minimum of Pass in 5N0690
 Nursing StudiesTU654Pharmacy Technician L6Year 1Full Award
 Nursing StudiesTU996Social Care L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Nursing StudiesUCAS ANNursing - Anglia Ruskin University, CambridgeYear 1For detailed entry requirements please refer to college website Progressions dropdown menu - Nursing UK (UCAS)
 Nursing StudiesUCAS BUNursing - Buckinghamshire New UniversityYear 1For detailed entry requirements please refer to college website Progressions dropdown menu - Nursing UK (UCAS)
 Nursing StudiesUCAS EDINursing - Edinburgh Napier UniversityYear 1For detailed entry requirements please refer to college website Progressions dropdown menu - Nursing UK (UCAS)
 Nursing StudiesUCAS GLANursing - Glasgow Caledonian UniversityYear 1For detailed entry requirements please refer to college website Progressions dropdown menu - Nursing UK (UCAS)
 Nursing StudiesUCAS KINNursing - Kingston University, LondonYear 1For detailed entry requirements please refer to college website Progressions dropdown menu - Nursing UK (UCAS)
 Nursing StudiesUCAS LONNursing - London South Bank UniversityYear 1For detailed entry requirements please refer to college website Progressions dropdown menu - Nursing UK (UCAS)
 Nursing StudiesUCAS QUNursing - Queen Margaret University EdinburghYear 1For detailed entry requirements please refer to college website Progressions dropdown menu - Nursing UK (UCAS)
 Nursing StudiesUCAS SWANursing - Swansea UniversityYear 1For detailed entry requirements please refer to college website Progressions dropdown menu - Nursing UK (UCAS)
 Nursing StudiesUCAS ULSNursing - Ulster UniversityYear 1For detailed entry requirements please refer to college website Progressions dropdown menu - Nursing UK (UCAS)
 Nursing StudiesUCAS BEDNursing - University of Bedfordshire, LutonYear 1For detailed entry requirements please refer to college website Progressions dropdown menu - Nursing UK (UCAS)
 Nursing StudiesUCAS BIRNursing - University of BirminghamYear 1For detailed entry requirements please refer to college website Progressions dropdown menu - Nursing UK (UCAS)
 Nursing StudiesUCAS BRANursing - University of BradfordYear 1For detailed entry requirements please refer to college website Progressions dropdown menu - Nursing UK (UCAS)
 Nursing StudiesUCAS LANNursing - University of Central LancashireYear 1For detailed entry requirements please refer to college website Progressions dropdown menu - Nursing UK (UCAS)
 Nursing StudiesUCAS ESSNursing - University of EssexYear 1For detailed entry requirements please refer to college website Progressions dropdown menu - Nursing UK (UCAS)
 Nursing StudiesUCAS HERTNursing - University of HertfordshireYear 1For detailed entry requirements please refer to college website Progressions dropdown menu - Nursing UK (UCAS)
 Nursing StudiesUCAS SALNursing - University of Salford, ManchesterYear 1For detailed entry requirements please refer to college website Progressions dropdown menu - Nursing UK (UCAS)
 Nursing StudiesUCAS SOUNursing - University of SouthamptonYear 1For detailed entry requirements please refer to college website Progressions dropdown menu - Nursing UK (UCAS)
 Nursing StudiesUCAS STIRLNursing - University of StirlingYear 1For detailed entry requirements please refer to college website Progressions dropdown menu - Nursing UK (UCAS)
 Nursing StudiesUCAS SUN1Nursing - University of SunderlandYear 1For detailed entry requirements please refer to college website Progressions dropdown menu - Nursing UK (UCAS)
 Nursing StudiesUCAS WESTNursing - University of West LondonYear 1For detailed entry requirements please refer to college website Progressions dropdown menu - Nursing UK (UCAS)
 Nursing StudiesUS660Pharmacy Technician L6 (Athlone)Year 1Full AwardQQI Maths 5N1833 or LC Maths AND LC Science subject
 Nursing StudiesUS661Dental Nursing L6 (Athlone)Year 1Full AwardQQI Maths 5N1833 or LC Maths AND LC Science subject
 Nursing StudiesUS877General Nursing L8 (Athlone)Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N0749, 5N4325, 5N1279
 Nursing StudiesUS878Mental Health Nursing L8 (Athlone)Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N0749, 5N4325, 5N1279
 Nursing StudiesUS920Social Care Work L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Occupational Therapy AssistantAU593Applied Social Care L7 (Castlebar)Year 1Full Award
 Occupational Therapy AssistantAU593Applied Social Care L7 (Castlebar)Year 1Full Award
 Occupational Therapy AssistantAU696Applied Social Care L8 (Castlebar)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Occupational Therapy AssistantAU696Applied Social Care L8 (Castlebar)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Occupational Therapy AssistantAU856Occupational Safety and Health L7 (Sligo)Year 1Full AwardPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or Leaving Cert Maths (TBC)
 Occupational Therapy AssistantAU856Occupational Safety and Health L7 (Sligo)Year 1Full AwardPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or Leaving Cert Maths (TBC)
 Occupational Therapy AssistantAU861Health Science & Physiology L7 (Sligo)Year 1Full AwardQQI 5N1833 Maths or Leaving Cert Maths (PASS) (TBC)
 Occupational Therapy AssistantAU861Health Science & Physiology L7 (Sligo)Year 1Full AwardQQI 5N1833 Maths or Leaving Cert Maths (PASS) (TBC)
 Occupational Therapy AssistantAU918Social Care Practice L8 (Sligo)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Occupational Therapy AssistantAU918Social Care Practice L8 (Sligo)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Occupational Therapy AssistantCK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Occupational Therapy AssistantCK102Social Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Occupational Therapy AssistantCK104Arts with Music L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass Music Entrance Test & 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Occupational Therapy AssistantCK105Film & Screen Media L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Occupational Therapy AssistantCK108Arts (International) L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Occupational Therapy AssistantCK109English L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Occupational Therapy AssistantCK110World LanguagesYear 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes, Leaving Cert H3 in a language other than English
 Occupational Therapy AssistantCK112Theatre & Performative Practices L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass in the Theatre & Performative Practices Test, 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Occupational Therapy AssistantCK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Occupational Therapy AssistantCK114Social Science (Youth & Comm Work) L8Year 14 D + 4 PApplicants must have one years experience in youth/community or voluntary sector (paid or unpaid). Statement of Interest/Personl Statement required and an interview. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Occupational Therapy AssistantCK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Occupational Therapy AssistantCK122Government & Political Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Occupational Therapy AssistantCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Occupational Therapy AssistantCK302Law & French L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC French or distinction in French 5N1623. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Occupational Therapy AssistantCK304Law & Irish L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC Irish or distinction in Irish 5N1631. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Occupational Therapy AssistantCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Occupational Therapy AssistantCK708Paramedicine L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes. Distinction required in QQI Maths 5N1833 (extra module by night)
 Occupational Therapy AssistantDC209Health and Society L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Occupational Therapy AssistantDK767Community Youth Work L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 MInterview
