Cork College of FET Morrison's Island Campus


Cork College of FET Morrison's Island Campus


Cork College of FET Morrison's Island Campus


Emergency Services (Nursing Studies)

Take the first step!


If you want a career that guarantees challenges and variety every day, if you think saving lives and caring for people is your calling, if you are the one who wants to run into the burning building when everyone else is running out, then this is the course for you.

Working closely with industry means that we have put together a course that provides students with more of the skills and qualifications required in the area. Many of our students began their career in voluntary services before going on to complete Emergency Medical Technician training.

The subjects covered include Safety and Health, a general introduction to the area, and Psychology to assist in patient care: Anatomy and Physiology, Infection control and Emergency Care skills are subjects that give very specific training in the area. Communications, Work experience and Word Processing add to students’ general knowledge base and help to equip them for the workplace.


  • Practical experience with a voluntary group is desirable but not essential, Leaving Certificate or equivalent.
  • All applicants are interviewed, and places are awarded on suitability.
  • Mature students without formal qualifications are also welcome to apply.


This is a one-year course.


See Fees & Payment for details.


  • QQI Level 5 in Nursing Studies (5M4349).
  • Optional Certification on completion of course: Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) 


Care Skills - 5M2770

Emergency Department Care Skills - 5N4890

The purpose of this award is to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to provide care and support within and emergency department under the supervision of a registered nurse.

Anatomy & Physiology - 5N0749


This component examines the structure and function of the human body and the interrelationship between its systems.

Infection Prevention and Control - 5N3734

This programme module aims to equip the learner with the knowledge, skills and competence to prevent and/or manage outbreaks of infection and to recognize their role in the prevention of infection in a health care setting.

Nursing Theory and Practice - 5N4325

Human Growth and Development - 5N1279

Work Experience - 5N1356

Students will examine work organisations and personal career opportunities in a particular vocational area, to include consideration of work-related issues and needs.

Intellectual Disability Studies - 5N1652

Students will examine work organisations and personal career opportunities in a particular vocational area, to include consideration of work-related issues and needs.

Communications - 5N0690

This subject aims to strengthen the oral and written communication skills needed in the workplace.


  • People Moving and Handling Certification (requirement for work experience) – This workshop teaches safe and effective techniques used in the safe moving and handling of people in a variety of settings. This training is mandatory for person’s involved in manual handling and people moving and handling tasks. It is required by legislation under The Safety Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulation 2007 Part two chapter four. The training involves the theory module which is completed online ( and the practical module which is classroom based. The certificate obtained is valid for three years. 
  • HSE Safeguarding Vulnerable Persons at Risk Certificate (requirement for work experience) – Its primary focus is to inform learners on the guiding practice and procedures to keep vulnerable adults safe in the community and residential settings. The content includes learners being informed of their safeguarding responsibilities, the different types of abuse and neglect and how to recognise them and how to report concerns in line with HSE guidelines. All students receive a certificate on completion at the end of the course.
  • First Aid Workshop (online) – This First Aid workshop will introduce the learner to the principles of First Aid. The workshop includes identifying the role and responsibilities of the first Aider, understanding the principles of infection control. In addition, learners will describe and demonstrate how to assess a casualty- by conducting an initial check, physical examination, by obtaining a SAMPLE history, assessing levels of Response (AVPU) and identifying problems that are an immediate threat to life. Finally, learners will describe the requirements for a handover to other health care practitioners. A record of achievement from Morrison’s Island Campus is issued on successful completion.
  • AMRIC Hand Hygiene (HSELand) – Effective hand Hygiene is the single most effective thing that you can do to protect the people you care for and yourself from healthcare acquired infections. HCAI’s. But knowing is not enough – it’s important to apply what you have learnt and believe that it can be done. By the end of this course, you should know: Why hand hygiene is important:
    – When to practice hand hygiene.
    – How to perform hand hygiene in line with the WHO 5 Moments.
    – How to take care of your hands.
  • AMRIC Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (HSELand) – This course on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) will enable and empower you to make an assessment on the selection of PPE for a task and to put on and remove PPE correctly. By the end of the course, you will be able to: Identify why you need to wear PPE and where you need to wear it.
    – Recognise the appropriate PPE to wear to protect the body, face and eyes, and hands in different situations.
    – Put on and remove all PPE in acute and non-acute setting.
    – Dispose of used PPE safely.
    – Reflect on your own actions and behaviours in relation to PPE and infection prevention and control.
  • AMRIC Infection Prevention and Control (HSELand) – Practical programme which includes specific measures for prevention of infection in all healthcare facilities, how to identify hazards and carry out a well-informed risk assessment. How to control the sources and prevent onward transmission of infection.


The State ambulance and fire services and private ambulance companies look for qualified staff to recruit. Opportunities also exist in intermediate care ambulances, and other industries, e.g. Cork Airport and Port of Cork response teams, pharmaceutical and chemical companies in the Cork region, the oil refinery, Whitegate, local on-call services and direct employment as Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs).

Fire safety and emergency response training will enhance employment opportunities in the broader labour market where such skills would be an invaluable asset, e.g., caretakers, safety officers, duty managers etc.


Some of our popular progression opportunities include:
  • UCC Paramedicine (CK708)
  • BSc. Paramedic Studies, UL (LM103)
  • Paramedic Science in many UK Universities.
  • Fire Safety & Risk Management B.Sc. Hons. University of Central Lancashire.
  • All Nursing and Midwifery degree programmes in Ireland.
  • Nursing degrees in England (including Kingston University, Southampton University).
  • Nursing degrees in Wales (including Swansea University, University of South Wales).
  • Nursing degrees in Scotland (including University of Stirling, Queen Margaret University Edinburgh).
  • MTU Cork: Social Care Work (MT573).
Excellent progression opportunities to UCC and other Higher Education colleges. Special arrangements in place with MTU Cork, MTU Kerry and SETU (Waterford & Carlow) for preferential entry for students of Morrisons Island locations for some courses.
Excellent progression opportunities in Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales.
Go to our progressions database for exact requirements on progressions for this course


Each student will gain practical experience while working in areas such as voluntary ambulance and private ambulance services, industrial fire services and related industries. Relationships can be built up between employers and students, which can lead to full-time employment on completion of the course.

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