Cork College of FET Morrison's Island Campus


Cork College of FET Morrison's Island Campus


Cork College of FET Morrison's Island Campus



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Progressions Overview:

The National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) is the ten level system (1-10) giving an academic or vocational value to the qualifications obtained in Ireland. The NFQ levels help to indicate how an award can be used for training, education and employment opportunities, and allows for a comparisons and equivalencies to be drawn between different awards, courses and programmes.

The diagram below shows a “fan” representation of the National Framework of Qualifications.

Quality and Qualification Ireland (QQI) is responsible for maintaining the NFQ and is the regulatory body for external quality assurance in further and higher education.

The majority of courses offered in the college are accredited at QQI Level 5 and Level 6. Some courses have accreditation from other awarding bodies. The NFQ allows for this accreditation to be given an equivalency within the framework that is clearly understood by students and employers.

Cork College of FET – Morrison’s Island Campus is justifiably proud of the progression options that it has established for its students. On average 400 students each year use our progressions links to continue on to University. Learning does not end when the student leaves our college. An additional benefit of attaining a qualification from the college is that it provides an alternative route to Higher Education. From generating up to a maximum of 390 points for the CAO application system via a QQI award, to local agreements with Higher Education Institutes, students can progress to specified courses in a range of areas.

The Progressions Officers in the College are constantly reviewing and sourcing new links to Higher Education and continually updating the progressions database with information on available routes for students to higher education. New opportunities have been identified in Scotland and in the Netherlands recently which will be reflected on our links database. Check out the progressions database or contact our progressions officers Sandra or Roisin at with your queries.

To give a flavour of some of the opportunities we provide we have:

  • MTU Cork CCPS (Cork Colleges Progression Scheme) – which is a special scheme for our graduates on selected courses. Entry is dependent on their QQI qualification received from us rather than the points issued by CAO. Link courses include Business, Computing, Hospitality, Professional Cookery, Art, Health and Humanities.
  • UCC – there are specific places set aside for QQI students on most UCC courses subject to achieving minimum QQI entry requirements 
  • SETU Progressions Agreement – This facilitates our graduates on selected courses which are dependent on their QQI qualification received from us rather than the points issued by CAO. Link courses include Business, Science, Computing, Health and Humanities.
  • MTU Kerry Advanced Entry Agreement – Advanced entry arrangements are in place between MTU Kerry and Morrison’s Island Campus for selected courses in areas such as Tourism, Business and Early Childhood.
  • Nursing CAO and UCAS – On average almost 50% of our nursing graduates progress to Nursing degrees in Ireland or the UK. See the website for current progression opportunities.
  • Psychology in Scottish Universities – The Level 5 in Psychology and Social Studies is linked to Psychology degree programmes in some Scottish Universities. For further links see our progressions database.
  • Dutch Universities – We have secured links in two universities of applied sciences in Holland, Windesheim and Inholland for our business and computing students.
  • Griffith College Advanced Entry Agreement – An advanced entry arrangement is in place between Griffith College and Morrison’s Island Campus for their Business studies degree.
  • Newman University – The college has a number of links to various Psychology degrees for our Psychology students to progress to at Newman University based in Birmingham.
NFQ fan
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