 Occupational Therapy AssistantDK862Social Care L8Year 13 D + 5 P
 Occupational Therapy AssistantDK880Health & Physical Activity L8Year 13 D + 5 P
 Occupational Therapy AssistantMT573Social Care Work L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Occupational Therapy AssistantMT574Social Care L7 (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 Occupational Therapy AssistantMT575Community Development L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPS
 Occupational Therapy AssistantMT972Early Childhood Education & Care L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPS
 Occupational Therapy AssistantMT974Social Care L8 (Kerry)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Occupational Therapy AssistantSE200Arts L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Occupational Therapy AssistantSE901Sports Rehabilitation & Athletic Therapy L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Occupational Therapy AssistantSE918Professional Social Care Practice L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Occupational Therapy AssistantSE919Social Care Practice L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Occupational Therapy AssistantSE920Social Science L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Occupational Therapy AssistantSE926Professional Social Care Practice L7 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 Occupational Therapy AssistantSE927BA in Applied Social Care L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Occupational Therapy AssistantSE928Applied Health Care L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Occupational Therapy AssistantSE936Physiology & Health Science L6 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 Occupational Therapy AssistantUS660Pharmacy Technician L6 (Athlone)Year 1Full awardQQI Maths 5N1833 or LC Maths AND LC Science subject
 Occupational Therapy AssistantUS660Pharmacy Technician L6 (Athlone)Year 1Full awardQQI Maths 5N1833 or LC Maths AND LC Science subject
 Occupational Therapy AssistantUS661Dental Nursing L6 (Athlone)Year 1Full awardQQI Maths 5N1833 or LC Maths AND LC Science subject
 Occupational Therapy AssistantUS782Applied Social Studies in Social Care L7 (Athlone)Year 1Full AwardAward needs to include 5N2706 (Care of the Older Person)
 Occupational Therapy AssistantUS920Social Care Work L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Occupational Therapy AssistantUS922Social Care Work L8 (Thurles)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Office & Event Skills (Youghal Campus)CK201Commerce L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office & Event Skills (Youghal Campus)CK203Business Information Systems L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833/5N18396 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office & Event Skills (Youghal Campus)CK212Applied Economics L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office & Event Skills (Youghal Campus)CK213Food Marketing & Entrepreneurship L8Year 15 D + 3 PAt least a Pass in Maths 5N1833 or 5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066 or Business Admin 5N1610. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office & Event Skills (Youghal Campus)CK214International Development L8Year 15 D + 3 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office & Event Skills (Youghal Campus)CK215International Business with Languages L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes. Distinction required in QQI L5 Language subject or a H3 in LC language (other than English). To study Irish a H2 is required. Pass required in QQI Maths (5N1833) or QQI Statistics (5N2066) or QQI Business Administration (5N1610)
 Office & Event Skills (Youghal Campus)MI016Education, Business Studies and AccountingYear 15 D + 3PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths)
 Office & Event Skills (Youghal Campus)MI017Education, Business Studies and Religious StudiesYear 15 D + 3PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths)
 Office & Event Skills (Youghal Campus)MT541Business (Specalism in Accounting/Marketing or MGT) L7 (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 Office & Event Skills (Youghal Campus)MT550Business L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Office & Event Skills (Youghal Campus)MT551Business Technology & Communication L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Office & Event Skills (Youghal Campus)MT705Information Technology L7 (Cork)Year 13 M + 5 PCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Office & Event Skills (Youghal Campus)MT941Business (Common Entry) L8 (Kerry)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Office & Event Skills (Youghal Campus)MT942Accounting L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSDistinction in Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066
 Office & Event Skills (Youghal Campus)MT943Marketing L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Office & Event Skills (Youghal Campus)MT944Business Information Systems L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 1 M + 4 PCCPSAt least a Merit in Maths 5N1833 or 5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066 OR LCE O3/H7
 Office & Event Skills (Youghal Campus)MT945International Business with LanguageYear 13 D + 5 PCCPSDistinction in QQI Spanish 5N1630 or LC French/Spanish/German H4/O1 AND QQI Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066 or LC Maths O3/H7
 Office & Event Skills (Youghal Campus)SE415Business L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full awardSETU linked courseMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Office AdministratorCK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office AdministratorCK104Arts with Music L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass Music Entrance Test & 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office AdministratorCK105Film & Screen Media L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office AdministratorCK108Arts (International) L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office AdministratorCK109English L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Office AdministratorCK110World Languages Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes, Leaving Cert H3 in a language other than English
 Office AdministratorCK112Theatre & Performative Practices L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass in the Theatre & Performative Practices Test, 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office AdministratorCK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office AdministratorCK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office AdministratorCK122Government & Political Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office AdministratorCK201Commerce L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office AdministratorCK203Business Information Systems L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office AdministratorCK212Applied Economics L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office AdministratorCK213Food Marketing & Entrepreneurship L8Year 15 D + 3 PAt least a Pass in Maths 5N1833 or 5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066 or Business Admin 5N1610. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office AdministratorCK214International Development L8Year 15 D + 3 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office AdministratorCK215International Business with Languages L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes. Distinction required in QQI L5 Language subject or a H3 in LC language (other than English). To study Irish a H2 is required. Pass required in QQI Maths (5N1833) or QQI Statistics (5N2066) or QQI Business Administration (5N1610)
