Cork College of FET Morrison's Island Campus


Cork College of FET Morrison's Island Campus


Cork College of FET Morrison's Island Campus


Special Needs Assistant
(Community Health Services)

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If you have an aptitude for and an interest in working with children that have specific needs, then it is worth considering this course. Learn all of the knowledge and skills required to function as an SNA in a school or other setting. If you want to make a difference in the lives of others this is definitely a course that will impact positively on children, families and society.


September to May.


See fees & payment for details.


  • Leaving Certificate, LCA or QQI Level 4.
  • Mature students are exempt from Leaving Certificate requirement.
  • CERFL proficiency at B2 for access to Level 5 courses for those whose first language is not English.
  • All applicants are interviewed.
  • An offer of a place on this course is contingent on the applicant meeting the requirements set out here and satisfactory presentation at interview.

Note: This course requires students to be Garda vetted through the college. Prospective students should also be aware that some aspects of this course are physically demanding and should satisfy themselves that they are physically fit enough to undertake it.


  • QQI Level 5 Certificate in Community Health Services (5M4468).
  • QQI Maths (5N1833) is available as an option in the evening, in Morrison’s Island Campus, for learners requiring Maths for progression.


Human Growth and Development - 5N1279

Learn psychology throughout the lifespan, how we grow, learn develop and change throughout our lives. Understand factors that affect development throughout the lifespan. Develop interpersonal/interactive skills appropriate to responding to the needs of others.

Early Childhood Education and Play - 5N1773

The purpose of this module is to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to ensure that each child’s learning, development and well-being is facilitated through the provision of opportunities, experiences, activities, interaction, materials and equipment, having regard to the age and stage of
development of the child and the child’s cultural context.

Understanding Special Needs - 5N1709

Develop an ideal of good practice when relating to individuals with special needs. Outline the range of special needs, conditions and impairments, cause, diagnosis, prognosis and epistemology. Describe the different learning and therapy programmes provided by professionals in the area of special needs. Discuss current policy in relation to special needs.

Special Needs Assisting - 5N1786

This module explores the role and responsibilities, qualities and skills of the Special Needs Assistant (SNA) and examines the relevant legislation in relation to disability. It explores the rights of children in relation to personal autonomy, participation and decision making and enables the learner to maintain appropriate relationships with children, parents, primary carers, teachers and other members of the multi-disciplinary team, whilst working effectively with children who present with disabilities under the direction of the classroom teacher. Learners will learn how to outline the role and responsibilities of the Special Needs Assistant, relate effectively and appropriately to children who present with additional need, as well as assist these children in a range of activities, ensuring equality of opportunity through working in a safe and professional manner.

Equality and Disability - 5N1273

The purpose of this module is to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to challenge personal and/or
organisational behaviour that discriminates against people with disabilities. It aims to provide learners with an awareness of the
importance of equality for people with disabilities in all areas of society.

Medical Terminology - 5N2428

Define medical terminology and abbreviations. Use correct medical terminology in a wide range of specialities. Assemble and prepare x-ray reports. Prepare final medical reports ensuring the use of appropriate terminology, language and format.

Assistive Technology - 6N2211

The learner will be equipped with the knowledge, skill and competence to conduct an Assistive Technology Assessment.

Work Experience - 5N1356

Planning, preparation and reflection on work placement. Job finding strategies, CV and personal statement preparation, interview skills. Practise employability skills with a view to future planning.

Communications - 5N0690

Acquire the writing skills needed for the workplace, learn to speak fluently and coherently in a professional setting, develop interpersonal skills and have an understanding of the impact of ICT on society.


  • Introduction to GDPR (online): This workshop gives learners an overview of GDPR. The workshop examines what GDPR stands for and gives an understanding of the current data protection rules and obligations. The learners also receive information on the types of data, the terminology associated with GDPR, the penalties with breaches, storage of data and general do’s and don’ts regarding data. A Certificate of Completion is issued on completion.
  • Microsoft Outlook (online): This Microsoft Outlook workshop will give information on accessing your college email, Outlook layout, how to send and receive emails, attaching/downloading a file and reply options. It also covers organising your emails – folders etc., Outlook settings, signature, out-of-office reply, using the calendar, setting up meetings, setting up reminders and to do lists. A Certificate of Completion from Morrison’s Island Campus is issued on successful completion.
  • HSE Safeguarding Adults at risk of abuse Certificate: Its primary focus is to inform learners on the guiding practice and procedures to keep vulnerable adults safe in the community and residential settings. The content includes leaners being informed of their safeguarding responsibilities, the different types of abuse and neglect and how to recognise them and how to report concerns in line with HSE guidelines. All learners receive a certificate on completion at the end of the course.


Must I be Garda vetted for this course?

Yes. Garda vetting is an integral part of the application procedure for this course. It is a requirement for Work Placement and Garda Vetting from Cork ETB is required. The College Garda Vetting Office will assist you with your application.

Is work experience/placement organised by the college or do I have to find my own?

Work Experience/Placement is mandatory for this course. Students are generally required to source their own work placement. The work placement for this course is a minimum of 150 hours. Students may work in healthcare settings such as: nursing homes, hospitals, health centres, day care or special needs centres.

When do exams take place?

Exams occur in late April/ May each year. Exam timetables are published by the Examinations & Assessment Committee through the Student Intranet and the Exam Scheduler App.

Where can employment be secured?

Successful graduates from this course may secure employment in hospitals, nursing homes, (public and private), agency work, day care facilities, private homecare sector as a healthcare support assistant, community care and intellectual disability environments.


Students undertake work experience one day a week in an care environment.

Work placement is a highly valued component of the student experience here at the college. An excellent opportunity for you to gain insight into the world of work. Students are encouraged to source their own Work Placement.


Some of our popular progression opportunities include: 

MTU Cork: Early Childhood Education & Care (MT972).
MTU Cork: Montessori Education (MT970).
UCC: Social Science (CK102).
SETU (Waterford): Early Childhood Care & Education (SE911).

Other excellent progression opportunities to UCC and other Higher Education colleges. Special arrangements in place with MTU Cork (CCPS), MTU Kerry and SETU (Waterford & Carlow) for preferential entry for students of Morrison’s Island locations.

Go to our progressions database for exact requirements on progressions for this course. 


Nursing homes, hospitals, agency work, day care facilities, private homecare sector, intellectual disability environments.

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