Guest Speakers
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Guest Speakers
During the academic year, a number of invited guest speakers give presentations on their area of expertise in industry. Some, like you, kick-started their career here in the college! We will keep you up-to-date here on invited guest speakers, but do also keep an eye on our Events Calendar for upcoming industry visits.
Remember too that many of our work placement companies provide the college with up to date information on the skills and knowledge required for our courses to be aligned to workplaces needs. The college of very proud of its level of involvement in industry.
Industry professionals visit the college on a weekly basis, providing insights, wisdom and advice as well as the motivation and energy that leads to success. This allows staff and students to network, engage with industry professionals and open doors to careers.
Coming Soon…
10th October: Rachel Mulcahy, CV Clinic
17th October: Stephen Ryan, Managing Director, Narration and 24 Stories
22nd October: Gemma McMahon, Dermalogica
4th November: Alison Lane, Asst. Director of Nursing, Mercy University Hospital