 Office AdministratorCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office AdministratorCK302Law & French L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC French or distinction in French 5N1623. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office AdministratorCK304Law & Irish L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC Irish or distinction in Irish 5N1631. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office AdministratorCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office AdministratorDK710Business & Management L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 M
 Office AdministratorDK711Business & Technology L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 M
 Office AdministratorMH403Accounting and FinanceYear 15 D + 3 P O4/H7 in LCE Maths or Distinction in QQI Maths 5N1833 OR 5N2066
 Office AdministratorMH407Businesss and AccountingYear 15 D + 3 PO4/H7 in LCE Maths or Distinction in QQI Maths 5N1833 OR 5N2066
 Office AdministratorMI016Education, Business Studies and AccountingYear 15 D + 3PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths)
 Office AdministratorMI017Education, Business Studies and Religious StudiesYear 15 D + 3PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths)
 Office AdministratorMT541Business (Specalism in Accounting/Marketing or MGT) L7 (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 Office AdministratorMT550Business L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Office AdministratorMT551Business Technology & Communication L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Office AdministratorMT941Business (Common Entry) L8 (Kerry)Year 13 D +5P
 Office AdministratorMT943Marketing L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Office AdministratorMT944Business Information Systems L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 1 M + 4 PCCPSAt least a Merit in Maths 5N1833 or 5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066 OR LCE O3/H7
 Office AdministratorMT945International Business with LanguageYear 13 D + 5 PCCPSDistinction in QQI Spanish 5N1630 or LC French/Spanish/German H4/O1 AND QQI Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066 or LC Maths O3/H7
 Office AdministratorSE200Arts L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Office AdministratorSE404Law L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Office AdministratorSE406Criminal Justice Studies L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Office AdministratorSE408Accounting L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Office AdministratorSE412International Business L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Office AdministratorSE413Business Information Systems L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Office AdministratorSE415Business L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full awardSETU linked course
 Office AdministratorSE420Higher Certificate in Business L6 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Office AdministratorSE422Legal Studies L6 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Office AdministratorSE933Recreation & Sport Management L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Office AdministratorUS840Business L8 (Athlone)Year 1 3 D + 5 P
 Office AdministratorUS846Accounting with Finance L8 (Athlone)Year 1 3 D + 5 P
 Office AdministratorUS848Business and Law L8 (Athlone)Year 1 3 D + 5 P
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)AU427Business in Event Operations with PR L6 (Galway)Year 1Full Award
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)AU502Business Information Systems L7 (Galway)Year 1Full Award
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)AU601Business L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)AU601Business L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)AU604Finance & Economics L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)AU900Business L8 (Sligo)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)CK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)CK104Arts with Music L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass Music Entrance Test & 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)CK105Film & Screen Media L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)CK108Arts (International) L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)CK109English L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)CK110World LanguagesYear 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes, Leaving Cert H3 in a language other than English
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)CK112Theatre & Performative Practices L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass in the Theatre & Performative Practices Test, 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)CK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)CK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)CK122Government & Political Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)CK201Commerce L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)CK203Business Information Systems L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833/5N18396 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)CK212Applied Economics L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)CK213Food Marketing & Entrepreneurship L8Year 15 D + 3 PAt least a Pass in Maths 5N1833 or 5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066 or Business Admin 5N1610. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)CK214International Development L8Year 15 D + 3 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)CK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)CK302Law & French L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC French or distinction in French 5N1623. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)CK304Law & Irish L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC Irish or distinction in Irish 5N1631. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)CK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)DC111Business Studies L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 in LC Maths
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)DC116Global Business (USA) L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)DC117Aviation Management / with Pilot Studies L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or Maths LC O4/H6
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)DC119Global Business (Canada) L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)DC230Economics, Politics and Law L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 LC Maths
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)DC230Economics, Politics and Law L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 LC Maths
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)DC240Marketing, Innovation & Technology L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 LC Maths
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)DC240Marketing, Innovation & Technology L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833 or O4/H6 LC Maths
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)DK710Business & Management L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 M
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)DK711Business & Technology L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 M
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)DK816Business Studies L8Year 13 D + 5 P
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)DL701Business - Applied Entrepreneurship L7Year 1Full Award
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)DN650CommerceYear 1 5 D + 3 PO2/H6 required in LC Maths or Distinction in 5N1833 Maths
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)GY101Arts (Joint Honours) L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)GY201Commerce L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)GY206Business Information Systems L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)GY209Commerce (Global Experience) L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)GY261Busines Studies in International Hotel Management L8 (Shannon)Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths/Interview required
