Cork College of FET Morrison's Island Campus


Cork College of FET Morrison's Island Campus


Cork College of FET Morrison's Island Campus


Do you need Maths?

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Will you need Maths for QQI Progression to 3rd Level?



Students (under 23 years old) intending to apply to MTU using QQI qualifications should be aware that most courses require evidence of ability in Maths. The minimum requirement is usually Leaving Certificate Maths at O6 or H7, or a QQI Level 5 module in Maths or Statistics.

Other institutions may also have Maths requirements for various courses. Check the Morrisons Island Campus Progressions database here for specific maths requirements.

Students who have:

  • LCA
  • Foundation Maths
  • Failed Maths
  • No documentary evidence of Maths ability

Should ask about the extra QQI Maths class which starts in September and continues to April. There will be a fee for this night class (usually around €100).

Students with a school leaving exam from another country which includes Maths may wish to check with University Admissions Departments if their qualifications are acceptable. If not, they may also need to do Maths as an extra module in order to progress to a degree course.

Mature Students (over-23 on 1st Jan of year of CAO application): should check with your Guidance Counsellor for advice on whether it would be a good idea to take the QQI Maths module.

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