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)LM050Business Studies L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in one of the following: - 5N2066 OR LC Maths 04/H7 OR 5N1833 Maths (Distinction)
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)LM050Business Studies L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in one of the following: - 5N2066 OR LC Maths 04/H7 OR 5N1833 Maths (Distinction)
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)MI016Education, Business Studies and AccountingYear 15 D + 3PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths)
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)MI017Education, Business Studies and Religious StudiesYear 15 D + 3PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths)
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)MI019Education, Gaeilge and Business StudiesYear 1 5 D + 3 PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths) and H5 in LC Irish
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)MI022Education, Home Economics & Business StudiesYear 15 D + 3 PPass in 5N2066 (Statistics) or O6/H7 in Leaving Certificate Maths or Pass in 5N1833 (Maths)
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)MT541Business (Specalism in Accounting/Marketing or MGT) L7 (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)MT550Business L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)MT551Business Technology & Communication L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)MT705Information Technology L7 (Cork)Year 13 M + 5 PCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)MT941Business (Common Entry) L8 (Kerry)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)MT942Accounting L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSDistinction in Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)MT943Marketing L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)MT944Business Information Systems L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 1 M + 4 PCCPSAt least a Merit in Maths 5N1833 or 5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066 OR LCE O3/H7
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)MT945International Business with LanguageYear 13 D + 5 PCCPSDistinction in QQI Spanish 5N1630 or LC French/Spanish/German H4/O1 AND QQI Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066 or LC Maths O3/H7
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)SE200Arts L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)SE400Business L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)SE402Business L8 (Wexford) Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked course240 CAO points
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)SE406Criminal Justice Studies L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)SE407Accounting L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked course240 CAO points
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)SE408Accounting L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)SE410Marketing & Digital Media L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)SE412International Business L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)SE413Business Information Systems L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)SE414Businees L7 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)SE414Businees L7 (Carlow)Year 14 M + 4 PSETU linked course200 CAO points
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)SE414Businees L7 (Carlow)Year 14 M + 4 PSETU linked course200 CAO points
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)SE415Business L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full awardSETU linked course
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)SE419Fashion Buying & Retail Management L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)SE420Higher Certificate in Business L6Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)SE933Recreation & Sport Management L7 (Waterford)Year 1 Full AwardSETU linked course
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)TU654Pharmacy Technician L6Year 1Full Award
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)TU731Auctioneering, Valuation & Estate Agency L7Year 1Full Award
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)TU836Property Economics (Valuation Surveying) L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)TU903Business & Management L8Year 15 D + 3 P Disticntion in 5N1833 or 5N2066 or LCE maths 04/H7
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)TU904Business and Law L8Year 15 D + 3 PDisticntion in 5N1833 or 5N2066 or LCE maths 04/H7
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)TU905Economics & Finance L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N1350 or 5N1348 AND Disticntion in 5N1833 or 5N2066 or LCE maths 04/H7
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)TU906Human Resource Management L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N1350 or 5N1348 AND Disticntion in 5N1833 or 5N2066 or LCE maths 04/H7
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)TU907Logistics & Supply Chain Management Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in QQI Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066 or LC Maths 06/H7
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)TU910Accounting L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N1350 or 5N1348 AND Disticntion in 5N1833 or 5N2066 or LCE maths 04/H7
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)TU918Law (LLB) L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)TU922Marketing L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N1350 or 5N1348 AND LCE Maths O4/H7 or QQI Maths 5N1833 or QQI Statistics 5N2066
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)TU952International Hospitality Management L8Year 14 D + 4 P
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)TU952International Hospitality Management L8Year 14 D + 4 P
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)TU953Tourism & Digital Marketing L8Year 1 4 D + 4 P
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)TU954Event Management L8Year 1 4 D + 4 P
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)US840Business L8 (Athlone)Year 1 3 D + 5 P
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)US845Accounting & Finance L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)US846Accounting with Finance L8 (Athlone)Year 1 3 D + 5 P
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)US848Business and Law L8 (Athlone)Year 1 3 D + 5 P
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)US849Law & Taxation L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)US851Business Studies (Marketing & Management) L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)US852Business Studies (Enterprise & Innovation) L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Office Administrator (Youghal Campus)Windesheim UniversityBBA Global Project & Change Management (Sustainable Business & Innovation) (Holland)Year 1Full awardPass in QQI Maths or LC Maths (within previous 2 years) - otherwise a mandatory refresher Summer course required
 Office Administrator with PR SkillsCK201Commerce L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Business Adminstration 5N1610 or Statistics 5N2066 or Maths 5N1833 (extra subject by night) and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office Administrator with PR SkillsCK213Food Marketing & Entrepreneurship L8Year 15 D + 3 PAt least a Pass in Maths 5N1833 (extra subject by night) or 5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066 or Business Admin 5N1610. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Office Administrator with PR SkillsMT550Business L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPS
 Office Administrator with PR SkillsMT551Business Technology & Communication L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPS
 Office Administrator with PR SkillsMT943Marketing L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Physiotherapy AssistantAU593Applied Social Care L7 (Castlebar)Year 1Full Award
 Physiotherapy AssistantAU593Applied Social Care L7 (Castlebar)Year 1Full Award
 Physiotherapy AssistantAU696Applied Social Care L8 (Castlebar)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Physiotherapy AssistantAU696Applied Social Care L8 (Castlebar)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Physiotherapy AssistantAU856Occupational Safety and Health L7 (Sligo)Year 1Full AwardPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or Leaving Cert Maths (TBC)
 Physiotherapy AssistantAU856Occupational Safety and Health L7 (Sligo)Year 1Full AwardPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or Leaving Cert Maths (TBC)
 Physiotherapy AssistantAU861Health Science & Physiology L7 (Sligo)Year 1Full AwardQQI 5N1833 Maths or Leaving Cert Maths (PASS) (TBC)
 Physiotherapy AssistantAU861Health Science & Physiology L7 (Sligo)Year 1Full AwardQQI 5N1833 Maths or Leaving Cert Maths (PASS) (TBC)
 Physiotherapy AssistantAU918Social Care Practice L8 (Sligo)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Physiotherapy AssistantAU918Social Care Practice L8 (Sligo)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Physiotherapy AssistantCK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Physiotherapy AssistantCK102Social Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Physiotherapy AssistantCK104Arts with Music L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass Music Entrance Test & 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Physiotherapy AssistantCK105Film & Screen Media L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Physiotherapy AssistantCK108Arts (International) L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Physiotherapy AssistantCK109English L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Physiotherapy AssistantCK110World LanguagesYear 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes, Leaving Cert H3 in a language other than English
 Physiotherapy AssistantCK112Theatre & Performative Practices L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass in the Theatre & Performative Practices Test, 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Physiotherapy AssistantCK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Physiotherapy AssistantCK114Social Science (Youth & Comm Work) L8Year 14 D + 4 PApplicants must have one years experience in youth/community or voluntary sector (paid or unpaid). Statement of Interest/Personl Statement required and an interview. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Physiotherapy AssistantCK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Physiotherapy AssistantCK122Government & Political Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Physiotherapy AssistantCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Physiotherapy AssistantCK302Law & French L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC French or distinction in French 5N1623. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Physiotherapy AssistantCK304Law & Irish L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC Irish or distinction in Irish 5N1631. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Physiotherapy AssistantCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Physiotherapy AssistantCK708Paramedicine L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes. Distinction required in QQI Maths 5N1833 (extra module by night)
 Physiotherapy AssistantDC209Health and Society L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Physiotherapy AssistantDK767Community Youth Work L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 MInterview
 Physiotherapy AssistantDK862Social Care L8Year 13 D + 5 P
 Physiotherapy AssistantDK880Health & Physical Activity L8Year 13 D + 5 P
 Physiotherapy AssistantMT573Social Care Work L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Physiotherapy AssistantMT574Social Care L7 (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 Physiotherapy AssistantMT575Community Development L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPS
 Physiotherapy AssistantMT972Early Childhood Education & Care L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPS
 Physiotherapy AssistantMT974Social Care L8 (Kerry)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Physiotherapy AssistantSE200Arts L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Physiotherapy AssistantSE901Sports Rehabilitation & Athletic Therapy L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Physiotherapy AssistantSE918Professional Social Care Practice L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Physiotherapy AssistantSE919Social Care Practice L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Physiotherapy AssistantSE920Social Science L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Physiotherapy AssistantSE926Professional Social Care Practice L7 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 Physiotherapy AssistantSE927BA in Applied Social Care L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Physiotherapy AssistantSE928Applied Health Care L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Physiotherapy AssistantSE936Physiology & Health Science L6 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 Physiotherapy AssistantUS660Pharmacy Technician L6 (Athlone)Year 1Full awardQQI Maths 5N1833 or LC Maths AND LC Science subject
 Physiotherapy AssistantUS660Pharmacy Technician L6 (Athlone)Year 1Full awardQQI Maths 5N1833 or LC Maths AND LC Science subject
 Physiotherapy AssistantUS661Dental Nursing L6 (Athlone)Year 1Full awardQQI Maths 5N1833 or LC Maths AND LC Science subject
 Physiotherapy AssistantUS782Applied Social Studies in Social Care L7 (Athlone)Year 1Full AwardAward needs to include 5N2706 (Care of the Older Person)
 Physiotherapy AssistantUS920Social Care Work L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Physiotherapy AssistantUS922Social Care Work L8 (Thurles)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Pre University PreparationCK102Social Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Pre University PreparationCK120Applied Psychology L8Year 14 D + 4 PDistinctions in 5N0690 Communications (Social Studies option) AND 5N2066 Statistics or 5N1833 Maths. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Pre University PreparationCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Pre University PreparationCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Pre University PreparationMT550Business L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Pre University PreparationMT551Business Technology & Communication L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Pre University PreparationMT552Tourism Management L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Pre University PreparationMT930Home Economics & Business (Cork)Year 15 D + 3 PPass in LC Maths/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833
 Professional CookeryAU428Hotel and Hospitality Operations L6 (Galway)Year 1Full Award
 Professional CookeryAU530International Hotel & Hospitality Management L7 (Galway)Year 1Full Award
 Professional CookeryAU630International Hotel & Hospitality Management L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Professional CookeryDK750Hospitality Management L7Year 1Full Award with 1D or 2 M
 Professional CookeryDK753Culinary Arts L7Year 1Full Award with 1D or 2 M
 Professional CookeryMTNational Chef de Partie Apprenticeship L7 (4 years)Year 1Full awardDay release - Earn & LearnContact MTU (Cork) Admissions for further details
 Professional CookeryMT552Tourism Management L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Professional CookeryMT553Beverage Industry Management L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Professional CookeryMT554Hospitality Management L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Professional CookeryMT555Culinary Arts L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Professional CookeryMT655Culinary Studies L6 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPS
 Professional CookeryMT930Home Economics & Business (Cork)Year 15 D + 3 PCCPSPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or LC Maths
 Professional CookerySE923Culinary Arts L8 (Waterford)Year 1 3 M + 5 PSETU linked courseNo maths requirement
 Professional CookerySE938Culinary Arts L6 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked courseNo maths requirement
 Professional CookeryTU741Baking & Pastry Arts Mgt L7Year 1Full Award
 Professional CookeryTU745Hospitality Management L7Year 1Full Award
 Professional CookeryTU747Tourism Management L7Year 1Full Award
 Professional CookeryTU942Culinary Arts L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Security with CriminologyAU669Forensic Science & Analysis L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Security with CriminologyAU859Forensic Investigation & Analysis L7 (Sligo)Year 1Full AwardMaths LC/5N1833 (Pass) (TBC)
 Security with CriminologyCK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Security with CriminologyCK102Social Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Security with CriminologyCK104Arts with Music L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass Music Entrance Test & 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Security with CriminologyCK105Film & Screen Media L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Security with CriminologyCK108Arts (International) L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Security with CriminologyCK109English L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Security with CriminologyCK110World Languages Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes, Leaving Cert H3 in a language other than English
 Security with CriminologyCK112Theatre & Performative Practices L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass in the Theatre & Performative Practices Test, 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Security with CriminologyCK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Security with CriminologyCK114Social Science (Youth & Comm Work) L8Year 14 D + 4 PApplicants must have one years experience in youth/community or voluntary sector (paid or unpaid). Statement of Interest/Personl Statement required and an interview. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Security with CriminologyCK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Security with CriminologyCK122Government & Political Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Security with CriminologyCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Security with CriminologyCK302Law & French L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC French or distinction in French 5N1623. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Security with CriminologyCK304Law & Irish L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC Irish or distinction in Irish 5N1631. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Security with CriminologyCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Security with CriminologyGY261Busines Studies in International Hotel Management L8 (Shannon)Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths/Interview required
 Security with CriminologyMT541Business (Specalism in Accounting/Marketing or MGT) L7 (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 Security with CriminologyMT550Business L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Security with CriminologyMT551Business Technology & Communication L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Security with CriminologySE200Arts L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Security with CriminologySE404Law L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Security with CriminologySE405Law - LLB L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Security with CriminologySE406Criminal Justice Studies L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Security with CriminologySE422Legal Studies L6 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Security with CriminologySE513Analytical Science L7 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 Security with CriminologySE612Cybercrime & IT Security L7 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 Software DevelopmentAU502Business Information Systems L7 (Galway)Year 1 Full Award
 Software DevelopmentAU542Software and Electronic Engineering L7 (Galway)Year 1Full AwardMaths Leaving Certificate or Pass in 5N1833/5N18396 Mathematic
 Software DevelopmentAU576Computing in Software Development L7 (Galway)Year 1Full Award
 Software DevelopmentAU577Computing and Digital Media L7 (Galway)Year 1Full Award
 Software DevelopmentAU602Business Information Systems L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Software DevelopmentAU676Computing in Software Development L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Software DevelopmentAU677Computing and Digital Media L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Software DevelopmentAU846Computer Networks & Cyber Security (Sligo)Year 1Full AwardPass in QQI Maths 5N18396 or Leaving Cert Maths (TBC)
 Software DevelopmentAU847 Software Development L7 (Sligo)Year 1Full AwardPass in QQI Maths 5N18396 or Leaving Cert Maths (TBC)
 Software DevelopmentAU848Computing - Games Development L7 (Sligo)Year 1Full AwardPass in QQI Maths 5N18396 or Leaving Cert Maths (TBC)
 Software DevelopmentAU955Computing L8 (Sligo)Year 13 D + 5 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or 5N18396 or Leaving Cert Maths (TBC)
 Software DevelopmentCK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Software DevelopmentCK104Arts with Music L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass Music Entrance Test & 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Software DevelopmentCK105Film & Screen Media L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Software DevelopmentCK108Arts (International) L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Software DevelopmentCK109English L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Software DevelopmentCK110World Languages Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes, Leaving Cert H3 in a language other than English
 Software DevelopmentCK112Theatre & Performative Practices L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass in the Theatre & Performative Practices Test, 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Software DevelopmentCK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Software DevelopmentCK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Software DevelopmentCK121Psychology & ComputingYear 14 D + 4 PDistinctions in 5N2927 Programme & Design Principles OR 5N2928 Operating Systems OR 5N0541 AND Maths for IT 5N18396 or Maths 5N1833 or 5N0554. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Software DevelopmentCK122Government & Political Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Software DevelopmentCK203Business Information Systems L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in Fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming 5N0541 or Programming & Design Principles 5N2927 and 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Software DevelopmentCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Software DevelopmentCK302Law & French L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC French or distinction in French 5N1623. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Software DevelopmentCK304Law & Irish L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC Irish or distinction in Irish 5N1631. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Software DevelopmentCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Software DevelopmentCK401Computer Science L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinctions in 5N2927 Programme & Design Principles OR 5N2928 Operating Systems OR 5N0541 Object Oriented Programming AND Maths for IT 5N18396 or Maths 5N1833 or 5N0554. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Software DevelopmentDK721Computing L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 M
 Software DevelopmentDK820Games Development L8Year 13 D + 5 P
 Software DevelopmentDK821Computing in Software Development L8Year 13 D + 5 P
 Software DevelopmentGY206Business Information Systems L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths
 Software DevelopmentGY301Science L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N18396 Maths for IT and 3 distinctions from any of the following:- 5N0541, 5N2772, 5N2929 or 5N0690
 Software DevelopmentInhollandMathematical Engineering (Inholland)Year 2Full AwardBridging modules (Online Maths Course and Summer Programme)
 Software DevelopmentMT700Software Development L7 (Cork)Year 13 M + 3 PCCPSPass in Maths for Computing 5N18396 or QQI Maths 5N1833 or LC Maths
 Software DevelopmentMT703Computing L7 (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 Software DevelopmentMT705Information Technology L7 (Cork)Year 15 M + 3 PCCPSPass in Maths for Computing 5N18396 or QQI Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066 or LC Maths O6/H7
 Software DevelopmentMT800Software Development L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 1M + 4PCCPSMerit in 5N1833 QQI Maths or 5N18396 Maths for Computing or Statistics 5N2066 or LC Maths O3/H7
 Software DevelopmentMT802Computer Systems L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 1M + 4PCCPSMerit in 5N1833 QQI Maths or 5N18396 Maths for Computing or Statistics 5N2066 or LC Maths O3/H7
 Software DevelopmentMT803Computing (Degree Award Options) L8 (Kerry)Year 13 D + 5P
 Software DevelopmentMT805IT Management L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSPass in 5N1833 QQI Maths or 5N18396 Maths for Computing or Statistics 5N2066 or LCE Maths
 Software DevelopmentMT811Animation, Visual Effects & Motion Design L8 (Kerry)Year 13 D + 5 PPortfolio
 Software DevelopmentMT944Business Information Systems L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 1 M + 4 PCCPSAt least a Merit in Maths 5N1833 or 5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066 OR LCE O3/H7
 Software DevelopmentSE413Business Information Systems L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Software DevelopmentSE601InformationTechnology Management L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked course240 CAO points
 Software DevelopmentSE602Computer Forensics & Security L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Software DevelopmentSE603Software Development L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked course240 CAO points
 Software DevelopmentSE606Cybercrime & IT Security L8 (Carlow)Year 14 M + 4 PSETU linked course200 CAO points/Maths required
 Software DevelopmentSE607Computer Games Development L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked coursePass in 5N1833 QQI Maths or 5N18396 Maths for Computing ,O3/H7 or better in Leaving Cert maths may be considered instead of QQI Maths - contact Admissions/240 CAO points
 Software DevelopmentSE609Software Development L7 (Carlow)Year 14 M + 4 PSETU linked course200 CAO points
 Software DevelopmentSE610Software Systems Development L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full awardSETU linked course
 Software DevelopmentSE611Creative Computing L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full awardSETU linked course
 Software DevelopmentSE613Information Technology L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full awardSETU linked course
 Software DevelopmentSE614Information Technology Management L7 (Carlow)Year 1Full Award
 Software DevelopmentTU811Product Design L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Software DevelopmentTU856Computer Science L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction required in 5N18396, 5N0541, 5N0783, 5N0580, 5N2772
 Software DevelopmentTU857Computer Science (Infastructure) L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction required in 5N18396, 5N0541, 5N0783, 5N1910, 5N2772
 Software DevelopmentTU874Mathematical Sciences L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction required in 5N18396 or C20175
 Software DevelopmentUS711Computer Engineering with Network Infrastructure L7 (Athlone)Year 1Full AwardQQI Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Leaving Cert Maths
 Software DevelopmentUS714Computer Engineering L7 (Athlone)Year 1 Full AwardQQI Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Leaving Cert Maths
 Software DevelopmentUS715Software Design with Digitalisation L7 (Athlone)Year 1 Full AwardQQI Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Leaving Cert Maths
 Software DevelopmentUS806Game Art & Design (Clonmel) L8Year 13 D + 5 PPortfolio
 Software DevelopmentUS820Software Development L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Software DevelopmentUS821Software Design with Virtual Reality and Gaming L8 (Athlone)Year 13 D + 5PMust have C20175 or LC Maths or QQI Maths
 Software DevelopmentUS822Software Design with Artificial Intelligence for Cloud Computing L8 (Athlone)Year 13 D + 5PMust have C20175 or LC Maths or QQI Maths
 Software DevelopmentUS823Software Design with Digitalisation L8 (Athlone)Year 13 D + 5PMust have C20175 or LC Maths or QQI Maths
 Software DevelopmentUS824Computer Engineering for Network Infrastructure L8 (Athlone)Year 13 D + 5PMust have C20175 or LC Maths or QQI Maths
 Software DevelopmentUS825Immersive Digital Media L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Software DevelopmentUS827Computer Networks & Systems Management L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Software DevelopmentUS828Computing - Games Design & Development (Thurles) L8Year 13 D + 5 P
 Special Needs Assistant (West Cork Campus)CK102Social Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Special Needs Assistant (West Cork Campus)CK114Social Science (Youth & Comm Work) L8Year 14 D + 4 PApplicants must have one years experience in youth/community or voluntary sector (paid or unpaid). Statement of Interest/Personl Statement required and an interview. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Special Needs Assistant (West Cork Campus)MT573Social Care Work L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Special Needs Assistant (West Cork Campus)MT970Montessori Education L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSPass in 5N1833 Maths OR 5N2066 Statistcs OR LC Maths
 Special Needs Assistant (West Cork Campus)MT972Early Childhood Education & Care L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPS
 Special Needs SupportCK102Social Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Special Needs SupportCK114Social Science (Youth & Comm Work) L8Year 14 D + 4 PApplicants must have one years experience in youth/community or voluntary sector (paid or unpaid). Statement of Interest/Personl Statement required and an interview. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Special Needs SupportMT573Social Care Work L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Special Needs SupportMT575Community Development L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPS
 Special Needs SupportMT972Early Childhood Education & Care L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPS
 Special Needs SupportSE900Health Sciences (Waterford)Year 1 3 M + 5 PSETU Linked Course
 Special Needs SupportSE927BA in Applied Social Care L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Special Needs SupportUS920Social Care Work L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Travel & TourismAU528International Tourism Management L7 (Galway)Year 1Full Award
 Travel & TourismAU591History & Geography L7 (Castlebar)Year 1Full Award
 Travel & TourismAU625Heritage L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Travel & TourismAU628International Tourism Management L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Travel & TourismAU630International Hotel & Hospitality Management L8 (Galway)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Travel & TourismCK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Travel & TourismCK104Arts with Music L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass Music Entrance Test & 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Travel & TourismCK105Film & Screen Media L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Travel & TourismCK108Arts (International) L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Travel & TourismCK109English L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Travel & TourismCK110World LanguagesYear 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes, Leaving Cert H3 in a language other than English OR Distinction in Spanish 5N1630
 Travel & TourismCK112Theatre & Performative Practices L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass in the Theatre & Performative Practices Test, 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Travel & TourismCK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Travel & TourismCK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Travel & TourismCK122Government & Political Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Travel & TourismCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Travel & TourismCK302Law & French L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC French or distinction in French 5N1623. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Travel & TourismCK304Law & Irish L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC Irish or distinction in Irish 5N1631. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Travel & TourismCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Travel & TourismDC116Global Business (USA) L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833
 Travel & TourismDC119Global Business (Canada) L8Year 15 D + 3 PDistinction in 5N2066 or 5N1833
 Travel & TourismGY261Busines Studies in International Hotel Management L8 (Shannon)Year 15 D + 3 PPass in QQI Maths 5N1833 or O6 in LC Maths/Interview required
 Travel & TourismMT550Business L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Travel & TourismMT551Business Technology & Communication L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSLC Maths or QQI Level 5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or Statistics 5N2066
 Travel & TourismMT552Tourism Management L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Travel & TourismMT554Hospitality Management L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Travel & TourismMT945International Business with LanguageYear 13 D + 5 PCCPSDistinction in QQI Spanish 5N1630 or LC French/Spanish/German H4/O1 AND QQI Maths 5N1833 or Statistics 5N2066 or LC Maths O3/H7
 Travel & TourismMT947Tourism Management L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Travel & TourismSE200Arts L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Travel & TourismSE921Hospitality Management L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Travel & TourismSE938Culinary Arts L6 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Travel & TourismTU745Hospitality Management L7Year 1Full Award
 Travel & TourismTU747Tourism Management L7Year 1Full Award
 Travel & TourismTU952International Hospitality Management L8Year 14 D + 4 P
 Travel & TourismTU953Tourism & Digital Marketing L8Year 1 4 D + 4 P
 Travel & TourismTU954Event Management L8Year 1 4 D + 4 P
 Travel & TourismUS940Business Studies with Travel & Tourism Management L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Youth Work with CriminologyAU590Outdoor Education and Leisure L7 (Castlebar)Year 1Full Award
 Youth Work with CriminologyAU593Applied Social Care L7 (Castlebar)Year 1Full Award
 Youth Work with CriminologyAU696Applied Social Care L8 (Castlebar)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Youth Work with CriminologyAU918Social Care Practice L8 (Sligo)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Youth Work with CriminologyCK101Arts L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Youth Work with CriminologyCK102Social Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Youth Work with CriminologyCK104Arts with Music L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass Music Entrance Test & 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Youth Work with CriminologyCK105Film & Screen Media L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Youth Work with CriminologyCK108Arts (International) L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Youth Work with CriminologyCK109English L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes.
 Youth Work with CriminologyCK110World LanguagesYear 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes, Leaving Cert H3 in a language other than English
 Youth Work with CriminologyCK112Theatre & Performative Practices L8Year 14 D + 4 PPass in the Theatre & Performative Practices Test, 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Youth Work with CriminologyCK113Criminology L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Youth Work with CriminologyCK114Social Science (Youth & Comm Work) L8Year 14 D + 4 PApplicants must have one years experience in youth/community or voluntary sector (paid or unpaid). Statement of Interest/Personl Statement required and an interview. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Youth Work with CriminologyCK118Digital Humanities & IT L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Youth Work with CriminologyCK122Government & Political Science L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Youth Work with CriminologyCK301Law L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Youth Work with CriminologyCK302Law & French L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC French or distinction in French 5N1623. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Youth Work with CriminologyCK304Law & Irish L8Year 14 D + 4 PH3 in LC Irish or distinction in Irish 5N1631. 5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Youth Work with CriminologyCK307Law & Business L8Year 14 D + 4 P5N1356 Work Experience cannot be used as one of the required distinctions but will be allowed for scoring purposes
 Youth Work with CriminologyDC209Health and Society L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Youth Work with CriminologyDK767Community Youth Work L7Year 1Full award with 1D or 2 MInterview
 Youth Work with CriminologyDK862Social Care L8Year 13 D + 5 P
 Youth Work with CriminologyDL825Applied Psychology L8Year 13 D + 5 PMaths Leaving Certificate or Pass in 5N1833 Mathematic or 5N2066 Statistics
 Youth Work with CriminologyLM002Bachelor of Arts L8Year 15 D + 3 PLanguage subjects require a Distinction in L5 language or LC H4
 Youth Work with CriminologyMH107Social Science L8Year 15 D + 3 P
 Youth Work with CriminologyMH116Community and Youth Work (Full-Time) L8Year 15 D + 3 PPass test and interview
 Youth Work with CriminologyMT573Social Care Work L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPSMaths LC/QQI L5 Maths 5N1833/5N18396 or L5 Statistics 5N2066
 Youth Work with CriminologyMT574Social Care L7 (Kerry)Year 1Full Award
 Youth Work with CriminologyMT575Community Development L7 (Cork)Year 1Full AwardCCPS
 Youth Work with CriminologyMT925Counselling with Addiction MATURE APPLICANTS ONLY (Kerry)Year 13 D + 5PMature applicants only
 Youth Work with CriminologyMT972Early Childhood Education & Care L8 (Cork)Year 13 D + 5 PCCPS
 Youth Work with CriminologyMT974Social Care L8 (Kerry)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Youth Work with CriminologySE917Applied Social Studies in Professional Social Care L8 (Wexford) Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked course240 CAO points
 Youth Work with CriminologySE918Professional Social Care Practice L8 (Carlow)Year 13 D + 5 PSETU linked course240 CAO points
 Youth Work with CriminologySE919Social Care Practice L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Youth Work with CriminologySE920Social Science L8 (Waterford)Year 13 M + 5 PSETU linked course
 Youth Work with CriminologySE927BA in Applied Social Care L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Youth Work with CriminologySE928Applied Health Care L7 (Waterford)Year 1Full AwardSETU linked course
 Youth Work with CriminologyUS920Social Care Work L8 (Limerick)Year 13 D + 5 P
 Youth Work with CriminologyUS922Social Care Work L8 (Thurles)Year 13 D + 5 P
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